I realized my mistake from your point.Thank you for letting me know it.I have a suggestion for that you have some limitation for bidding my items.I will update the item you want, so why not start bidding from there.I also can ship it together with the item you have purchased.(The delivery will delay if you prefer to ship it together.,,)Of course I can ship it separably.What do you think? I will waiting for your reply.
Tamagoyaki. Tamagoyaki(tamago yaki) is a Japanese food(washoku) made by rolling beaten eggs into a tubular with cookware on a pan. It's a standard dish for Bento, a one of home cooking and unique cooking technique of Japanese food. it's also called Atuyaki Tamago.The number of moms who can make Tamago yaki in perfect way are getting decrease, so the popularity of Tamago yaki as well. However, the image of Tamagoyaki which is a taste of home cooking is so popular among people, many would answer it as a taste of home cooking when they are asked about it even they don't have less chance to eat it at home.
ph47505USBメモリーでさえ……! 極めつけのスケルトン!ここまで来るとアートですね……。▼おわりに……好きなことを突きつめると思いもよらぬものが出来上がることがありますが、スケルトンのPCケースはその最たる例の一角でしょう。芸術作品のようにさえ見えてきます。これも日本人の手先の器用さが成せる業かもしれません。もし好きで好きでたまらないキャラクターが出来たら、ぜひ痛PCにチャレンジしてみてください!愛が形になりますよ! ja
ph47505Even USB memory...!Extreame Skelton!!For those are artistic...In the endIf you brush up what you like to do sometimes may result in an incredible things in the end, and the skelton PC case would be a great example of that.It looks like a master piece. This is maybe because of Japanese skillful hands magic. If you have any character that you really fall in love, please try to make one. Your love will be shown in the shape,
ph47504 他にも、周りの痛い視線など注意が必要なものは多い。 とりあえず、作ってる所は絶対に見られてはいけない! しかし、キャラヘの愛があるならこれくらいでへこたれてはいけない。 挑戦するものはこれらに注意して頑張って欲しい。とにもかくにも深い愛が込められているようですね。それでは痛PCをご覧あれ!▼あの娘と一緒なら、いつまでも二次元の世界にいられる!痛ノートPCです当然ながらスマホも▼家に帰っても一緒だ!PCケースですキーボードだってマウスパッド!?
ph47504Also there are other things that you need to pay attention such as curious eyes from people. Anyway, you can not show it when you are making! However, if you have love to the character, you won't give it up. For those who are planing to make one, please go ahead to do so with some attentions.It seems all of those are full of love. Please take a look at Ita PCs.I can be in two dimensional world forever if I were with her.This is Laptop Ita PC.Of course, my smartphone, too. I'm with her when I go home!This is PC Case Even KeyboardMouse pad?!
If you look at them, It looks relatively easy to make one for some kinds, but it needs good tastes and some difficulties in adjusting the sizes. At Nico nico douga, you can find the videos showing the actual sequences of how to build Ita PCs from desktop PCs and laptop PCs. Most of them are uploaded by private but there are some companies that make Ita PCs.It is made from LoveIf you put stickers on PC case, it will lower the heat venting and might cause some troubles on your PC; therefore, you'll need to pay attention.( especially putting the sticker over the venting area.)
ph44609100億円を好きなように使って閉塞感漂う日本を救うことを課せられ、最初にゴールした1人以外は「サポーター」により死がもたらされるという。ノブレス携帯を使えば、国家権力を動かすほどの依頼もできる。ミサイル攻撃もそのゲームによるものであった。資金を使って何を買ったかは逐次他の11人に通知されるようになっており、セレソン同士の妨害工作も許されている。滝沢は2万人をニートの〝どうにか〟したらしい この写真を撮ったあとに記憶を消した気がついたらホワイトハウスの前で全裸に
ph44609The rule is that one can use ten billion yen to make some improvement in entrapped Japanese society and only one who achieve that goal can survive and others will killed by "supporter."There is a "Noblesse Cellphone" which enables one to use the power of the state if one asks.The missile attack was due to that cellphone. What you buy from that ten billion will be instantly shared by other eleven Selesons and it is allowed to do sabotage between Selesons.Takizawa did something on two thousand Neets.He disappered from people after he took this picture.He was naked in front of White House when he got his mind back.
ph44605▼ストーリーどこにでもいそうな平凡な少年・苗木誠は、「超高校級の才能」を持つ現役高校生しか入学出来ない羨望の象徴「希望ヶ峰学園」に「超高校級の幸運」として抽選で選ばれたことを機に、「卒業すれば人生の成功が約束される」というこの学園に入学することになる。 迎えた入学式の日、意気揚々と希望ヶ峰学園の中へ入っていこうとする苗木だったが、玄関ホールに入ったところで急激なめまいに襲われ意識を失ってしまう。 苗木が目を覚ますと、そこは既に学園校舎の教室内であった。
StoryAn ordinary boy Maokoto Naegi happened to enrolled into "Kibogamine Highschool" where only "super talented students" can go and graduates are promised for their success of lives by his super-high school luck. On the day of an entrance ceremony, he was full of hopes and enter the high school but at the entrance hall he felt faint and lost his consciousness. When he woke up he was already in the class room.
ph40606Sum upDenpa songs are very closely related to "Moe Anime" It has very important role in Anime and will become one of the essentials to know about the current Japanese culture. If you like this mysterious Denpa songs, please check them with anime!
ph40605また、この語はその出自から、「良曲ではあるが、オタク向けであるため、人前で賞賛するのははばかられる」属性を指す分類用語と理解されているため、オタク文化の一般化が認められつつある現代においても、留意して使用すべき単語である。さっそく電波ソングを聴いてみよう!らき☆すたもってけ!セーラーふく侵略!イカ娘 侵略ノススメ☆這いよれ!ニャル子さん太陽曰く燃えよカオス電波女と青春男 Os-宇宙人ゆるゆりゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件
ph40605Even the Otaku culture is getting popular these day, this word is still known that shouldn't be used openly for its origin that "it is a great song but mostly made for nerds(otaku) so is not a good idea to use it as a common word "Let's listen the Denpa songs.Lucky ☆ StarMotteke Sailor FukuShinryaku! Ika MusumeShinryaku no Susume☆Haiyore! Nyaryko sanTaiyo iwaku Moeyo ChaosDenpa Onna to Seishun OtokoOs-Uchu JinYuru YuriYuriYurararara Yuruyuri Daijiken
ph40604出所が所謂オタ的な土壌(多くエロゲの主題歌、キャラソン、アニソン等)に立脚すること。この種の楽曲を「電波ソング」と称することが定着したのは2chのコミュニティにおいてである。 この種の中毒性の高い楽曲(多くエロゲの主題歌、キャラソン等)を紹介するにあたって「頭から離れない」「洗脳されて、こっちまで電波になりそう」との含意もありつつ一般化したものと思われる。
ph40604It is based on Otaku oriented culture (main theme of Ero-games, character songs, and anime songs)Naming of these songs as "Denpa song" was started within the community of 2ch. When introducing these highly addictive songs( from many Ero-game themes and character songs) with the connotation of "can't get out of mind" and "brainwashing as you would become Denpa as well" it was gradually generalized.
ph40603Denpa song(Denpa song, Denpa uta, Denpa kyoku) has characteristics of followings; "strongly enhanced voice tone", "meaningless and chaotic but impressive lyrics","alienation from common sense","distinctively strange but has impact sound-effects or interludes in it" and "Once you listen it, it goes around your mind and does not go away."There is no precise definition for it though it can be approved as is in common by sharing these characteristics. It is chaos( ≒ meaningless, chaotic) and outstandingly impressive lyrics goes. According to listeners, the songs usually said as addictive and leave the strong impressions to listeners.
ph40601What is Denpa songs?? The best 5 Denpa songs of anime music.There are some distinctive anime songs in the anime world. Denpa songs may be the most distinctive ones of all. Some people say it as " the new genre of music that 21st century Japanese culture bears" Today, I will introduce such Denpa songs. After you finish listening all of them, you could be a great Denpa san!?What is Denpa?
ph39605Tank !Gotta Knock A Little Harder▼攻殻機動隊Inner UniverseトルキアDARKER THAN BLACK -黒の契約者-Deadly Workハイヒールラナウェイ▼おわりに……カッコいい、ファンが多い、そんなアニメには菅野よう子の仕事が多く潜んでいます。アニメ好きから音楽好きまで、本当に多くのファンから支持を得ています。他にもたくさんの楽曲があるので、もし気に入ったら、アニメと一緒にチェックしてみてくださいね。 ja
ph39605Tank !Gotta Knock A Little Harder▼Ghost in the Shell Inner UniverseturkeyDARKER THAN BLACK -Kuro no Keiyakusha-Deadly WorkHigh Heel Runaway▼In conclusion...Yoko Kanno's music usually hidden in cartoons that are cool with many fans.Her fans are so broad from cartoon fans to music fans.She has many other works, so if you like them please check them with cartoons. ja
When Shinichiro Watanabe listened to her demo tape, he was impressed by it and said "Is this really done by one person?", and also Yoshiyuki Tomino left the similar remark on her work "Is this really done by one woman?"(中略) As her admiring musician, she raised the name of Toru Takemitsu who composed the variety of music from contemporary to pop.Her evaluation is high in both domestic and foreign countries, and she has many fans.The actor Shun Oguri has all her music CD from "CowBoy Be-Bop" and a one of her fans directly asked Kanno to do music work on his first directing film "Surely Someday"
ph39601アニメ音楽といえば!菅野よう子の世界アニメには欠かせない音楽ですが、長きに渡ってアニメファンから絶大な支持を得ているのが〝菅野よう子〟です。その楽曲の幅から、作編曲、キャッチーさ、カッコよさ、どれを取っても最高にカッコいいんです。今日はそんな菅野よう子女史の音楽をご紹介します。アニメの作品ごとに紹介しますので、気に入ったらアニメも観てみてくださいね。菅野よう子って? 菅野よう子さんご本人です。
ph39601Speaking of cartoon music, you can't ignore the world of Yoko Kanno.Music is essential to any cartoon, and Yoko Kanno has great popularity among anime fans for long time.Whatever she does on her music such as arrangements and genres are so cool and catchy.Today, I will introduce her music.I will introduce it with the titles of cartoons, so please watch it as well if you like the music.What is Yoko Kanno?Here is Yoko Kanno.
In conclusion....All sisters work hard. It's warming to see when they cheerfully struggle to overcome the difficulties over the love. There is no problem for us to fall in love with them, if your heart are taken by their cheerfulness, please love them from the bottom of the heart.
ph37710▼日本では本編が終了して15年たった今でもなお、ファンを魅了し続けています不殺の誓いを胸に逆刃刀を持つ、緋村剣心▼人気の秘密は魅力的な敵役たちにもある京都を燃やし尽くそうとした、志々雄真新撰組の生き残りにして剣心の終生のライバル、斎藤一剣心の心の支えとなる、神谷薫▼海外では〝SAMURAI X〟の名で知られるアメリカではアニメの劇場版およびOVAが、剣心の頬の十字傷に由来する『Samurai X』の題で発表された。
ph37710▼It's been 15 years since the end of the series, but it still attracts many fans.Kenshin Himura who took an oath of Not Killing with his reversed edged sword.▼The secret of it popularity is also hidden in attractive enemies.Mokoto Shishio who tried to burn out the city of Kyoto. Hajime Saito who was the only survivor of Shinsen Gumi and the eternal rival of Kenshin.Kaoru Kamiya who supports Kenshin's emotion. ▼It is known by "SAMURAI X" overseas. In US, the cinema version of cartoon and OVA were released with the title "SAMURAI X" which derives Kenshin's right cheek cross scar.
ph37709日本のJazzy Hip-Hopのパイオニア〝nujabes〟が音楽を担当。サントラもクールShiki no Uta - Nujabes & MINMI第一位 るろうに剣心▼ストーリー幕末に「人斬り抜刀斎」として恐れられた伝説の剣客緋村剣心。明治維新後は「不殺」(ころさず)を誓い、流浪人として全国を旅していた。神谷薫との出会いや、同じ激動の時代を生き抜いた宿敵達との戦いを通じて、贖罪の答えと新たな時代での生き方を模索していく。
Japanese Jazz hip hop pioneer "nujabes" took the part of music. The soundtrack is also cool.Shiki no Uta - Nujabes & MINMINo1. Ruroni KenshinStoryKenshin Himura who was afraid from people for his name "Battousai the man-slayer" during Bakumatsu period. After the Meiji Ishin, the new era, he took an oath "Not to Kill" anyone and live as a wanderer. Throughout the encounters with Kaoru Kamiya and other characters who were once enemies during Bakumatsu period, he struggles his past and tries to find the answers to those days when he was a man-slayer.
ph37702第3位 ストレンヂア▼ストーリー天下を統べる者を失い、度重なる合戦の果てに下克上がまかり通り、力ある者も野盗に堕して無法が横行する戦乱の時代――。 はるか中国大陸から身よりを亡くした一人の少年が、禅僧祥庵に連れられて海を渡り、日本へと辿り着いた。その名は仔太郎。 だが、仔太郎の身体の秘密を求め、明国の武装集団もまた、上陸を果たしていた。
ph37702Third place Sword of the Stranger▼StoryThe period of War, the society looses the ruler so the low overcomes the high during the countless wars. The one who had power once has dropped out and becomes bandit.From the far land of China, one boy who lost his family members were taken to Japan by Bhikkhu Shoan. His name is Kotaro. However, to reveal the body secret of Kotaro, the armed group of Ming Dynasty has also arrived in Japan.天下を統べる者を失い、度重なる合戦の果てに下克上がまかり通り、力ある者も野盗に堕して無法が横行する戦乱の時代――。 はるか中国大陸から身よりを亡くした一人の少年が、禅僧祥庵に連れられて海を渡り、日本へと辿り着いた。その名は仔太郎。 だが、仔太郎の身体の秘密を求め、明国の武装集団もまた、上陸を果たしていた
ph37609身長・体重などの基本的なプロフィールから名前の由来やキャラクターボイス・イラストレーター、ちょっとしたうんちくなどの情報盛りだくさんで紹介し […]▼前衛的なHip-Hop Jazzにも起用されていますCatch22 - DCPRG feat.JAZZ DOMMUNISTERS & 兎眠りおんここでは〝兎眠りおん〟が本物のMCに交じってラップを繰り広げる。▼VOCALOIDが目指す未来は
I will introduce the basic profiles such as weight and height as well as the drives of names, character voices, illustrators, the little knowledge...It is promoted in avant‐garde Hip-hop Jazz.Catch22 - DCPRG feat.JAZZ DOMMUNISTERS &Rion ToneHere, Rion Tone will rap with actual MC.The future of VOCALOID will be