こんにちは。今日はニュースがあります。今私のお腹には赤ちゃんがいて、10月に出産予定です。それに伴い、8/20で退職することになりました。直接お会いする機会がなく残念でしたが、今まで本当にお世話になりました。不慣れな英語でのメールも、あなたのサポートのおかげでうまくいきました。本当に感謝しています。これから”Tanaka-san’s weekly schedule”は、Sato-sanとKimura-san宛てにメールしてください。今後のあなたの幸せと健康と祈っています。
Hello. I have a news today. I am pregnant now and going to give birth in around October. And because of this I will retire from my job at 8th of August. It is a pity I could not meet you in person. I thank you for everything you have done for me up until now. With your support I could also manage writing e-mails with my inexperienced English. I am very thankful to you. From now on please send ”Tanaka-san’s weekly schedule” to Sato-san and Kimura-san via e-mail. I hope for your future happiness and health.
Hi, just want to know if I buy 3 figures from you what is the lowest price included shipping to usa I can get?I can send payment direct to ur pay pal. just let me know thanks.
こんにちは。質問があります。 フィギュアを三つ買った場合一番安い値段(アメリカへの送料を含む)はおいくらでしょうか?金額はすぐにあなたのpaypalへ振り込めます。 よろしくお願いします。 ありがとうございます。
I would like to buy oo.If I ordered 24 pieces how much would be the price for each including postage?I would pay about 100$ for each.Since there is an import limit of 24 pieces regarding cosmetic products, I would order 24 pieces if I decided to buy.If they sell well I am thinking of buying 1-2 times a month.I am interested in other △△ products. If it is possible please send me a price list.
I received the sample product.As I checked the product quality, it was the best so far.I had several companies under consideration but I decided to purchase from yours.I firstly order 10 pieces.I think the products you sell are probably an OEM package for overseas, thus I assume they are of high quality.So please be sure that you arrange the exact same products.Is it possible that you change the AC adapters with the ones with PSE mark?The previous company told me they needed lot. How is it with you?
deVielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.Wir werden uns mehr bemühen, dass das Inventar mit der Echtzeit-Verfügbarkeit übereinstimmt,und werden nochmals die Administration verstärken, damit der Kunde zufrieden ist.
②Beiliegend sende ich die Fotokopie und Brief den ich vom Zoll bekam. Hier sind noch zwei Internet Adressen die ich gefunden habe aber nicht erfolgreich probiert habe. https:// http:// Sorry dass ich so spaet antworte, ich war 4 Tage nicht am PC.Danke für Ihren Service, ich bin sehr zufrieden mit N24
コピーと税関から送られてきた手紙を添付しています。下記のアドレスは、私が見つけ、まだ試しいていないものです。https://http://返信が遅れてすみません、この四日間パソコンを使っていませんでしたので。あなたのサービスに感謝します。 私はN24にとても満足しています、
dein den vergangenen Wochen stellten wir bei regelmäßigen Überprüfungen Ihrer Verkäufertätigkeit fest, dass Sie Transaktionen aufgrund von Fehlbeständen Ihres Inventars nicht ausführen. Wie in unseren Richtlinien beschrieben, müssen Verkäufer Ihre Listungen aktualisiert halten, damit diese mit dem Echtzeit-Inventar übereinstimmen. Wir verstehen, dass sich die Verfügbarkeit von Waren verändern kann, bis eine Bestellung online aufgegeben wird, dennoch sind Verkäufer dafür verantwortlich, diese Vorfälle zu minimieren.
deこの数週間のあなたの売買活動の定期検査の結果、あなたが在庫切れと称し取引を実行していないことを確認しました。利用規約にも記載されている通り、売る側は現在の在庫状況に従ってリストを更新しなければなりません。 オンラインで注文がされるまで、在庫状況が変動することは理解しますが、それでも売り手はこういった事象を最小限に抑える責任があります。
Thank you for contacting us.The catalog of products currently being sold at amazon.com can be viewed from the address below.Due to the rules of amazon it its quite possible that the catalog does not appear properly. This can be solved by typing 'ksgroup.jp' in the search form.If you wish to buy products not shown on the catalog feel free to contact us. We can check the price and other details for you.We hope we can help you enjoy your shopping.ksgroup.jpN.kimura
DeutschlandVielen Dank für die Anfrage.Dieses Produkt steht ab dem 7. Juni zum Verkauf.Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag!Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
Thank you until now.I have to make arrangements in order to continue selling in Japan.Thus our shop will be closed temporarily.I would very much appreciate you coming to our shop again when we resume selling.I'm afraid I will send you back the two items. Please kindly refund the sum.The items are xx and xx.Best regards.
DeutschlandHaben Sie A kontaktiert wegen der Rechnungsstellung?Ich vertraue Sie.Ich vertraue Deutsche.Schönen Tag!
ドイツ①hallohaben sie das paket wieder bekommen?残念ながら商品がまだ届いておりません。届き次第手続きをさせて頂きますのでよろしくお願い致します。②Is The Terminator 2: Judgement Day Battle Damage already released? Or when will it be erklärst? ご連絡ありがとうございます。間違いがあるといけないのでASIN(品番)をおしえて頂けますでしょうか。
Deutschland1. こんにちは。 お荷物はまた、あなたに届きましたか?Leider ist die Ware noch nicht angekommen.Nachdem die Ware angekommen ist, werde ich weitere Schritte vornehmen.Ich bitte Sie um Verständnis.2. Terminator 2: Judgement Day Battle Damage は既にリリースされていますか? Or when will it be erklärst? Vielen Dank für die Anfrage.Um Fehler zu vermeiden, könnten Sie mir bitte die ASIN(Produktnummer) geben?
You submitted three objections.Could you please tell me what they are about?I will properly respond to these in a way you can agree with.
Thank you for your order.The item that you ordered will be delivered from Japan by air (japan post).The item is expected to arrive within 8 -16 days.It is a delivery from the post office but there is no tracking number.Should the item not arrive please contact me via e-mail.I am sorry for the trouble but we only have a few review of our shop, we would be very thankful if you could post a comment.I have attached the order list together with this email.If you wish the list to be packed together with the item please reply to this email with a 'please' message.If there is anything unclear feel free to contact me.
The item sold recently has been sent back ''unclaimed''.As I told the customer about that he wanted to have it delivered again.In this case, we need you to pay for the postage once again. How should we bill you for the postage? Is there any way to bill for the postage only?Or you cancel the ordered item and order the same once again. Is it fine with you If we then add the postage to the product price?
Hello,Thank you for checking out our products.This product will ship soon and be unopened.As it is new I was planning to sell it at a higher price than mentioned.But as I caused you trouble I would send this item if you could submit an additional payment of 90 dollars.Of course the other product is also inclusive.What do you think?
I'm sorry for the incovenience.I would refund you 10 dollars.If that is acceptable I will repay right away.I will refund the total.The item you bid for is sold out, so I will sent you a more valuable product.There is no USM but it is in a very good condition.Of course, the front/rear cap is also attached.I hope you would like it.
Übrigens, wie hoch sind die Zollgebühren?Wenn ich da irgendwie behilflich sein kann, sagen Sie mir bitte Bescheid.
Hello,Why is the ordered item being transported to Florida?I wrote on the Paypal message that the address has been changed. Haven't you noticed?Please change the receiver's address.Kind regards.
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