I think this time's sample is the best stick I've ever received.However, compared to the most popular incense in the Japanese market, I still feel lacking something. For instance, it may be a small amount of cream, myrrh or a kind of herb.I have been trying to test the perfume and smoke in order to provide the best incense to the customers. If you would not mind, please give me some more time.Also, I would like you to see some incenses, which are popular in Japan, can I send them to you?I would like you to consider that as well with the factory.Best regards,
The research is currently underway, however, the chronic salivary and gland disorders have not been seen in the intervention group, indicating that it may also contribute to the maintenance of long-term QOL.In this research, we found that the acute salivary and gland disorder along with treatment may occur in the early stage by quantitative evaluation and the take candy balls in the early stage could be one of the effective choices of preventive measures. Candy ball is relatively inexpensive and easy to get on daily life. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory function the candy has may protect the oral condition and maintain the salivary gland function while this treatment alleviates the side effects many patients suffered. It may be effective for maintaining QOL.
The patient took 2g of candy balls daily for 4 consecutive days while they were in the RI treatment room. There was no significant change in group A, indicating that it may have suppressed salivary gland disorder in the acute phase. While the results of S and Ktest showed that the patients' salivary function in group B objectively decreased, group A was able to keep its function. It is considered that because inflammation is eased by the membrane protective ingredient contained by the candy balls, and the amount of saliva increases as a result of keeping the wet condition in the oral. In contrast to the previous study focusing on the prevention by chewing gum, the candy balls may be a better choice than the chewing gum because the intervention using chewing gum does cause acid irritation and mucosal obstruction.
This is where I sent the doll to AKIKO NAKAMISEGSP, Unit 3 Dove CL, Fradley PkRef #A3193467021JPLICHFIELDSTAFFORDSHIREWS13 8UR The UPS courier delivered it to the wrong place RUGELEY, WS151LX I will let you know if I find the doll. If it is lost I will make you another doll the same. I will keep you updated if I find any thing out. Sam x
私が人形を送った場所はAKIKO NAKAMISEGSP, Unit 3 Dove CL, Fradley PkRef #A3193467021JPLICHFIELDSTAFFORDSHIREWS13 8UR UPSの配送業者は間違った場所に人形を届けました。RUGELEY、WS151LX人形を見つけたらお知らせいたします。もし、紛失した場合は別の同じ人形を製作するつもりです。私があればすぐにお伝えいたします。サム では
Spirit of Inquiry・色々なことに深く興味や関心、疑問のある子・学び、体験、挑戦に積極的な子・新しいことに目をキラキラさせる子Acute Cognitive Ability・他人や周囲の状況を考えられ、思いやりのある子・目的を達成するためによく考え、やり抜くことが出来る子・周囲に流されず深く考えられる子・周囲と協力し、取り組むことの出来る子Self Expression・自分の考え・気持ちを表現し伝えることが出来る子・人前でも自信を持って、行動や発言ができる子
Spirit of Inquiry ・ A child with deep interest, curiosity and doubts in various things ・ A child who is willing to learn, experience and challenge ・ A child who is excited about new things Acute Cognitive Ability ・A thoughtful child who is able to think about others ・ A child who can consider and persevere to achieve the goal ・ A child who can think deeply without being instructed ・ A child who can cooperate with the others and work with others Self Expression ・ A child who can communicate and express their thoughts and feelings ・ A child who can act and speak with confidence
Anyway, I will do my best to practice painting.I am very motivated because of your cheerful words, thank you!My parents did not get divorced after all, and as a result, my life was really very painful and in keeping with my father's violence. I think it would be better if he divorced when I was a child. If my parents were divorced, I would not have been depressed at all.I am really honoured to become the best friend with you.Thank you for giving me the courage to live.Please come to Japan. We are so welcome!I am looking forward to working with you
鰻ざく鰻巻き玉子鰻蒲焼き鰻白焼き鰻くりから串鰻肝吸い鰻ひつまぶしおにぎり 南高梅おにぎり ちりめん山椒おにぎり 山わさび味噌焼きおにぎり1個
Unagi zakuRolled and grilled egg with unagiUnagi kabayakiUnagi shirayakiUnagi kurikaragushiUnagi kimosuiUnagi hitsumabushiRice ball pickled plumRice ball chirimen zanshoRice ball yama-wasabi and miso (fermented soy beans)Grilled rice ball1 piece
If I want to end my life myself, I'll take medicine which the doctor prescribed immediately. It is sad that Japan is much behind in mental health care fields compared to the US.I look forward to seeing you in Japan and I will do my best to meet you here.I am very happy to say that I want to work with you.Yeah, I will do my best!People who have betrayed you have less power of lives and you'd better stay away from them. You will be soon surrounded by someone with a similar power of lives as you. That is the natural law of astrophysics.
Honestly, I think it would be nice if my father disappeared from this world as soon as possible.I have never known your parents are divorced.It is very painful to see parents feeling sad.And are you betrayed by a friend?Such a terrible experience…. My heart breaks when I think there were such a hard time and a sad thing.I was betrayed by people who I thought were my best friends, and I was also in a terrible situation.So I can not trust anyone other than you.I like Japan, but sometimes, even that is a small matter, Japanese common sense does not permit it, I do not like that. It is generally said that in my country there is a strong social perception like a nail that stands out will be hammered down even the nail is small, and you can see that at workplace or school. Sorry for forgetting your birthday.I'm sorry.
ご返信ありがとうございます。今回の質問はイギリスのHMRCからです。現在HMRCの監査を受けており、そのためアマゾンUKのアカウントはサスペンド状態となっています。弊社はHMRCにはVAT Transactions Reportを提出し、様々な質問に答えていますその中でTRANSACTION_TYPEがFC_TRANSFERの場合のIDについて質問を受けています。その返答をHMRCにしたいです。下記にHMRCからの質問をコピーアンドペーストします。添付もご参照ください
Thank you for your reply.This question is from HMRC in the UK.Currently, my Amazon account is under HMRC inspection, so it is being suspended.We have submitted a VAT Transactions Report to HMRC and answered plenty of questions.Among them, we have been asked about the ID when TRANSACTION_TYPE is FC_TRANSFER.we would like to make a response to HMRC about that.Copied questions from HMRC is as below.Please refer to the attached file.
1, I have some questions. Regarding the 〇〇, is it the correct way to fill it in?Please see the attached file.2. Is it the correct shipping addresses to be picked up from shipper as following?3. Is my understanding that shipping costs will be paid directly to the shipping company correct?
3. Fill out and submit an Authorized Release Form (on reverse)Skinner will release your property to a shipper or other third party only after we have received a signed Authorized Release Form andpayment for your purchase. This form allows us to release your property to a shipping company or third party representative, and protectsboth you and us from any possible misunderstandings when it comes to delivering your purchase safely and securely.
3. 正式な資産譲渡フォームを全て記入し提出してください(裏面)署名済みの正式な資産譲渡フォームと購入した金額への支払い完了後、Skinnerは貴殿の資産を配送業者または他の第三者に譲渡します。本フォームは、配送会社または第三者の代理人に貴殿の資産を譲渡することを可能にし、購入物の安心・安全な配送から生ずるあらゆる誤解から貴殿と我々双方を保護することにつながります。
Please note that Skinner must receive payment for your purchase and a signed Authorized Release Form (on reverse) before we can releaseyour property. Please include the shipping franchise and a contact. In order to provide you with a quote, the shipper will need to know yourname as invoiced, the shipping address, the auction name, date, and lot numbers of your items, as well as general information about thetype of items you need to ship.
1.Payments must be posted to your account before purchased property is released. Please allow time for processing.We require a signed release or electronic substitute from the invoiced buyer. Purchases picked up in Massachusettsor shipped to Florida or New York are subject to sales tax at the current rate for that location.2.Please provide the shipping agent or third party with the appropriate Skinner gallery location and email/fax this formto the correct location. Skinner assumes no responsibility of error or omission by any third party and Skinner does not recommend any one shipper over another.
1. 購入した資産の譲渡前に購入金額があなたのアカウントに反映されなければなりません。手続きに時間を要することをご理解下さい。我々は請求が行われた買い手からの署名付き譲渡、またはそれに代わる電子的な代用品が必要です。 マサチューセッツ州で集荷され、フロリダ州またはニューヨーク州に出荷される購入品は、出荷先の税率にて、消費税の対象となります。 2. 配送代理店または第三者に正確なSkinnerギャラリーの場所を提供し、本フォームを正確な場所にEメールまたはファックスで再送して下さい。 Skinnerは第三者によるいかなる過失または業務不履行について一切の責任を負いません。またSkinnerは、配送業者を他の荷主に対して推薦することはありません。
Because of jealousy and hatred to my success, someone made a slander site and have been actively guiding my followers to that site for more than 10 years.I was seriously hurt.Unfortunately, there are those who believe in that site's words and they become more and more hostile to me and sometimes threaten to kill or harm me. It's very tough time.What makes the problem worse, neither the Japanese police nor the judiciary system is much behind in dealing with the Internet crimes or so, even if you consult with the police, they will never be your supporter. I have consulted many times, however it is totally useless. I am angry because the police said to me that you would better quit your SNS. It is extremely sad.
VAT Report について質問ですTRANSACTION_TYPEがFC_TRANSFERの場合、TRANSACTION_EVENT_IDが他のオーダーとは異なり、数字10桁になっています他のオーダーと同じようなIDはないのでしょうか?HMRCから質問が来ましたVAT Report はダウンロードしたものをそのままお渡ししていて、IDをこちらで改変はしていませんHMRCが何を求めているのか理解ができないのですが分かりますでしょうか?アマゾンにもIDについて今質問しています
I have a question about VAT Report.If TRANSACTION_TYPE is FC_TRANSFER, TRANSACTION_EVENT_ID is 10 digits number as other orders show different number.Is there an ID similar to other orders?I have got a inquiry from HMRC. We gave you the original VAT Report and the ID has not been modified at all. I can not understand what HMRC is asking for, but could you explain?I am also asking Amazon about the ID.
There is a customer who have purchased 6 licenses of software standard. He/ She is considering to purchase two additional licenses. However, Standard software has been already out of stock. He / She may purchase advance software. In that case, there are 6 licenses for the difference between Advance and Standard, and 2 for Advance. Or is it 8 licenses? Or could he/ she get a upgrade for free? If he/ she could, is it ok that providing a ZIP file which obtained previously purchased?
In the current binding, which consists of two components, they are theoretically designed to be released by forward and rotate forces, but it is said that sometimes the release may not occur at all depending on the force strength.Although there are many reports that products themselves are the risk factor for injuries, there are different opinions in terms of adjustment and checking of products before skiing. It may be necessary to improve products.
The distributor shall order and make the payment by wire transfer after the campaign ends according to order volume that the distributor received in the campaign. The manufacturer shall needs 30 days for the production after the distributor finishes the payment. The manufacturer shall deliver the products to the distributor not later than 50 days after the distributor completes the payment. If the distributor gets more orders than 100 pcs, delivery timing may be extended and discussed.SignatureFor and on behalf of
Hi Naruhiko, yes that tracking number is correct. If you go onto the Parcelforce Worldwide tracking site in the UK and put in the tracking number I gave you, you will see it's current shipping status. It is currently being exported to your country, there is a message on the site saying that road closures on the M40 are affecting deliveries. I will scan a copy of the shipping document and send it to you. Here is a link to the Parcelforce Worldwide site, just type in your tracking number there to see your packages shipping status.
こんにちは、ナルヒコ。はい、その追跡番号で合ってます。英国版のParceforce Worldwide追跡番号サイトにアクセスして、お伝えした追跡番号を入力すれば現在の配送状況を確認することができます。今現在あなたの国に向けて輸送中で、サイト内のメッセージによるとM40道路の通行止が輸送に影響しているようです。配送に関する資料をコピーして、お送りいたします。以下がParceforce Worldwide サイトへのリンクになります。そこで追跡番号を入力するば、お荷物の配送状況を確認することが出来ます。