Tanaka-san would like to postpone our meeting again because of the preparation.How about having our meeting at the following schedule?I apologize for inconvenience, but I appreciate your kindness.
Bonjour. Je crois qu'un vendeur japonais a acheté une grande quantité de pin badge.Je voudrais acheter en plus haut prix qu'il. Donc pourriez-vous me les vendez en exclusivité le futur?? Je vais les acheter en plus haut prix.
Je suis très désolé, mais la date de livraison prévue des livres est inconnu.L'éditeur ne pouvait pas expédier des livres parce qu'il y avait trop d'ordre pour sa prédiction, et je ne connais pas quand des livres arriveront à ma boutique.Il est nécessaire de considérer 1-2 semaines s'il est tôt, ou 1-2 mois s'il est tard.Je vous demande d'annuler votre ordre s'il est trop tard.Merci pour votre message.Je confirme votre ordre maintenant parce qu'il annulera s'il passe quelques jours.Je vous lasse connu le numéro de suivi après les livres arrivent.Je suis très désolé.
Je vais vous le dire en français car je crains de vous avoir peut-étre fait mal comprendre en ce qui concerne le porte-clés.Je voulais vous dire que le montant vous avez perdu par la transaction c'étais moi qui était suppose de le payer.J'ai compris que le montant avait été remboursé par le vendeur par conséquent.Si vous avez un problème comme celui-ci dans le futur, vous n'êtes pas obligé de rembourser car je comprends les risques comme ça et je vous demande le transaction.Je vous remerci pour votre support à chaque fois.Je vous ai envoyé un mail encore car j'étais inquiet que mes penées ne soient pas transmises.
As I talked with my friend, I'd like to go with a kit available in your contry. Is there a kit of Asian face with a little bit of smile (among kits you can buy)?
Hi! Welcome to my nursery page! My name is Maddie Turco and I am the artist at Reborn Reflections. I have been hand painting and assembling reborn dolls since 2015. I have sold over 70 dolls through eBay, FaceBook, and privately. To see pictures of all of my work or read further testimonials, please search for my business on eBay, FaceBook, or Instagram.
こんにちは。私のページにようこそ。私の名前はマディー・トゥルコで、リボーン・リフレクションのアーティストです。2015年以降、リボーン・ドールを描いたり、集めたりしています。eBayやFacebookを通じたり個人的に70ドール以上販売してきました。作品の写真を見ることやさらなる表彰を読むには、eBay, Facebook, Instagramで私の事業を検索してみてください。
The drink includes the extract of bird nest, pomegranate, collagen and hyaluronic acid, leading you to the shining beauty internally.Bird's nest extract, pomegranate, collagen, hyaluronic acid
リストと一致しない古い紙のアイテムが残っていると思うんだけど、総重量を教えてもらえますか??あと、写真を撮影もらえませんか?? それらは管理番号2207050・2208018として発送しようと思う。
Je pense qu'il y a encore des articles en vieux papier qui ne correspondent pas à la liste. Pourriez-vous me dire le poids total ?Pourriez-vous aussi prendre quelques photos. Je pense les expédier avec les numéros 2207050 et 2208018.
Thank you for letting me more details.I'm not sure whether Tanaka-san can see my e-mail but I'll let him/her know about this.I'll be appreciated if you understand I can get back to you some time later.
Now I'm arranging an interpreter.But I was told that I can't use this application code.I'd like to confirm it with Murata-san, is the following name correct?Thank you.Then, I will confirm with Murata-san and proceed it.
Amazon.comに返品をしたいのですが、送った画像のとおりUPS Pickupは私書箱不可となっているのでUPS Dropoffでも対応可能でしょうか?どちらで返品処理をすればいいか教えてください。
I'd like to return an item to Amazon.com. But as the photo I sent, I can't send it by PO box through UPS Pickup, so is it possible that I send it through UPS Dropoff? Please let me know which should I proceed.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。到着しているのは私の商品です。私はWalmartで購入した以下の商品の所在がわからなくなっていました。到着している商品をご確認いただき、私のアカウントの「Ready to Send」に追加していただけますでしょうか。お返事お待ちしています。
Thank you for your message. What had been delivered is mine. I'm not sure about where following items purchased at Walmart is now. Could you please check the delivered items and add them to "Ready to Send" of my account? I'm looking forward to your reply.
タイ料理店のホールスタッフ募集。週1日、木曜ディナータイムにお願いしたいです。(17:00〜10:45) 交通費、まかない有り 日本語が話せれば国籍問いません。 オーダー取り、料理や飲み物の提供・レジ対応・後片付けなど、ホール業務全般をお願いします。
We are recruiting hall staff of Thai restaurant. Once a week, dinner time of Thursday. (17:00〜10:45) We will pay a transportation fees. You can get meals for staff. Any nationality is fine if you can speak Japanese. You will need to take an order, providing meals and drinks, do a payment for customer, clean our restaurant, and other hall related works.
We will continue to review your account over the next 30 days. If we can confirm that you have not violated the Drop Shipping policy, the review period will end and we will automatically release funds for disbursement. If we do not find sufficient evidence confirming your fulfillment methods during this period, further action may be taken and your entire Amazon account may be permanently deactivated. You will receive an email following the review period to let you know what action has been taken. If you believe you have additional evidence to support reactivation before this time, submit an explanation.
I’m sorry for bothering you,but I'd like you to send it to the new address.
Thank you for your kind reply. I'll send a message to a new email address next time.I understand the situation. I appreciate your kind response all the time. I'd like to make an order for 340 items.Will it be possible for me to make an order next month and after too??
I'm sorry for bothering you so many times. As I haven't got a reply from you, I'm sending this message.I'm little worried that I might have done something impolite to you.I'm contacting you because I'd like to know whether I can make a deal with you this month too. I'm sure that you are very busy,but I'm looking forward to your message. Thank you as always.
your reputation should not be negative if in any case you are doing what you should do, which is offering a discount or a refund of the product and an apology. We realize that all sales in Japan are being to professional sellers, not end users like us (many products that came to us from Japan were never described as second or even third quality) and yet we decided to keep them. By this I mean that perhaps we have to rethink the idea of selling in Japan on our part, since doing calculations (shipping + fees) makes our profit almost zero, so we would ask that if you are still interested we could sell what you It is already there and after that we could end our collaboration for the good of both parties. .
Please confirm you are not aware of a potential or actual conflict of interest which may impact the delivery of services under this engagementPlease confirm you have an Incentive Compensation Policy and/or sufficient oversight and controls in place to ensure any incentive compensation arrangements specific to the product/service being provided to A company are appropriate (e.g., result in reputational damage, increased litigation, or other risks to the financial institution).Please indicate if you have a process for receiving and addressing complaints from the following sources (Select all that apply). Additionally, please upload supporting policy/procedure.
本契約に基づくサービス提供に影響を与える可能性のある潜在的または実際の利益相反について認識していないことを確認してください。A 社に提供されている製品/サービスに特有のインセンティブ報酬の取り決めが適切であることを確認するため、インセンティブ報酬ポリシーや十分な把握と管理が実施されていることを確認してください (例: 風評被害、訴訟の増加、または金融機関に対するその他のリスク)。以下から苦情を受け取って対処するプロセスがあるかどうかを示してください (該当するものをすべて選択してください)。 さらに、証拠となる政策/手順をアップロードしてください。
A company expects the service providers with whom we interact to bear a responsibility to define their own policies with regard to human rights and ethics. We publish key policy statements on our website. Which of the following corporate ethics policies does your organization have?Code of Conduct / EthicsAnti-harassment/discrimination policyModern Slavery and Human Trafficking PolicyHealth and Safety PolicyAccessibility Policy or StandardsDo you have an environmental sustainability policy? If so, please share it or describe in the comments.Do you have environmental goals/targets for emissions or other areas? If so, please share them or describe in the comments including strategies for reducing emissions.
ある企業は我々が関係するサービス提供者に対して人権および倫理に関する独自の政策を取り決め責任を取ることを期待します。主な政策声明をウェブサイトで公開しています。下記の企業倫理政策をお持ちですか?行動規範/倫理対ハラスメント/差別政策現代の奴隷および人身売買政策安全衛生政策アクセシビリティー政策環境の持続可能な政策をお持ちですか? もしそうであるならば、共有いただくかコメントにて記述してください。排出やその他の分野の環境の目標/ターゲットをお持ちですか? もしそうであるならば、排出量削減の戦略を含めて共有いただくかコメントにて記述してください。