Tomoki (tomoki_w) 翻訳実績

5.0 2 件のレビュー
6年弱前 男性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語 韓国語
10 時間 / 週
tomoki_w 英語 → 日本語

Are there any outstanding accumulated duties or customs fee that we need to settle? None of our invoices or “Shipment Cost Summary”, when making a shipment, have shown any amount related to customs fee or duties nor indicated that DHL will charge us for settling duties, taxes, etc. Therefore, we were firmly under the impression that duties would be the responsibility of the package recipient and not us.

Since there were no custom duties, or other fees related to import or export duties, mentioned to us in DHL's invoices and Shipment Cost Summary, how would we know if, or how much, we are required to pay?

If there are any fees due, are they due to DHL, or to the government to where our orders were sent?


私たちが調整しなければならない累積関税や関税費用はございますか? 輸送時の請求書や送料概要には、関税費用や関税に関する金額の記載がなく、DHLが我々に関税や税金等を調整する義務を負うことが示されておりません。したがって、我々は関税については、荷物の受取人の義務であり我々の責任範囲ではないと考えております。

