twooclockhigh 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) 中国語(簡体字)
twooclockhigh 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 36-1
Business, on the other hand, requires no special expertise in his view. 'If you're any good at math at all, you understand business - it's not its own deep, deep subject', he observed in required just ten percent of his own 'mental cycle', he said.


Gates preference for recruiting the brightest graduates straight out of college is well known. At first, the company simply hired ' clever people Gates and his partner Paul Allen knew from school. These they called 'smart friends'. But by the time Microsoft moved from Albuquerque to Seattle, at the end of 1978, it had run out of smart friends and had to start recruiting 'smart strangers'.


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twooclockhigh 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 31-2
•Leverage your bits off.
Gates successfully leveraged Microsoft's dominant market position to establish its own versions of new applications. True, Microsoft may have overdone things a little, at least in the eyes of some authorities. The principle remains though, if you have power, use it to your advantage -within the law, of course.

PAGE 35-3
'I’m certainly able to use all the products we have', he said, 'but I can't possibly review all the code. My role is more to do with the strategy and the direction people are moving in and how well they work together. There's a lot of invention going on and I have to pick which things are important and express them to the user. It's all very critical.'


PAGE 31-2
ゲイツは、市場でのマイクロソフトの独占的立場を利用して、新しいアプリケーションを広めることに成功した。実際問題、何人かの専門家からは、マイクロソフトは少しやりすぎではないか、との意見もある。もちろん、「力を持っているなら、それを有効に活用すべし。 ただし法律の許す範囲で」という原則はいまだ有効である。

PAGE 35-3

twooclockhigh 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 35-2
Former colleagues at Microsoft agree that Gates' technical knowledge gave him an edge. 'He has the ability to ask the right question. He'll know some intricate detail about a program and you wonder: "How does he know that?'" says Brad Silverberg, who was Part of the Windows development team.

Gates himself claimed to be able to recall 'huge slabs' of code many years after he had last tinkered with it. In the old days, he would personally review every line of code. As both Microsoft and the CEO's role grew, that was no longer possible. However, Gates retained a keen interest in all new Microsoft products, as was clear when he assumed the title of Chief Software Architect in 2000


PAGE 35-2

以前マイクロソフトで同僚だった友人は、ゲイツの技術に関する知識が際立っていたことに同意している。「彼には的確な質問を投げる才能があった。彼は、プログラムの詳細部の込み入った部分も把握しているので、「どうやってそんなことを知ったんだ?」と驚いてしまうことがある」とWindows開発チームの一員であったBrad Silverbergは述べている。


twooclockhigh 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 19-3-1
For the first time ever, a high level of technical understanding was essential to understand the strategic possibilities that the brave new world of information technology opened up. The traditional generalist executive was out of his depth. Many still couldn't even operate the computer on their desk, let alone programme one.

PAGE 19-3-2
The young Gates, with his bottle-glass spectacles, dandruff and acne, and Allen, with his long hair and shaggy beard, provided Americans with a caricature of the nerds they knew at school. More significantly, for the first time corporate America's discomfort with raw intellect and technical expertise was challenged.


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PAGE 19-3-2

twooclockhigh 英語 → 日本語


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twooclockhigh 英語 → 日本語

Integer overflow in the agp_generic_insert_memory function in drivers/char/agp/generic.c in the Linux kernel before allows local users to gain privileges or cause a denial of service (system crash) via a crafted AGPIOC_BIND agp_ioctl ioctl call.

The add_del_listener function in kernel/taskstats.c in the Linux kernel and earlier does not prevent multiple registrations of exit handlers, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (memory and CPU consumption), and bypass the OOM Killer, via a crafted application.

- The display of the "Running in FIPS mode." message could cause small issues
when the cryptsetup or libcryptsetup utility was run in FIPS mode.


CVE-2011-1745以前のLinuxカーネルのdrivers/char/agp/generic.c中のagp_generic_insert_memory関数のIntegerオーバーフローにより、ローカルユーザが特権を取得できる、あるいは、偽装されたAGPIOC_BIND agp_ioctl ioctl呼び出しによるサービス拒否攻撃 (システムクラッシュ)

CVE-2011-2484以前のLinuxカーネルのkernel/taskstats.c中のadd_del_listener関数が、複数のexitハンドラの登録を許可してしまう問題。これにより、ローカルユーザにサービス拒否攻撃 (メモリとCPUの占有) の可能性を与え、偽装されたアプリケーションにより、OOM Killerが回避される。

-  FIPSモードでのcryptsetupまたはlibcryptsetupユーティリティ実行中の"Running in FIPS mode."(FIPSモードで動作中)のメッセージ表示による軽微な問題。