Yumie (3_yumie7) Written Reviews

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
Contact Freelancer
The review activity that this user made to other translators' works. This activity includes writing corrections and comments to those translations.
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
29 Aug 2014 at 14:27
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
29 Aug 2014 at 14:25
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
29 Aug 2014 at 14:23
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
29 Aug 2014 at 14:20
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
29 Aug 2014 at 14:16
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
28 Aug 2014 at 01:07
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
28 Aug 2014 at 01:12
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
17 Jul 2014 at 13:59
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
17 Jul 2014 at 13:58
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
17 Jul 2014 at 13:57
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
17 Jul 2014 at 13:56
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
04 Jul 2014 at 12:56
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
14 Jan 2018 at 19:43
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
14 Jan 2018 at 19:38
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
12 Jun 2014 at 23:27
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
13 Jun 2014 at 22:44
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
10 Jun 2014 at 09:42
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
31 May 2014 at 23:02
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
25 May 2014 at 07:51
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
25 May 2014 at 07:47
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
25 May 2014 at 07:43
正確にわかりやすく訳されています。Drop off at authorized UPS shipper. Drop Off Locator. Printer required. の訳が抜けています。
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
24 May 2014 at 07:02
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
24 May 2014 at 23:05
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
24 May 2014 at 23:04
3_yumie7 rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
24 May 2014 at 22:56
大変自然な訳で読みやすいと思います。- Easy ordering with Quick-Orderの訳抜けが惜しいです。