【SHOWROOM】東京女子流 「ひとみの部屋(仮)」(新番組)【SHOWROOM】東京女子流 「ひとみのおもてなし」(新番組)新井ひとみがまさか?!の「お・も・て・な・し」役として、女子流メンバーなどをゲストにお迎えします!ひとみ待望の食べ物コーナーもあるかも!?番組名:ひとみのおもてなし配信日時:毎週火曜 21時~URL:https://www.showroom-live.com/tokyogirlsstyle(※変更ありません)初回5/10ゲスト:庄司芽生(東京女子流)
SHOWROOM「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」"Hitomi' room(provisional)" (New program)SHOWROOM「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」"Hitomi' Hospitality(provisional)" (New program)Hitomi Arai welcoms and surprisingly?! hosts guests such as members of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE!There may be food corner Hitomi wished for!?Program Name: Hitomi's hospitalityBroadcast date: Every Tue 21 O'clock-URL:https://www.showroom-live.com/tokyogirlsstyle(*no change)The first guest on May 10th is : Mebae Shoji (TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE)
4/23(土)Inter FM897「TOKYO DANCE PARK」出演Inter FM897「TOKYO DANCE PARK」出演日時:4/23(土)12:00~14:00 http://www.interfm.co.jp/tyodancepark/ ※ツイッターハッシュタグは #dance897 でお楽しみください!
Appears on April 23(Sat)Inter FM897「TOKYO DANCE PARK」Appears on Inter FM897「TOKYO DANCE PARK」Time and date:April 23(Sat)12:00~14:00http://www.interfm.co.jp/tyodancepark/※Twitter hushtag is #dance897 . Please enjoy!
CINRA.NET 三浦大知×Seiho対談CINRA.NET 三浦大知×Seiho対談http://www.cinra.net/interview/201604-miuradaichiseiho
CINRA.NET DAICHI MIURA×Seiho talkCINRA.NET DAICHI MIURA×Seiho talkhttp://www.cinra.net/interview/201604-miuradaichiseiho
4/26(火) TBS「Good Time Music」出演TBS「Good Time Music」出演日時:4/26(火) 深夜0:10~0:55http://www.tbs.co.jp/goodtimemusic/
Appears on April 26(Tue) TBS「Good Time Music」Appears on TBS「Good Time Music」Time and Date:April 26(Tue) Midnight 0:10~0:55http://www.tbs.co.jp/goodtimemusic/
KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ の振替公演に関しましていつも倖田來未を応援して頂き、誠にありがとうございます。 3月29日(火)に延期を発表させて頂いた2016年3月30日、3月31日(市原市市民会館)公演の振替日が決定いたしました。
As for the substitute performance of KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ Thank you very much for always supporting KUMI KODA.The substitute performance date has been decided to March 30, 31, 2016 (Ichihara City Civic Hall) from the date we had released on March 29th (Tue).
例)2枚購入の内、1枚のみ返金の場合 → 8,963円+簡易書留代 上限392円例)2枚購入の内、2枚とも返金の場合 → (8,963円×2枚)+簡易書留代 上限392円+配送手数料617円 ※お伝えしておりましたインフォメーション連絡先番号に誤りがございました。申し訳ございません。 以下が正しい連絡先になります。 インフォメーションセンター 03-6746-3372 (平日13:00~17:00/土・日・祝祭日休業)
ex. When refunding only the amount of one ticket from purchased two tickets → ¥8,963 + recorded delivery cost, ¥392 at maximumex. When refunding the amount of two tickets from purchased two tickets → (¥8,963 x 2 tickets)+ recorded delivery cost, ¥392 at maximum + ¥617 for shipping.*There was a mistake on the information contact number we have released. We are sorry.Below is the right contact number.Information center03-6746-3372 (Weekdays 13:00-17:00/ Closed on Sat,Sun, and National holidays)
<ローソンチケットでご購入の方>お手元のチケットお持ちの上、お近くのローソン店舗で払い戻しをいたします。お手数ですが、期間内にローソン店舗にチケットをご持参の上、Loppiから払い戻しのお手続きをお願い致します。ローソンチケット払戻方法はこちら → http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/ お問い合わせ:0570-000-777(10:00~20:00)
For those who purchased at Lawson Ticket,Please go and get refund at Lawson in your neighborhood with your ticket.We are sorry to trouble you, but please go to Lawson within the set period and proceed with the refund from Loppi .How to get refund at Lawson → http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/Inquiry:0570-000-777(10:00~20:00)
アイフルホーム新CM「高性能篇」に倖田來未の楽曲を起用!アイフルホーム新CM「高性能篇」に倖田來未の新曲「Promise you」が起用されることとなりました。4月21日(木)より放映開始、先行して本日より「アイフルホーム」公式サイトにおいてTVCMが公開となります!CMの世界観を基に書き下ろした新曲「Promise you」、是非チェックしてみてくださいね! ■「アイフルホーム」公式サイトhttp://www.eyefulhome.jp/event/tvcm/
Eyeful home new commercial advertisement "High performance version" is using music by KUMI KODA!New song "Promise you" by KUMI KODA is going to be used for Eyeful home new commercial advertisement "High performance version".It will be broacast from April 21st (Thu), and previous to the earlier date "Eyeful home" official website will release the TV advertisement from today!Please check the new song "Promise you", which was written based on the world of the advertisement!■"Eyeful home" official website http://www.eyefulhome.jp/event/tvcm/
多彩なバリエーションを可能にするPJスタイルのピックアップ・レイアウトも特筆すべき点です。フロント・ピックアップからは重量感のある太いサウンド、リア・ピックアップからは芯が強くタイトなサウンドが得られます。 弦ピッチが17mmのスリムなネックはギターからの持ち換え時に違和感がないため、ギタリストの宅録ベースとしても熱い指示を得ています。
Pick-up layout of PJ style which enables colorful variation is a noteworthy point.You can get heavy, thick sound from front pick-up, and strong core, tight sound from rear pick-up.The 17mm slim neck of string pitch has no uncomfortable feeling when shifting a holding hand on a guitar, so it gains big support as a home recording base for guitarists.
Rental cycles have all been sold out. We have some electric bikes in stock.We are currently checking on whether the bike was returned. If you have time, please read this and wait. I come back soon.You can change the shift with the right handle of the bike.We offer service of exchanging batteries once for customers who have rented the electric bike for two days.In that case, I will change the battery if you could come to this white cottage.Please write the name and telephone number of the representative here.If you have no telephone number, please write the name of your hotel or guesthouse.
Is the new address for billing or for shipping?
I would like the atmosphere like Teddy in this picture. Please try to darken the colors of nose-head, wrinkles, cheek, and the eyelids as the one in the picture. Please make the eyebrow shape as same as the picture. Pale black, thick eyebrow. I would like the hair colored to brownish black (dark brown). I also have another favor to ask Amanda. As for my friend Elodie, she wants the production start date from around September. I am sorry to trouble you. Please keep tools such as kit at Amanda.
I bought it as the first owner, used it rarely, and kept it preciously under an exclusive environment for guitar with low himidity and non-smoking.It is in a very good condition, with almost none scars and decreased fret. The neck condition has no problem making it a top-grade item.I think it is in a more beautiful condition than any other used ones. I recommend this with pride, however as it was made in 2014, some aged deterioration such as metal somberness can be seen, although it has rarely been used.Please understand that it is a used one.Do you mean AUD, or USD, when you said $4000?
Can I please get some more info on the Gibson 58 sunburst reissue explorer.Just curious if it has any marks, scuffs or imperfections? As I'm after a cosmetically perfect guitar.Also would you consider $4000 aud posted, registered and insured?Item would need to be registered, insured, and freighted to Western Australia.
ギブソン58サンバースト リイシュー エクスプローラーに関する情報をもう少し頂けませんか?しみや傷、欠陥がないか知りたいのです。見た目が完璧なギターを欲しいからです。$4000ドルで配送料込み、保険登録済みでご検討頂けませんか?商品はウエスターンオーストラリアに保険登録済で配送される必要があります。
Please return the bycicle to the original place where you rent with the key kept in.Please do not park a bycicle at an unstable place as the bycicle easily falls.What kind of rental bycicle would you like?Please read the contract well when renting a bycicle.When you press this button, the switch of the electric bycicle turns on.There are three levels of mode, power, automatic, and eco.It is in the order of power from the up to down.The power mode loses battery quickly. Please use it only when you are on the slope.Please use either automatic or eco mode on a flat road.
I asked Mr./Ms.Sato. He/she told me that his/her schedule is already booked up. Therefore, could you change the schedule to Wednesday, the eleventh? Please call in an interpreter that day. As for the charge for the interpreter, $100 a day is fine. He seems to be in a different town in Vietnam now. So, I would like you to change the schedule to the date above.
突然のメール申し訳ありません。タブのプラグインを使って表示を切り替える際にレイアウトが崩れてしまいます。修正方法などわかりますか?過去に似たような質問があった場合は教えてもらえると助かります。以下の要望があります。1. SNSのアイコンが若干下にずれていると思います。2. ABCのデザインがちょっと気になります。個人的には以下のように変更して欲しいです。
I am sorry for this sudden email.The layout gets disrupted when I change the display using a tab plug-in. Do you know how I can correct it?If you had any similar question, it would help me greatly if you could tell me that.I have a request below.1. I think the SNS icon is placed slightly lower.2. I do not like the design of ABC. Personally I would like you to change it as below.
Do you understand our anxiety? 1.Why do you repeatedly change after we made a final confirmation and we are following you? 2.Please state clearly with your own mouth that MT103 is surely practiced when 87.5 K is sent on Monday. 3. Is the invoice of penalty CITI, or SNS? 4. If the remittance fails for some reasons, can you perform after 250 k is prepared?We have explained you not to add nor change when the first problem occurred.Please answer by email.
I understand from the beginning with SAP and DELL that as a member of IBM I gradually expand direct activities not only to Mitsui Group, but also to other general corporations.I currently practice business abroad of Mitsui Group, making blogs on IBM HP to improve recognition of IBM in Japan, which is Tom's request (I currently have more than 200 follower companies), and hosting seminars in the name of "ex-SAP/CEO", and also practice alliance matters with DELL to make IBM activities smoother.
Now, I answer to Mr.Yamada's question. As I have been telling you, I belive that what is needed for Japanese corporations to globalize truly is ERM of IBM is indispensable. I would like to contribute to the development of IBM in Japan by enlarging the introduction of that system to other Japanese corporations.Now, let me explain on my situations.I am able to deepen direct involvement to IBM business towards 2020.