To make an indirect attack on the fire, a fog stream is introduced through a small opening and directed at the ceiling where the heat is most intense. The heat converts the water spray to steam, which fills the compartment and absorbs the bulk of the heat. Once the fire has been darkened down and the space has been ventilated, hose- lines can be advanced and water applied directly onto whatever is burning.Indirect Attack (Structural) — Directing fire streams towardthe ceiling of a room or building in order to generate a large amount of steam. Convertingthe water to steam absorbs the heat of the fire and cools the area sufficiently for firefightersto safely enter and make a direct attack on the fire.
間接的消火法では、水蒸気は小さな出口から天井に発射される。そこはもっとも熱量がたまっているところだ。熱は水のスプレイを水蒸気に変え、それはコンパートメントを満たすことによって大部分の熱を吸収する。一旦火がおさまっって内部が換気されるとハウスラインはもとにもどり、水は燃えているところすべてに注水できる。間接的攻撃/消火(構造因子) -- 火の流れを部屋あるいはビルの天井に変えること。それによって大量の水蒸気を作り出せる。水を水蒸気に変えることによって火が持つ熱量を吸収し、消防士が安全にそこに入り直接火と対決できる空間を冷やすことができる。
Direct and Indirect AttackThe difference between a direct attack and an indirect attack is the location from which the attack is started. An indirect attack is started from outside the compartment, and a direct attack is started from inside it. Skill Sheet 15-I-1 describes how to attack a structure fire with an exterior attack.Combination AttackA combination attack uses the heat-absorbing technique of cooling the hot gas layer followed by a heat-reducing direct attack on the materials burning near the floor level. The attack starts with short bursts, known as penciling, from a penetrating fog stream directed into the hot gas layer at the ceiling level (gas cooling) (Figure 15.14).
Combination Attack — Battling a fire by using both a direct and an indirect attack. This method combines the steam-generating technique of a ceiling level attack with an attack on the burning materials near floor level.
コンビネーション攻撃 - 直接および間接攻撃(消火)を組み合わせて火と戦うこと。この方法は水蒸気発生テクニックを用いた天井付近でのアタックと、床付近での燃焼物に対するアタック(消火)を組み合わせたものである。
Gas cooling is not a fire extinguishment method but simply a way of reducing the hazard presented by the hot gas layer. This technique is effective when faced with a shielded fire; that is, one you cannot see from the doorway because objects are shield- ing it. In these situations, you cannot apply water directly onto the burning material without entering the room and working under the hot gas layer.The hot gas layer accumulating in the upper levels of the compartment can present a number of problems for you and the other members of the hose team. Remember that smoke is fuel, and it may transition to rollover, flashover, or a smoke explosion at any time. In addition, hot smoke radiates heat to furniture and
You are still free to sell your items to others. Just do your normal and usual thing. The photos that we will select on your shop will be marked as “pre-order” items. Should a buyer from our side be interested to buy a specific designer bag but has been sold on your store already, it’s still fine with us. J We will adjust to your movement and availability of the items. Should we push through with this, it’s also better if we subscribe to your mails regarding new designer bag items/ stocks, news and updates.
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When I asked returning the item, I selected “one piece returning” option.But it was a mistake. I want to return ten pieces of the item, so please change as such.Thank you.
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In relation to this, there will be an event sponsored by A on (May 23 たとえばの表現) and we’ve got an offer for the stage. So I would like to know your schedule. If you can join, as the event will begin from the ○th, so you have to stay in Japan for additional ten days from the ○th to the ○th. Or you may go back home once for a short period. I think it is difficult for you to join it because we must spend time to prepare for it or may have other plans. But at any rate, please let me know your idea. As this event is a promotion, we will not be paid. However, the scale is a bit large with 1000 audiences, and we can expect the strong backup from A in the future. The time on stage would be 15 min.
*Confirmation of your orderWe received your order as follows. Please check it.As soon as the item is ready, we will notify you of the shipment.*We received your order.We will reply to you within 24 hours. Please wait a little while.*Notification of completion of your admission procedureThank you very much for your member registration to Net-Shop Kotobuki-ya. You can check the histories of items you purchase via member information.*Estimate sheetEstimate is shown below. Please check it.Effective period of the estimate is one week.*Confirmation of cancellation of your order.*Notification for item shipment
There was no relation between air temperature at the nozzle of the power unit and the resulting heat transfer. There was also no relation between the air flow at the nozzle of the power unit and the resulting heat transfer. However, all blankets performed best at high air flows above 19 L/s. The heat exchange coefficient, the mean temperature gradient between the blanket and the manikin correlated positively with the resulting heat transfer and the difference between the minimal and maximal blanket temperature correlated negatively with the resulting heat transfer.
Following is the comment of the seller.This is a home grown item made by an artisan.So, all do not necessarily have the same size and length.In addition, due to the change of the way of manufacturing, the printing of the package also differs from the previous one.The item we sent this time is the one that was made at the later stage of manufacturing.Concerning the hook, some store encloses it in the same box but other does not.If you want it, we can get it.Thank you.
The efficacy of forced-air warming systems is primarily determined by the blanket. Modern power units provide sufficient heat energy to maximize the ability of the blanket to warm the patient. Optimizing blanket design by optimizing the mean temperature gradient between the blanket and the manikin with a very homogeneous temperature distribution in the blanket will enable the manufacturers to develop better forced-air warming systems.
これぞアフリカンヒップホップ!スワヒリ独特のRhymeは本場アメリカとは異なる風合い。特に歌詞。Hip Hopと聞けばエミネムの『8 Mile』で出てくるような罵り合いを想起する人も多いかも知れない。しかしKochのミュージシャンが紡ぐラップは、困難な状況にあるからこそ未来や希望を歌うポジティブなメッセージが込められている。Swahili語でSocialな歌詞をもつSlum発祥のHip Hopが”Sラップ“といった新しいムーブメントを創り出す日も遠くない未来に来るかも知れない
This is the real African Hip Hop! Rhyme peculiar to Swahili gives an atmosphere different from that of the home land, America. Especially lyrics are fine. From the word “Hip Hop”, many may imagine melee that is heard in [8 Mile] of Eminem. But, in the rap musicians of Koch produce, positive messages of hope and for future under this difficult situation are conveyed.Hip Hop that was born from Slum and has social lyrics in Swahili may, in the near future, create a new movement of “S rap”
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