Data: Best programming talent in the world is not in California
If you had to name the best place in the world to find top programmer talent, you’d probably say California, right? But we recently found some compelling data that shows that’s not the case. In fact, not only does California not rank as the top U.S. state for programming talent, but the U.S. doesn’t even rank as the top country.
To find out where the top talent really is concentrated, we analyzed data from Stack Overflow, the dominant Q&A platform for coders, with 3.5 million users. (Alexa ranks Stack Overflow as the 53rd most trafficked site in the world and the 36th most popular site in the U.S. By comparison, general-purpose Q&A site ranks only as 164th. Sitepoint, one of the closest competitors to Stack Overflow, ranks 1290th in the world.)
Stack Overflow is a really interesting source of data on the skill level of different coders around the world. Users of the platform vote up or down answers to questions, and based on the answers users provide and the rankings of their fellow users, Stack Overflow literally stack ranks its members. These rankings are by and large impartial, determined by the crowd and based solely on the perceived quality of answers to coding and systems questions.
To find out where the world’s best coders are concentrated, we analyzed the profiles of the top 14,898 users in Stack Overflow — that is, all the members who have a reputation of 5,000 or more, which is considered an extremely high level of achievement. Here’s what we found.
London Has the Most Top-Ranked Stack Overflow Users
While London has a solid reputation in tech, it’s not usually considered on par with San Francisco and the Bay Area in terms of tech talent. Yet London has the highest number of top Stack Overflow members, clocking in with 394 that have a reputation over 5,000.
Stack Overflowのトップランクのユーザが最も多いのはロンドン
ロンドンはテック産業において安定した評価を得ているものの、テック系の才能が集まる場所としては、通常はサンフランシスコやベイエリアに匹敵するとは考えられていない。しかし、Stack Overflowのトップクラスのメンバーの数はロンドンが最も多く、評価が5,000ポイント以上のメンバーが394人いる。
最高ランクのStack Overflowのユーザがいるのはロンドンである。
ロンドンこそが技術において素晴らしい評判を得ており、技術分野のタレントという意味ではサンフランシスコやベイエリアはロンドンには基本的にはかなわないとみなされている。ロンドンこそがStack Overflowのトップのメンバーを最も多く抱えているのであり、394人が5000以上の高評価を計測しているのである。
New York City also comes in before San Francisco, with 270 and 269 users respectively. Still, San Francisco has only one-tenth the population of London and New York, so on a per capita basis, the City by the Bay does come out ahead. London, though, is well ahead of New York even though the two megacities have roughly the same number of inhabitants. The upshot? If you want to find a coding unicorn among the masses of programmers, SF remains a good bet, followed by London. (Caveat: Stack Overflow users self-declare their location, so we’re relying on their word here).
New Zealand and Sweden Lead the World in Per Capita Top Users
If we look at countries rather than cities, we get another very interesting picture. New Zealand and Sweden win the ranking of nations with the most top-ranked users per capita (that’s assuming we exclude countries with less than 10 top-ranked users such as tiny San Marino). The UK, Israel, and Australia round out the list of top 5 countries. The United States doesn’t even make the top 10. That’s right. The tech behemoth is a weakling when it comes to coding talent.
Another way to look at the country numbers is to determine the average country ranking of Stack Overflow users above the 5,000 rating threshold. On this basis, Bulgaria has the highest average reputation among top users in the world. Here’s how: If we sum up the reputation of Stack Overflow’s top users by country, and divide it by the number of top users, we get each county’s “average reputation”. Bulgaria has “only” 40 users with a 5,000+ reputation, but their total score makes it the country with the highest average reputation in the world. In other words, if you are top user in Bulgaria, chances are you a total Stack Overflow rockstar.
State by State: California Lags Again
If we focus in just on the U.S., we get another interesting insight. California surprisingly doesn’t take the top spot in per capita numbers of top-notch Stack Overflow participants. In fact, California comes in fifth on this basis, behind Washington, D.C., Washington State, Massachusetts, and Oregon.
How about the quality of California’s top Stack Overflow talent? According to their peers’ votes, California coders perform well but lag far behind other states such as New Hampshire, Iowa, and New Jersey. In fact, over a dozen states have higher average user rankings than California’s top Stack Overflow crew.
米国に注目して見ると、また別のインサイトが得られる。トップクラスのStack Overflow参加者数を州人口あたりでみると、驚くべきことにカリフォルニア州はトップではないのだ。この基準でいくと同州は第5位で、ワシントンD.C.、ワシントン州、マサチューセッツ州、オレゴン州を下回る。
カリフォルニアのトップレベルのStack Overflowの人材の質はどうだろうか?同業者による投票によると、カリフォルニアコーダーの評価は悪くはないが、ニューハンプシャー州、アイオワ州、ニュージャージー州に及ばない。実際、カリフォルニアでトップのStack Overflowメンバーより平均ユーザランキングの高い州はいくつもある。
合衆国内部のみに焦点を当てると、また興味深い視野を得ることになる。驚くべきことに、最優秀のStack Overflow参加者の割合で見ると、カリフォルニアはトップの位置にはいないのである。実は、その基準ではカリフォルニアは第5位であり、ワシントンD.C.、ワシントン州、マサチューセッツ州、オレゴン州より下位となる。
カリフォルニアはStack Overflowのトップタレントの質においてはどうだろうか。彼ら同士の投票によると、カリフォルニアのコーダーのパフォーマンスはよいものの、ニューハンプシャー州、アイオワ州、ニュージャージー州などの後塵を拝している。実は、Stack Overflowのトップユーザ達の平均ランキングにおいて、カリフォルニアより上位に12の州が存在しているのである。
The upshot of all this? California is not an especially great place for code talent. Many other locales, where software engineers often earn less money, are ranked much more highly than the Golden State. There is an argument that San Francisco is home to an extremely high population of Stack Overflow Unicorns. But the national and global numbers also imply that there is plenty of talent elsewhere in the world. Sorry, California. Your day in the software sun may be over soon.
You can get a closer look at all the Stack Overflow data here.
Stack Overflowの全データはここで見ることができる。
ここではStack Overflowの全データをもっと詳しく見ることもできるのである。
Alex Salkever is head of marketing for data publishing platform He formerly was a lead product manager in Telefonica and product marketing lead at Joyent Cloud. He served as technology of and continues to write for online publications.