[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 大勢いるメンバーの中から僕を見つけてくれて嬉しいです。佐藤と申します。 渋谷の喫茶店の店員さんに告白してフラれてから、3年近くが経ちました。ピカチュウ似の...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "カジュアル" "ラブ" のトピックと関連があります。 [削除済みユーザ] さん sweetnaoken さん kiwifruit82 さん naokey1113 さん mydogkuro11 さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2254文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 9時間 45分 です。

nyankorogashiによる依頼 2013/02/14 00:17:01 閲覧 8228回
残り時間: 終了


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 02:44:29に投稿されました
I’m glad that you have found me among many members. My name is Sato.
It’s been 3 years since I confessed to a waitress at a café in Shibuya and she turned me down. She looked like Picachu. I love women who look like Picachu. During the lunch break, I would go to the café. I asked her to see my own paper theater trying to draw her into my world. I made great efforts in courting her. Then I confessed to her via Twitter.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 00:48:21に投稿されました
I am very happy that you found me from among many members. My name is Sato.
It's been about three years since I told a server at a cafe in Shibuya how I felt and she turned me down. She had an appearance similar to the Pikachu. I love ladies look like Pikachu. I used to go to the cafe during my lunch breaks. One day, I asked her if she can see a picture-story show, which I made, featuring a cat. I tried to suck her into my world-view in a high-handed manner using the picture-story. I was desperate back then. Finally, I told her my feeling as I had a live on Twitter.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 03:04:08に投稿されました
I am happy to be found by you among many members. My name is Sato. About three years have passed since I told a waitress of a coffee shop in Shibuya my feeling and rejected by her. She was a lovely waitress, who is similar to Pikachu. Actually I love women who looks like Pikachu. I used to go to the coffee shop during lunch break often and said to her, "Can I ask you to watch a paper story show in which cat appears please? It's my own work" I was all over creation at the time, and performed the show to draw her into my worldview half forcibly. Finally I told the waitress my feeling with a report on twitter.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 07:52:26に投稿されました
You can play with goats in Arakawa Theme Park. You are healed by their cuteness and mystery. When I looked at them closely, they had dust and garbage on their bodies. That’s one of their virtues.
During winter I often cook food in a pot at home. A kimuchi pot. If you go out with me, each of us eat from a separate pot. What a peculiar view. Two pots on one table.
I am making Cat-print T-shirts. Two times a year I exhibit at Big Site’s design fiesta.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 04:36:26に投稿されました
We can play with goats in the Arakawa Amusement Park. Their adorableness and subtle pathos have a quite power of healing. I found them to be soiled with a lot of dusts and rubbishes by gazing them. I suppose it's also a charm of goat. I often eat casserole during winter flavored with Kimuchi. Although it seems to be a uncomfortable scene of two casserole being on a table, we will have each casserole on a table If we started to go out with.
I make T-shirts with pictures of cat.
I also display on the design fiesta held twice a year on the Tokyo Big Sight.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 07:17:02に投稿されました
The back of the business card has points. Every time you meet him, you collect points. When you have 4, I will give you a special lunch bag. I have been handing out this card for the last few years, but only 1% of them show me the card when I meet them again.
In front of the house door, I placed a jizo-like stone with a face drawn on it. When a woman comes to my house, I hope she will say, “It is so cute. I love you!”
If the tires were bit larger, you could live in them.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 05:37:03に投稿されました
The backside of my name card has a function as point card. A point is accumulated on each meeting with me. I present those who saved four point a specially made bag for lunch box. In spite of distribution of the name card from several years ago, it is about 1% who present it to me on meeting again. In front of my house-door I place an objet of stone like Jizo, on which I draw a face. I expect that a lady will say "Oh, what a cute, I love it, and you also!", when she came to my house. It could be possible to live If a tire was a little bit bigger.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 02:52:28に投稿されました
She turned me down. I was so nervous that I stuttered when I declared my love for her. “I love you because you look like Picachu!” Maybe I didn’t say this well. Maybe she thought I was creepy. What do you think of me like this?
This cat is called Hamachi. Is it cute? Is it cute? Very cute! Cute! Cute! I want to caress it. I´m sorry if caressing it too much make its body smaller. Cute! Cute! Big! Cute!
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 06:43:09に投稿されました
I was rejected. A weird phrase I uttered from too much strain and confusion, "Uhh, I, I love you because you're similar to Pikachu", may have caused that result. She may otherwise had been feeling gross since before. How do you feel about me as such?
This cat is a giant cat named Hamachi. It's adorable, isn't it? Oh~ sweet, ah~ah~ cute・・・cute! I want to caress you, want caress you! I'm sorry baby, if I would have caressed so many times to make you wear out ! Adorable. Big and adorable! Big-adorable!



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 07:06:19に投稿されました
Recently there are people who make the sky tree and giant buildings with Legos, and I don’t want to lose. I recreated Kuyakobito. If you like me, I would like to give you this Logo set. I’m sorry if it is sticky with saliva.
Sometimes I write articles on a regional information site in Takadababa called Gimore and blogs.
Objections! Do you really need your current boyfriend?
I wanted to make an application called Apple Uncle, but I decided against it because it was too indiscreet.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 23:36:49に投稿されました
We know there are great people who create Sky Tree or giant architectures with LEGO recently, but I am not overwhelmed. I duplicated Kuya Shounin with LEGO. Do you want this LEGO set of Kuya Shounin, if you like me? I am afraid that you might find this LEGO wet with my saliva.

I sometimes write articles on Jimoa, a local information website of Takadanobaba.
Question! Are you really satisfied with the current boyfriend?
I was trying to develop an application named "Uncle Apple", but stopped it because it's imprudent.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 03:56:12に投稿されました
I look calm, but I’m really nervous. Before going to bed, I check the house´s lock about 10 times. I carry a bicycle bell with me when I go out, and I’m always wanting to ring the bell to warn people walking ahead of me. I have no patience whatsoever. Why don’t we go out once?
This is my ideal layout. There is a ping pong room. In the living room, there is a ring where we can always do sumo!
評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 09:42:58に投稿されました
On the surface, I seem gentle, but actually I am very sensitive as I check if the door is locked at least 10 times before I go to bed. I'm also quite hasty and restless. I often imagine if people will make a way for me if I carry a bicycle bell when I'm walking and ring the bell towards the people walking slowly in front of me. Would you like to go on a date with me?
This is my ideal floor plan. There is a table tennis room. In the living room, there is a sumo ring so you can play sumo at any time.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 06:26:15に投稿されました
I have been making iPhone applications, but I have been rejected twice. They said they were boring. The first one tell you about your destiny and my face always appear. The second one is called The Adventures of a Flower Cat.
Right now I want to make a legitimate game, so I’m studying cocos2d. I am making a shooting game called Tama (balls) Cruz where a spy cat shoot shit. Tama Cruz means that Testicle Cruz.
But I am afraid that it will be rejected again because they would not approve of shit.
評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 09:48:32に投稿されました
I'm creating iPhone apps and I've submitted them, but I've been rejected twice. The reason for rejection were because it was "boring". First app that I've submitted was a fortune telling app where the user can find out his/her destined soul mate and every time my face will appear. The second app was called, 'The flower cat's adventure.'
I'm studying cocos2d in order to make a proper game. Currently I am making a spy cat's cat poo shooting game that is called 'Tama Cruise.' 'Tama Cruise' is a term coined from Tama and Tom Cruise combined.
But, I am concerned that this game, too, will be rejected as they might say, "no poo!"

夜、部屋でくつろいでいるとき、ノックがしました。開けたら予想通り、朝のおじさんがそこにいました。僕は覚えたての英語「come on in!」が言いたかったので、部屋に入れてしまいました。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 03:30:49に投稿されました
When I went to Bangkok to study Thai massage, I stayed in a guesthouse called suk11 in Nana. When I was eating breakfast, a thin, tall old man started talking to me. He was from Singapore. We talked about interesting tourist sites and guesthouses. In the end, I revealed my room number.
While I was relaxing in my room at night, I heard a knock on the door. When I answered the door, as I expected, I found the old man from that morning. I just wanted to practice the English phrase I had just learned, so I said, “Come on in!” And he entered the room.
評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 09:52:49に投稿されました
When I went to Bangkok to learn Thai-style massage, I stayed at a guesthouse named suk11, located in Nana. In the morning, when I was eating breakfast in the garden, a thin middle aged man started talking to me. He was a Singaporean. We talked about interesting tourist locations and accommodations in Thailand and in the end I told him my room number.
At night, someone knocked my room. As expected, I saw the middle aged man when I opened the door. I wanted to say "come on in!", an English phrase that I recently learned, so I let him in.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 03:08:41に投稿されました
At first, the old man talked about tourist sites. Soon after he said, “Give me Thai massage.” He stripped down to his underwear and lay face down on my bed. I reluctantly rubbed him, and then the old man said, “This is my turn.” I said no, but he was insistent. He said, “Let me, let me.” Forcing me to lie on the bed, he started touching my genitals.
“I’m going to lose my virginity!” I was near panic.
評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 09:59:22に投稿されました
At first the old man was talking about sightseeing, but eventually he said to me, "can you give me a Thai-style massage?" and without asking, he stripped down to his briefs and laid down on my bed on his stomach. I reluctantly gave him a massage and afterwards he said to me, "I'll give you one too." I refused his offer but the old man said to me, "don't worry, don't worry" and almost forced me to lay on bed and you won't believe this but he started obsessively touching my vulnerable spot.
I panicked,thinking, "if I let him continue, I will lose something that's important!"

「ちょっと何してるんですか?!」と少し怒ったように言ってみました。ところが、おじさんはその行為を止めないまま、「ナイスフィ~リング??ナイスフィ~リング??」と語りかけてくるばかりです。僕は困ってしまい「どうしてこんなことをするんですか?」と聞いたら、おじさんは「ただ比べたいんだ!(I want to just compare!みたいなことを言っていたと思います)」と答えました。比べるだけ??そうか、まぁそれならいいかとなりました。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 02:56:15に投稿されました
“Hey! What are you doing?” I said in an angry tone. But the old man didn’t stop what he was doing. “Nice feeling? Nice feeling?” he kept saying. Confused, I asked, “Why are you doing this to me?” Then he said, “I just want to compare!” Only to compare? If just to compare, I thought that was fine.
評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/02/14 10:01:32に投稿されました
I said, "hey, what are you doing?" in a slightly angry tone. However, the old man did not stop and instead he kept on saying to me, "nice feeling? Nice feeling?"
I didn't know what to do so I asked him, "why are you ding this to me?"
He replied, "I just want to compare!" (I think he was saying something like, "I want to just compare!") Just comparing? Okay, in that case, I thought it's not a big deal.
nyankorogashi- 11年以上前
kiwifruit82- 11年以上前



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