London Gardens (ayaka_maruyama) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago Female
United Kingdom
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayaka_maruyama English → Japanese
Original Text


I apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you.

I understand that you are requesting to remove the feedback because you consider it product review. We have reviewed your request for feedback removal and we commend your efforts in maintaining your high ratings. However, the feedback for order ID: ●● you received does not meet the criteria for removal because it is unspecific, therefore we consider it neutral. We do not know if the buyer pertains to the product or the customer service, so we are unable to remove it.

The guidelines indicates that if the feedback is related to how well a seller performed when listing items, fulfilling orders and providing customer service, it's not removable.






ayaka_maruyama English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.7
Original Text

I regret to inform you that while preparing your shipment, the shipping department was unable to locate the package from Richards containing tools in our warehouse. Rather than delay your entire shipment, they notified me and shipped the rest of your packages.

Although it is highly unusual, we do sometimes have an item go missing. Typically a smaller, lighter item such as this item may have fallen accidently into a large group of packages or have been put away into the wrong area by accident. I have already sent out a request to have the warehouse thoroughly searched.

To aid us in this, would you be so kind and forward me the merchant invoice listing the item description and value?



