Quantum programming is a set of computer programming languages that allow the expression of quantum algorithms using high-level constructs. The point of quantum languages is not so much to provide a tool for programmers, but to provide tools for researchers to understand better how quantum computation works and how to formally reason about quantum algorithms.Efforts are underway to develop functional programming languages for quantum computing. Examples include Selinger's QPL [1], and the Haskell-like language QML by Altenkirch and Grattage [2][3]. Higher-order quantum programming languages, based on lambda calculus, have been proposed by van Tonder [4], Selinger and Valiron [5] and by Arrighi and Dowek[6].
量子プログラミングは高レベル構成の量子アルゴリズムを使ったコンピュータープログラミング言語の集合です。目的はプログラマーにツールを提供する事ではなく、研究者が量子コンピューター、量子アルゴリズム構成の理由についてよりよく理解する為のツールの提供です。量子コンピューティングの為の組込関数の開発が行われています。例としてはSelingerのQPL [1]、Altenkirchと Grattage [2][3]によるHaskellのような言語のQMLです。ラムダ計算に基づく、高度の量子プログラミング言語がvan Tonder [4]、Selingerと Valiron [5] と Arrighi/ Dowek[6]により提案されています。
I am Dave Mark Personal Assistance to Bill Johnson former Birmingham city council chairman.I saw your profile on face book and i went through it,am really impressed to write you if you will be my foreign business investor partner in your country.Although i never met you,but i would like to seek for your advise on which business you think is profitable in your country.Which i can invest the money i made during my term work with Bill Johnson worth of 24Million United State Dollars. I want to invest the money in a good profitable business in your country, .
私はデーブ マークと言います。バーミンガムの前市議会議長ビル・ジョンソンの個人的アシスタントをしています。貴方のプロファイルをフェースブックで拝見しました。貴国でのビジネス投資パートナーとなって頂けるか連絡を取りたいと思いました。貴方にはお会いした事はないのですが、貴国でどのようなビジネスに投資すれば利益がでるかアドバイスを求めたいのです。ビル・ジョンソンとの仕事で投資出来るようになった金額が2400万米ドルです。貴国での利益がでるビジネスへの投資を望んでいます。
i don’t want to neutralize this money in my country. Because of my Government, The only someone that know about this money is my Foreign Attorney in Malaysia. The Fund is in Malaysia before now. You will handle this investment project in your country. I am enhance this Funds into your care in a mutual agreement to work together and accept the fact of being my international investor and business partner, you can make a plan of and suggestion of any of the business that will beneficent to us, you have to bear in mind that this venture requires mutual trust and as such you have to assure me of your honesty and integrity before we commence on this investment.
Yes my friends are ok. They did have to go to the hospital and did suffer some smoke inhalation. Its the trauma of loosing your home and personal belongings that is very difficult.I look forward to clarifying and learning something new from you and understanding parts of different cultures I don't know very well!Thank-you so much for your purchase and for supporting my friend. It will make her happy!
友人たちは大丈夫です。彼らは病院に行かなければならずある程度の煙吸入もありました。家や大切な持ちものをなくすという事はトラウマだし大変な事です。貴方から新しい事や私が良く知らない文化の事を聞いたり教えてもらうのを楽しみにしています。商品購入をしてくれ友人をサポートしてくれて有難う。 彼女も喜びます。
I do not understand the "unacceptable" part though. I changed a little more then half of my items to 50% off because I thought it would raise more money for my friend instead of the 20% off and half of the sales would go to her. Since I was willing to give you 50% off the original price even off of non-sale items right now and since I am only having this sale for a short while and am willing to give you 50% off after the sale is gone if you were to buy 10 at a time, I am just a little confused as to why it is unacceptable since the amount of discount has not changed?
thank you also is it possible for you to send me a free pic of japan or anything cheap i really love japan and i live in georgia in the u.s and i think it would be really cool any cheap suvenier.
I understand that it might be a challenge to sell a hundred pieces a month but it is my hopeful side that just likes to think that way. Sometime in the not too distant future it just might happen.As far as a lot of the pieces being 50% off, I did that because I am raising money for a friend who lost there home in a fire and she needs help. Please read the shop announcements in the shops main page www.etsy.com/shop/ I know I could not possible go any lower then half off. If there are any 17"x11" pieces that you would like to buy that are not at 1/2 off I would be more then happy to mark them down for you. Would that be alright.
Please be patient and over 99%of the time the product arrives safe and sound. With international shipping,customs is allowed to keep a package for up to 40 days. Please email us isyou have any questions before you leave feedback. Please do not base times in transit off of your past purchases or other itemyou have received from other sellers purchased recently. We know fromexperience we can ship one item to one location internationally and it canarrive in 14 days and ship the same item 2 days later to the same locationand it may take 40 days to arrive. Transit times can be effected by hardcustoms, air line delays, weather conditions etc.
Thank for your response,am not from US.Am from United Kingdom in Birmingham,anyway.What i need your assistance for is to handle my new investment project as a citizen for more protection in your country ,i was think of Hotel Resort,Agricultural Plaint or House Management Condominion investment in your country.But you are free to bring any suggestion on a profitable business that will can invest my funds on in your country,i want you to be my foreign business partner there in your country.Means if you willing and accept to be my foreign business partner in your country,because is not by forces and i am not forcing you to be my foreign business.
I don't want you to look this issues as a forces.No! i need your support as a citizen to help me handle the investment project in your country and if you have interesting to be my foreign business partner,kindly send me your email address where i can contact you officially about me and the new investment plan.Best Wishes,A.P Dave Mark.
無理強いしていると思われたくはありません。貴方の国で市民として私の投資の支援をして頂きたいだけです。もしビジネスパートナーに興味がありましたら、メールアドレスを送って下さい。私の事及び新規投資プランについて送ります。A.P Dave Mark.
When dealing with the net present value of a project, the cash flow is discounted at the rate corresponding to the risk of the project. Every element of this cash flow is discounted as if the project started at a certain point in time and went over several time periods, ending at its maturity. The fact is that as time goes by, uncertainty is gradually resolved. In many real circumstances, if the realization of uncertainty becomes unfa vorable, management may, for example, cancel the project, eliminating in that way some of the bad results that led to the very high discounted rates. the possibility of canceling the project should imply an overall lower rate of discount and thus a higher value for the project.
Anytime is good.When I am out, I'll leave it to ◎. So, please visit ◎.When you arrive at our office, please call me on mobile.Hp:Regarding to sunglasses, I am checking with people who willattend the meeting. So, please wait.I hope you can find it!
Thank you for your reply.The mail address for PAYPAL is the same address with this one.From now on I will use this ○○.Please remember my name is ○○.I'd like to order 5 units of ○○.Please send me the invoice.
・体休めてね。二日酔い大丈夫だった?僕達もあのBBQの後、家で大騒ぎしすぎて、警察が来たのでしばらく謹慎します。:9 あのアパートに住んでないんだね。あなたが住んでいるところは結構離れているね。車で50分くらいかな?友達の家に届ける方が良ければそうしようか?もしくは僕のオフィスに取りに来てくれるのでもいいよ。・提案なんだけどさ、バッジも後半に入ってきたので、みんなのビジネスを皆で話し合う機会を作らない?お酒のみながらでもいいよ。ダメ出ししてもいいしね。英語が苦手だけど頑張るよ
・Take good care of yourself. Was hangover all right? After BBQ, we had a big fuss so police visited us. We have to put ourselves on good behaviour. :9 You don't live that apartment anymore? You live far from there. 50 minutes ride from there? Is it better for me to send a package to your friend? Or would you come to my office to pick it ?・I have a proposition. バッジ(Badge?) came in lately, how about having a meeting discussing business all together? With drinking, maybe. I don't speak English much but I'm going to try my best.
(Your profit margin is protected)• You must have the ability to build and maintain your own custom website with live dynamically updated database of products behind it.• You will receive customer orders through your own personalized website shopping cart system.• It is a must have the power of locally installed software for complete product & website management and facilitation of local sales. You will have local product and pricing management, and immediate data access. (Software installed on your local PC’s at your fingertips)• Multi-user employee customization & control for selective access to sensitive information. (Individual employee access w/ rights you control)
• You will realize the power of a dynamic database that includes all companies’, products, and part numbers in the motorcycle industry you’re your own customizable pricing levels and live updated inventory features.• Your immediate need to know if product is available. (You can’t sell it if it isn’t available)• Your will need web page development, deployment, and maintenance on an ongoing basis. (We are ready when you are, to go worldwide)• You must have a website and also local product sales abilities combined in one smart system. (The Internet is where the action is today)• You will need product updates, info, & data support on an ongoing basis. (We’ve got your back 24/7)
I have to tell you that I should cancel the order.I'm sorry for the trouble but please return the money I paid already.Thank you.
I Hate to tell you this..But that IS my goods.Ask whoever took those pictures if that is an ACME and they will say yes.The color on that version was too blueand the back was to gray and not brown.my new version is a bit more aubergine front andTan/brown back.But the shape and quality will be the same.thank you,
I tried many times but I couldn't access.Maybe because I tried from Japan.Would you please ask instead of me?I eagerly want to know the UPC number.I'd appreciate.
Thank you for your reply. The address for delivery is right.Was the price wrong?That is an important problem to us too.Is there any error on the price list for radiator?Please send me a complete price list.Asada