以下は「信じられない」ということを示すためのAA(絵文字)であるが、空白行も含めると9行も使ってしまっている。( ゚д゚)→(つд⊂)ゴシゴシ→・・・というように、横に並べ→で結ぶことで1行に収めよ。
There are AA(pictogram) meaning "I can'T blieve" below, but it requires as many as 9 lines including blank lines.Put them alongside and squeeze them into 1 line using → like below.( ゚д゚)→(つд⊂)ゴシゴシ→・・・
ORDER CONFIRMATIONの発行が遅い上にCANCELされる品番が多い。CANCELの連絡も遅いためAから毎シーズンクレームを受ける。 Aには昨シーズン、ミニマム数量と、それに満たないオーダーはCNACELされる可能性があること伝えているがAもミニマムを無視、オーダーは増えなかった。結果今期も大量CANCELが発生した。次シーズンはBに1品番ごとに生産を確実に進行できるミニマム数を報告させ、オーダー前にAに伝える。CにはCANCEL品番の連絡を早めること、CONFIRMATIONを早く発行する様契約時に取り決めが必要(ORDERから何日以内にCONFIRMATIONを発行等)。
It is late to bring out order confirmations and many products are cancelled.We also receive complaints from A every season as we tell them about cancellations late.Last season, we told A about minimum amount and the possibility that the order whose number is less than the minimum ones might be cancelled, but A ignored it and the number wasn’t increased.As a result, there came many cancellations this season as well.Next season, we will tell B to let us know the minimum number with which we can produce for sure. Then we will tell A about it before ordering. We need some arrangements for C to tell which products were cancelled and bring out confirmation early when making deals.(ex. bring out confirmation within ~days from orders)
English is difficult for me.I am almost giving up.
A customer bought a product via a personal website in Japanese. I checked the product, but it was definitely a fake one because there was no part number on it.Furthermore, I found the indication “made in China” in Kanji beside the note for washing.I would like to ask you, but did you make it in China?I am attaching its photo.
早速のメールありがとうございました。6月22日に無事日本に帰ってきました。さて、早速のご注文は大変うれしいのですが、これから一から仕事場を立ち上げなければならないため、ご注文されたウクレレの製作開始に少し時間がかかります。発送方法や決済方法なども只今調査中でして、決まっていません。ざっと調べたところ、発送料金はウクレレ一本につき30ドル前後ですが、 もっと安い方法がないか調べているところです。決済はpaypalがお互い簡単で安価であるようで検討中です。なにか取引方法にてリクエストなどありましたら、おっしゃってください。詳細がわかり次第、またメールいたします。この度はありがとうございました。
Thank you for your mailing immediately.I could safely came back to Japan on June 22th.Well, I am really happy for you order so soon, but I have to start up my workplace from now on. So it takes a while to start making the uke ordered.I also am thinking of how to deliver products or how customers pay for them and haven’t decided yet.I’ve check roughly find out shipping cost should be around 30 dollars per an uke, but I am still looking for some cheaper ways. About making payment, I am thinking of paypal as it seems to be easy and cheap for each other.If you have any request about transaction system, please tell me.I will mail you as soon as I know the detail.Thank you for you interest this time.
I think all the human beings are brothers.Struggling each other means nothing.
I would like to send clothing fabric in sample, but where can I send it?
Do you think the company A is going to work out buying-out actively?Do you also think company B deserves to be invested? If so, what is their strength?
EverybodyThere will be a marketing class by Mr. Ashizawa in the meeting this week.Please participate in it as it is very important.
I would like you to consider little children.
Our lives has gotten much better than that of 300 to 400 years ago, I think.
Let's enter the text that you want it to be translated.
I know your feeling well! I also feel empathy for you.
I'm always here. Play with me again.
One might understand therapy as experimenting with the inward expression of affects in expressing them within an atmosphere that is contained and safe as compared with the real world.
He does so by coming to terms with how his sense of being a victim in what transpired was influenced by his experience of his parents' conflicted relationship and ultimately their divorce.
Those 2 weeks, we will never forget. And one day i will move to japan,haha i couldn't get enough! Hopefully we will have the privilege of touringin Japan again soon!
Could you turn down the air conditioner?
Let me do a test.
デザインが気に入って、BBlessingのOCCULT TENT TEEを購入したのですが、OCCULT TENTは、儀式用のテントか何かですか?もし良かったら、意味やコンセプトを教えて欲しいです。
I bought OCCULT TENT TEE as I love its design, but is it the tent for some ceremony or something?I would like you to let me know the meaning or concept of it if you like.