It is felt to be the parent's own real emotion, making the child's experience seem contagious and escalation.
sales department which covers wide area
Regardless of some clear affinities, we also have some idiosyncrasies as well.
We plan to get 657 pairs of shoes in this afternoon, but there is something wrong for the display about native locality and they were forced to stop at the customs.Thus we can’t get the shoes today.Now we are working out our schedule for putting the marks of native locality display on.The updated arrival day depends on the work, but it should be on next week for sure.We will let you know the progress situation later.
There are many cases that buyers in big Multi-Brand stores don’t allow the person in charge for accepting orders unless their brands are in fashion after they go for the brands and back to the office for considering orders.
He is back tonight.I can't wait!
Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.
①この“GIN”に関して、完全にカラーキャンセルという認識なのでしょうか?②BLUE/SILV 自体が生地に問題があったのか、それとも世界的にオーダーが多過ぎて元々の日本分を受け入れてもらえないのか?
①Should we acknowledge the fact they want to cancel the color about this GIN completely?②Were there any problems for the cloth BLUE/SILV itself or don’t they accept Japanese ones because of too much orders all over the world?
The manager of the branch office in Tokyo, Yamada will be in charge of the US brands such as TK.Now, we plan to have a business trip to the US around on July 20th.Hopefully we want to meet each other, then.
A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s – That’s because she changes it more often.
A general consumer living in Nagano bought a vintage polo shirts on the website which is managed by a person who lives in Tokyo.The consumer wondered if the product was a fake after recieving it and asked the dealer, but the answer is "It is real"He doubted it and asked the Japanese agency Yamamoto company for investigation.The Yamamoto company has something whose shape is similar but the color is different. So I aksed, but they were different in some ways.
クックパッドの運営するレシピ投稿サイトcookpad.comは、2008年のリニューアルでRuby on Railsを採用しました。以来、日本最大のRailsサイトとして月間989万人のユーザーから生み出される4.6億PVを支え、なおも拡大を続けています。テスト駆動開発やスクラムといったAgile技術の導入や、Hadoopなどの分散処理技術やクラウドを使いこなすことによって、これまで不可能だったスピードと規模でユーザーの毎日の生活に価値を提供し、クックパッドのミッションである「毎日の料理を楽しみにすることで心からの笑顔を増やす」ことに挑戦し続けています。8月29日(日)12:00~13:30@RubyKaigi2010にて、「●●」というセッションを予定しております。生活を豊かにする技術やRubyでのものづくりに興味がある方は、ぜひご参加ください。 managed by COOKPAD Inc., the web site on which users can post their receipts applied “Ruby on Rails” at the renewal in 2008.Since then, as the maximum Rails site in Japan, it supports 460 million page views generated from 9 million and 890 thousands users per month and still expanding in its size.Bringing in the Agile technology such as test-driving development or scram system and utilizing distributed processing technology like Hadoop or cloud computing, we are providing the value in user’s daily life with the speed which can never be achieved before and trying to achieve our mission “Make more people look forward to cooking everyday and smile in their heart.”On August 29(Sunday) 12:00~13:30 , we are planning the session「●●」at RubyKaigi2010.If you are interested in the technology to enrich our lives or the manufacturing at Ruby, don’t miss it!
I received your mail.Thank you for the detail.I appreciate it.
うれしいニュースです!秋に婚約します :D
There is a good news! I am engaging in autumn.
I was sleeping hard after finishing the design of my work.
Robinへこんにちは。次回お会いする際ですが、六本木ヒルズ49階アカデミーヒルズ小さい方の受付まで赤浦宛にお願いします。お会いするのを楽しみにしています。宜しくお願いします。赤浦 徹
Dear RobinHello.At the next meeting, please come Roppongi Academy Hills 49 and ask at the smaller reception for Akaura.I am looking forward to seeing you.Thank you in advance.Toru Akaura
Hmm...I can't sleep.Are you already sleeping?
Do people abroad usually come here?
Q1 以下は「ピンポンダッシュ」の1行AA(絵文字)である。全角カタカナ以外の文字をすべて削除せよ。 Q2 Aさんが見ていた世界旅行のパンフレットは、国名がいちいち漢字で書かれている、わかりにくいものだった。カタカナと矢印だけ残せ。
Q1 The following is a line AA(pictogram) of "Ding-Dong Ditch". Delete all the characters other than two-byte ones.Q2 The brochure of worldwide travels Mr.A was looking at is written in Kanji each time and was difficult to understand. Leave just Katakana and arrows.