ce70wn Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ce70wn Japanese → English
Original Text



Here in Japan, the weather will become colder from now. Warm countries are nice. Thank you for your e-mail. I was very happy. I was thinking I shouldn't send you too many e-mails because your PC had been in a bad condition, so I'm glad to know I'll be able to send you e-mails again. I think your job is really tough. I am so worried that you may not be getting enough sleep because your work hours are irregular. However, I feel the way you work is wonderful. The smile you gave me then is unforgettable. I hope to be able to see it again. I hope to be able to send you my graphic works again. I will send you a piece of graphic work that I recently created. Your comments are the most encouraging and helps keep my motivation. I have only been working these days and because I haven't gone out anywhere, I don't have a recent photograph of myself. May I send you my photograph when I take it in the near future? I also want to see your photographs. Is your family and Kuroe-chan fine too? Lilo is naughty as ever. I will send you e-mails of my latest news, so please read them. Thank you. Thank you so much. I will send you an e-mail again.

ce70wn Japanese → English
Original Text

 コニャックの [Good] のカウント機能は、翻訳者を励まし、育て、さらにランク付けに役立てるものと思います。
 このような苦労の末完成する優れた翻訳には、ぜひ [Good] で拍手してあげようではありませんか。


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