I would like you to edit my son’s hand-drawn illustrations of an automobile in Adobe Illustrator.He is 7 years old. I have two drawings by him, which I am attaching, and would like you to make them look like the sample drawing in Illustrator, nice and stylish.I’m thinking about turning it into a poster for his birthday.He was thinking of a bread-new Mazda as he was drawing them.I am also attaching a file with English descriptions of his drawings, but you don’t have to add the text.Please send me your price quote for the two drawings and estimated time to finish this project.I look forward to hearing from you.
I see beautiful strawberries in the field.I didn't know this until recently that my granny loves strawberries. You should have told me sooner, Granny.She said that the strawberries were expensive this season. It is still early in the season, so I brought a few of them to her. I made an offering to my late great-grandpa, too.When we have more strawberries available, I want to bring them to her again, but the field is infested with spider mites.With the help of their predators, I intensively attacked their nests, where they are exploding.No mercy. I will fiercely destroy them to protect my granny’s strawberries.
I want to batch display ratings on every page.I'm using a free plugin from XYZ and considering to buy a pro version.It would be great if we have an option to batch display ratings on every page.I'm thinking about batch displaying ratings alone from a users' comment section.If I understand correctly, this feature is not available at this time. I'd appreciate it you take it into consideration.
IGI9149 クレRe your email from Naminori24. I have the customs declaration with the amount on it. To whom - and where - should I send this?- : -
IGI9149 クレ[kure]Naminori24のメールについてです。金額が入った税関申告書があるのですが、誰に、どこに、送ったらいいですか。
(1)I understand.I really need this item and would like you to send it again. (Could you provide a tracking number?)Please let me know when the item is on its way. Thank you.Sincerely.(2)I would like a refund this time.
ph74802A face-to-face fighting game is a type of video game where the player engages in one-on-one combat (or something similar) with an opponent either controlled by a computer or another person.It is often simply called as a fighting game, battle game, or shorten to "kaku-ge". It is also known as a fighting action game. Roughly speaking, there are two kinds: one without depth (2D) - up and down & left and right movement; and the other with depth (3D).It is a constant battlefield in Japan!
no84503The best time to view cherry blossoms is in early April.Hirosaki Castle (Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture)Cherry blossoms at Hirosaki Castle symbolizes the arrival of spring in the Tohoku region, where more than 50 varieties and 2,600 cherry blossoms bloom all at once. The best time to view them is between late April and early May.Matsumae Castle (Matsumae, Hokkaido)Cherry blossoms at Matsumae Castle are believed to be one of the best spots in Japan and they are given a title of "Sakusa-no Sato" or Home of Cherry Blossoms by the Japan Cherry Blossom Association. It awaits 250 varieties and 10,000 cherry blossoms to bloom. The best time to view is between late April and late May.
Quintessential buildings in Edo and Meiji Periods have been relocated and/or reconstructed in Okage Yokocho in Mie. It makes you feel as if you were time traveled, doesn't it?
e9567Return reason: No longer needed/wantedBuyer comments: I had to pay a customs charge of £25.35 to have this item delivered. Please process the refund. Emailing the seller is returned as undelivered. Please help.d7930Its the third time I'm writting to you and till now I don't have any answer. As you know I ordered and i paid you for a DAIWA CALDIA 3000 fishing reel. I received a tottaly wrong model (daiwa freams 2000). I would like to know how I will get the one I ordered.d7930Hi, I ordered and payed for a daiwa caldia 3000 fishing reel. Instead I received a DAIWA FREAMS 2000. I tried to contact the seller but he is not answering my mails. I want o change th one i received.
e9567返品理由:不必要になった為購入者のコメント:£25.35の関税を払わされました。返金をお願いします。販売者にメールしても不達通知が届きます。よろしくお願いします。d7930これで三回目の通知なのですが未だに返答してもらえません。ご承知のように、DAIWA CALDIA 3000のリールを注文し支払いも済ませた者です。受けとった商品は全く別のモデル(daiwa freams 2000)でした。自分が注文した商品を受けとりたいのですが。d7930こんにちは。釣りのdaiwa caldia 3000リールを注文し支払いも済ませたのですが、届いた物はDAIWA FREAMS 2000でした。販売者に連絡を取ったのですが返答が得られません。注文した商品と交換したいです。
▼VOCLOIDの火付け役! 初音ミク▼初音ミクとは初音 ミク(はつね ミク)は、クリプトン・フューチャー・メディアから発売されている音声合成・デスクトップミュージック(DTM)用のボーカル音源の製品名、およびキャラクターとしての名称である。(中略)2007年8月31日に最初に発売された音源は、当時最新バージョンの「VOCALOID2」エンジンを採用した初めての日本語用ソフトであり、新エンジンの採用によりそれまでのVOCALOIDシリーズと比べより自然な歌声が合成できた。
Hatsune Miku: The VOCALOID Pioneer!What is Hatsune Miku?Hatsune Miku is a desktop music (DTM) program, which utilizes speech synthesis for vocal tracks, and a character developed by Crypton Future Media. ... The vocal source that was introduced to the market for the first time on August 31, 2007, is the first software designed for the Japanese language using the "VOCALOID 2" engine. which allows to synthesize more natural vocal tracks compared to the previous VOCALOD lineups.
Sony’s PlayStation Now- Stream PlayStation games to the PS3, PS4, PlayStation Vita, televisions, tablets, and smartphones.- Will roll out in beta early this year and then to mass audiences this summerThrough the power of the cloud, Sony is effectively making a wide range of PlayStation titles accessible on nearly any device. This means that if you’re not a console owner but want to give The Last Of US a spin, you can do so on your smartphone. This is really one to watch for 2014.
SonyのPlayStation Now- PlayStationのゲームをPS3、PS4、PlayStation Vita、テレビ、タブレット、スマホにストリーミング- ベータ版は年頭に終了し、夏からは一般市場へSonyはさまざまなPlayStation製品をどのような端末装置からでも入手できるようにクラウドを利用している。つまりゲーム機本体がなくてもスマホを使えばThe Last Of USがプレーできるということだ。これは2014年度注目に値する。
LG’s HomeChat- Send text messages to your household appliances!- Available on Line app in late 2014LG unveiled a new software service called HomeChat, which at the moment is integrated with Line, the popular messaging app. Want to tell your washing machine to start a load? Just ping it through Line and the motors will start whirring. LG is reportedly working with WhatsApp and KakaoTalk to make HomeChat compatible on those apps as well.
LG’s Lifeband Touch- It’s got Bluetooth LE and works with both iOS and Android- Available this spring, no price details yetLike its peers, LG is hot-to-trot for wearable gadgets that track stuff, and that’s exactly what the Lifeband Touch does. Not only does the device monitor the number of steps you take and distance traveled over the course of the day, it also displays notifications from your smartphone.
LGのLifeband Touch- Bluetooth LE搭載でiOSとAndroid機種に対応。- 今年の春に市場参入。価格詳細は不明。ライバル社に負けず劣らずLGも解析機能付きウェアラブルツールに関心が高い。そしてこのLifeband Touchがまさにそれで、このツールは歩行数を記録するに留まらず1日の歩行距離を計測したりスマホに情報を表示したりもできる。
JapanPanasonic’s Wearable 4K Camera- It’s an unnamed prototype, but it’s 4K- Said to be released later this year.Panasonic released a wearable camera at last year’s CES, and this one looks to be almost identical, except it’s 4K, so those images will come out even clearer.Sony’s cloud TV service- Live television, video on demand, and even DVR in the cloudAs the Playstation 3 turned out to be popular for media and entertainment rather than just gaming, Sony has revealed it is beginning to work on a cloud TV product that serves as an effective alternative to cable and satellite.
日本発Panasonicのウェアラブル4K カメラ- 無名の試作品だが解像度は4K- 年内後半に発売予定Panasonicは昨年のCESでウェアラブルカメラを発表した。今回のとは4Kを除き酷似しているが、画像はさらに鮮明なものになるだろう。SonyのクラウドTVサービス-ライブテレビ、オンデマンド、及びクラウドDVRPlaystation 3が単なるゲーム機としてよりはメディア、娯楽装置として人気があることを受けて、Sonyは従来のケーブル、衛星テレビにかわるクラウドを利用したTV製品の開発に取り組むことを発表した。
Does a seller pay customs duties for a buyer if needed at all according to the B's policies? I am not fluent in German and I don't understand what the policies on the homepage say. Could you tell me? Or would it be possible to come to an agreement between a seller and a buyer after discussing? What do the B's policies state?
169 network and 163 network operated by China Unicom and China Telecom respectively are the two major backbone networks in China, accounting for over 80% of the Internet traffics in China. Currently, there are only three major network nodes in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.The construction of new backbone network nodes not only increases the data exchange efficiency, but also introduces Internet resources to the middle and western areas of China, according to Zhu Jun, vice director of Development Department under the MIIT.
中国の二大基幹ネットワークはChina Unicom とChina Telecomが運営しており、それぞれが169、163のネットワークを持つ。これは中国のインターネット網の80%を占める。現段階では主要ネットワークノードは北京、上海、広州の三カ所にしか設置されていない。基幹ネットワークノードを新たに設置することでデータ交換量を効果的に増やせるとともに、中国の中部および西部地域へのインターネットリソースが提供できるようになると、MITの開発部副ディレクターZhu Jun氏は述べている。
こんにちは。メール有難うございます。出張に出ておりまして、ご返信が遅れました。申し訳ございません。メールいただいた、ファイルとなりますが、開く事が出来ません。zakkafan@gmail.com でログインしておりますが、送信していただいた方の、承認が必要になるようです。お手数おかけいたしますが、ご確認をお願い出来ますでしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。
Hello there.Thank you for your email. I was gone on a business trip. I am sorry that I couldn't respond sooner. This is regarding the file you sent me that I am unable to open it. I am logged on with zakkafan@gmail.com. It seems that I'd need a sender's permission to do so.I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you check it? I'd appreciate it.
連絡ありがとう。私はあなたと継続的に取引をするために、まずは小額の取引から始めて信頼関係を築いていきたいと思います。以下の商品を購入したいのですが、商品代金の見積をお願いします。できるだけ安くしてください。GWX5600C-4 3pcsGWX5600C-7 5pcsPayPalで請求書を送ることができますか.商品の送り先はフロリダのサラソタになります。私のPayPalアカウントは『kanemura.hisanori@hotmail.co.jp』です。
Thank you for contacting me.I would like to build a good rapport with you at first by trading something small so that it will turn into a lasting business partnership.I am interested in the following items. Could you send me a price quote? Could you make it as competitive as possible?GWX5600C-4 3pcsGWX5600C-7 5pcsCan you send me an invoice via PayPal?The shipping address is in Sarasota, Florida. My PayPal email address is kanemura.hisanori@hotmail.co.jp
お問合せいただきました「カミツキ合体 DXキョウリュウジン」につきましては、早速拝見のうえ、必要に応じ修理を承りたく存じます。また、現在はオンライン修理のお申し込みもお受けしております。よろしければそちらもご確認いただけますようお願い申しあげます。http://www.bandai.co.jp/support/syuuri/index.html通常修理対応をご希望の場合、お手数をおかけいたしますが、下記の住所宛にお送りくださいますようお願い申しあげます。
Your "Kamitsuki-gattai DX kyoryuzin (Snapping Combination DX Kyoryuzin)" will be inspected soon and repaired as needed.We are also accepting repair requests online now. Please visit the link below at your convenience.http://www.bandai.co.jp/support/syuuri/index.htmlIf you prefer our "general repair" method, please send your kyoryuzin to the address below.
I am wondering if the merchandise has been shipped. I haven't received the tracking number.