Violet (violet) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
violet 英語 → 日本語

There is a Phono stage plus 3 line-stage inputs as well as a tape loop. There are two outputs in addition to the tape outputs. Using the tape outputs to the amplifiers is another way to use it bypassing the volume control. It's a beautiful and flexible piece of audio gear and sounds as even better than it looks! The modulometer is a very useful feature. I cannot find even a small scratch anywhere, and the interior is nearly as clean as new. This unit has never had a single problem or issue of any kind in the ten years I have owned it. Original list price was about $12,000. Will be shipped with original user manual and in original Swiss factory packaging. 



violet 英語 → 日本語

Directly multitudes of men from all sides flocked to him as Caesar's son, some from friendship to Caesar, others his freedmen and slaves, and with them soldiers besides, who were either engaged in conveying supplies and money to the army in Macedonia, or bringing other money and tribute from other countries to Brundusium.Encouraged by the numbers who were joining him, and by the good-will of all toward himself, he journeyed to Rome with a notable crowd which, like a torrent, grew larger and larger each day.Although he was safe from any open attacks by reason of the multitude surrounding him, he was all the more on his guard against secret ones,because almost all of those accompanying him were new acquaintances.


Caesarの息子ということで多くの男たちが彼の周りに群がりました。そのうちの何人かはCaesarの友達で、ほかは自由民か奴隷でした。かれらはMacedoniaの軍隊に物資やお金を運ぶか、もしくは他国からBrundusiumへのお金や貢物を持ってくる兵士たちを連れていました。彼に化成した人数と彼に集まった意思に勇気付けられ、彼は注目に値する群集とRome へ旅をしました。そしてその群集はまるで急流のように毎日毎日大きくなったのです。多くの人に囲まれているために攻撃からは安全だったとはいえ、多くは新しい知り合いがほとんどだったので彼自身の内密なガードも用意していました。

violet 英語 → 日本語

Some of the towns were not altogether favourable to him, but Caesar's veterans, who had been distributed in colonies, flocked from their settlements to greet the young man. They bewailed Caesar, and cursed Antony for not proceeding against the monstrous crime, and said that they would avenge it if anybody would lead them. Octavian praised them, but postponed the matter for the present and sent them away. When he had arrived at Tarracina, about 400 stades from Rome, he received news that Cassius and Brutus had been deprived of Syria and p539Macedonia by the consuls, and had received the smaller provinces of Cyrenaica and Crete by way of compensation; that certain exiles had returned.


いくつかの都市は彼にとって完全に気に入るものではありませんでしたが、その若い男を喜ばせるためにも植民地を分配されていたCaesarの古い兵士たちは彼らの居留地から集まってきました。彼らはCaesarの死を嘆き、Antonyをこの犯罪をとめられなかったと罵り、それから、もしだれかが先導するならば復讐をするといいました。Octavianは彼らを賞賛しましたが、それは先送りにし彼らを帰してしまいました。彼がRomeから400スターデにあるTarracinaについたとき、Cassius とBrutusがSyria とMacedoniaを執政官により奪われ、代償にそれよりも小さな CyrenaicaやCreteを与えられたというニュースを耳にしました。その亡命者たちは返されました。

violet 英語 → 日本語

As he received all with kindness, an acquaintance and good feeling grew up by means of them between himself and the army. At the end of a six months' sojourn in Apollonia, it was announced to him one evening that Caesar had been killed in the senate-house by those who were dearest to him, and were then his most powerful subordinates. As the rest of the story was untold he was overcome by fear, not knowing whether the deed had been committed by the Senate as a whole or was confined to the immediate actors; nor whether the majority of the Senate had already punished them, or were actually accomplices, or whether the people were pleased with what had been done.


すべてを親切心で受け取ったので、彼とその軍隊の間で友情のようなものと良い心情が芽生えました。Apolloniaでの6ヶ月の滞在の終わりのある夕方、Caesarがsenate-houseでもっとも親しかった人たちで、もっとも力強かった家来に殺されたことが告げられました。残りの話は伝えられていないように、彼はその行動が Senateによって託されたものだったのか、それとも親しい人間によるものだったのかどうかを知ることもなく恐怖を克服したのです。また Senateの多くはすでに彼らを罰したのかそれとも共犯者だったのか、それとも人々はこの事実を喜んだのかどうかも知ることはありませんでした。

violet 英語 → 日本語

Thereupon his friends in Rome advised as follows:some urged him to take refuge with the p535army in Macedonia to ensure his personal safety, and when he should learn that the murder was only a private transaction to take courage against his enemies and avenge Caesar; and there were high officers who promised to protect him if he would come. But his mother and his stepfather, Philippus, wrote to him from Rome not to be too confident and not to attempt anything rash, but to bear in mind what Caesar, after conquering every enemy, had suffered at the hands of his closest friends; that it would be safer under present circumstances to choose a private life and hasten to them at Rome, but with caution.


そこで Romeにいる彼の友達が以下のように助言しました。:何人かは彼自身の身の安全のためにMacedoniaに535人の軍隊とともに非難するように急がせました。殺人は敵に対して勇気を見せるための個人的な処置でCaesarのあだ討ちであったことを知るべきです。また、そこにはもしかれが来たら彼を守ると約束した役員たちがいました。

violet 英語 → 日本語

Octavian yielded to them because he did not know what had happened after Caesar's death.He took leave of the army officers and crossed the Adriatic,not to Brundusium (for as he had made no test of the army at that place he avoided all risk),but to another town not far from it and out of the direct route, named Lupiae.There he took lodgings and remained for a while.When more accurate information about the murder and the public grief had reached him, together with copies of Caesar's will and the decrees of the Senate, his relatives still more cautioned him to beware of the enemies of Caesar, as he was the latter's adopted son and heir. They even advised him to renounce the adoption, together with the inheritance.



violet 英語 → 日本語

In sales we are using more systems, more data, of a very sensitive nature

Whether it is our ‘Navigator’ tool with business planning with customers or our consumer and shopper insights

And this is the way forward for us as an organization

We could lose some of our data and it could be dangerous to our
We all have a role to play to ensure that this sensitive information is handled securely and not shared with anyone who should not have access to it

Let us live up to our values of inspiring trust, and leading from the head and the heart

Let us act like owners- to prevent loss to the business, loss of competitive advantage, and damage to our brand reputation.
We all handle information as a part of our daily activities.






