take advantage of the fact that income is taxed only when it isrealised and of the difference between debt and equity. A change in these key rules wouldprotect the government’s corporate income tax revenues,
It was necessary for those voice actors to read this anime's script thoroughly.
読者に「なんで?」と思わせないのが良いコード。 読者の「なんで?」に答えるのが良いコメント。
The good code is not let the readers think "why?"The good comment is the answer to the readers' "why?"
However, transfer pricing problemswill be present and a source-based corporate cash-flow tax will be sensitive to taxcompetition, as corporations face a tax-induced incentive to produce in jurisdictionswhere they face the lowest tax rate.
I wonder if I should go upstairs.
Audit Focus is a unique service that lets insurers review 100 percent of their recently issued policies for excess mortality risk. All other approaches to underwriting audit, quality control and risk management must extrapolate findings based on a random sample.
Audit Focusは、過剰な死亡リスクに対して最近発表された方針の全てを、保険業者が再検討できる独自のシステムです。会計検査の引き受け、品質管理、そしてリスク管理に対するこの他の全ての取り組みは、無作為標本を元に推測による分析に違いないのです。
By incorporating specifically identified laboratory results from Heritage Labs, Audit Focus is able to provide clearer insights into business exceptions and risk concentrations across every risk class to help fine tune underwriting performance. Audit Focus enhanced with lab data from Heritage Labs provides insurers with a sharper picture than previously possible, particularly for preferred risks.
Heritage Labsの研究成果と同一のものを具現化することで、Audit Focusはビジネスにおける例外や、あらゆるリスクレベルの中で特定のリスクが集中することに対し、よりはっきりとした見識を提供し、引受業務の業績を微調整する手助けをしてくれます。Heritage Labsで得られた検査値に基づき精度を高められたAudit Focusによって、保険業者はこれまで以上に鮮明に、特に優先されるリスクをイメージすることができるようになります。
We are in the same boat! Aren't we?
Good morning, sir.As I was working too much over time, I am sleepy to death.
The hero is gradually getting used to the life of the city surrounded by the circular walls despite his confusion.However, there comes a breakup at the end of the short summer.
There’s a possibility the poster with the members’ autographs is in it.
I had left the office on time and went home.
The commuter’s train was very crowded in this morning.
アパレル関係の注文書の翻訳なのですが「Individual Fold ;$0.15 / Bag & Fold : $0.35」というのがわかりません。個別包装と??
This is about the order form translation of apparel, but I don’t understand what 「Individual Fold ;$0.15 / Bag & Fold : $0.35」 means.One should be “package for individual items”, but how about another?
Who are you rooting for at the World Cup this year? Can't wait to perform, will be such an amazing experience!
I'm testing on some tweet translators. Let's see how quickly and precisely you can translate this.
I'm testing the translation service on Twitter in various ways.I would like to know your talent.Thank you in advance.
I finished making the web site.As I established a link to yahoo, please check it before going home.
You flatter me!
After consideration, we decided not to ask your good self.