jojo Translations

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About 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

アマゾンで"Shiseido Pure White W For Shiny Skin 270 Tablets 3 Set"を検索してみてください。







We are sorry for confusion.
What we sell is only one bottle .
Please search for "Shiseido Pure White W For Shiny Skin 270 Tablets 3 Set" on Amazon.
This is the page where a set of three bottles are sold. The lowest price there is $134.

Although you wrote in your email that we replied "YES" to your question if we sell a set of three bottles, this is the first email we received from you, so we did not send such a reply.
Don't you think of us as another party?

If you are not satisfied, please choose one of the following two options:

1. If you keep it, then we will refund $15.

2. If not, return it within 7 days to us in Japan with a tracking number.
we will refund $62.1 for the product price after we receive it.

Please choose either one.

jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks let me know, I received the ○○ today , thank you.
I wonder if the hold items could be shipped to me asap and the insured value could be under 90usd as a gifts,
because I have bought the 6 items already and I may select next two once I have a spare of money keep to buy it on and on, I don't sure I will buy the ○○ depends on the biding price, if I got this at final I properly will choose to buy more together for save money.
I just afraid if there has too much items in a package at once people will think I am doing business, actually I am just crazy about it for my collection.
I think max. 2 items in a package would be reasonable because of the value issue.


ご連絡いただき、ありがとうございます。 今日○○が届きました。保留中の商品も早急に発送していただけますか。また、保険料はギフト扱いなら90米ドル以下になるでしょうか。すでに6個購入しましたし、ある程度お金がたまったら次の2個を選び、その先も買い続けます。○○については、購入するかどうかは入札価格次第ですが、最終的に私が落札したら、お金をためてもっと購入します。
私が一度に1パッケージで大量の品物を購入したら、皆さんから商売をしていると疑われるかもしれませんが、実際にはコレクションのために夢中なだけなのです。 価格の関係上、1パッケージ最大2品が妥当だと思います。

jojo Japanese → English
Original Text






We are sorry for your inconvenience.

We accept the return of the base because you said it still generated terrible sound.
We will also pay for its return from the United States to Japan.
We will send money to your Paypal account if you let us know how much it will cost.
Then we will refund fully once the base arrives at our office.

In addition, if you want us to pay only for the repair, please send a photo of the receipt with which we can confirm the date and the price for the neck repair.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

I have now paid for a professional set up and it still sound's terrible! They said that is the best they could get it because of the hump in the neck. This is clearly unacceptable and something is going to have to be done about this. I paid entirely too much money for this guitar to have it buzzing like this! Please contact me as soon as possible in regards to resolving this issue.

May I humbly suggest your beautiful guitar is a 1990 version. If it were a 1980 it would be an Artist not Artstar, if memory serves the 200 series didn't start till 1982. Also the way Ibanez serial number patterns are different in the 80's. It;s still a very pretty guitar.




jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

The neck on this bass has some SEIOUS issues. ,When I received it the action was incredibly high. So high it was unplayable! So I thought it just might need adjusting. That happens from time to time with new guitars, so I thought it was no big deal and took it to our local Fender dealer to get it set up. I just got a call from them to come down to the shop, that's when I realize WHY the action was set so high coming out of the factory. The local dealer showed me where the neck has a hump in it. If you lower the action to make it playable, the frets buzz like crazy!



jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for the quick response and answering my concerns. If I were to select the option of having a replacement sent how long would the estimated shiping time be? The shipping information would be to the same address as the original purchase. Thank you and hope your week has started of well.

We have an exclusive agreement to sell Miracle Blanket with Hippo Tails on We are not currently adding any additional Amazon or Ebay resellers, as stated in the resale agreement signed upon the first order for all wholesale customers. Please kindly remove all of your Miracle Blanket listings immediately, and we will be glad to buy back any unsold inventory, if that is why you purchased them.



弊社は、Amazon.comでMiracle Blanket with Hippo Tails(カバの尻尾の付いた魔法の毛布)の独占販売契約を結んでいます。現在は,すべての卸売りのお客様について最初の注文の際に署名した再販契約書に記載されているように、アマゾンやeBayの再販業者を追加してません。なにとぞ今すぐに魔法の毛布の出品をすべて削除し、在庫の引取りが魔法の毛布の購入理由であるのでしたら、売れ残りの在庫を喜んで引き取ります。