I'm sorry; we're unable to issue refund for the shipping charges you'd incur for returning this item from Japan. Amazon.com is not responsible for these costs as you had the item arranged to be shipped to a freight forwarding company, which circumvents certain shipping restrictions. Had the item not been exported out of the country we would be more than happy to assist with this matter.
We're also unsure of the return shipping charges you'd incur to return this item. I request you to please contact your local carrier or the economical air mail method you'd use to return the item. They're in the best position to provide you with the estimates of return shipping fee to U.S.
Amazon. comはあなたが運送業者に品物の発送を頼まれたことにより、これらコストに対して責任を負うことはできません。これはある種の出荷制限を回避するためです。その商品が外国向けに輸出されたものでなければ喜んで対応するのですが。