hiro_hiro 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(繁体字)
hiro_hiro 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★☆ 4.0



Hi. How're you doing? I've been busy these days with my work because my company's gonna open a new outlet. Actually, I had to go to work even almost every day without no holidays. When I did't have to work, I spent all day sleeping to have a rest. Spring break in Japanese school year is just around the corner. Probably you'll be busy dealing with lots of Japanese tourists to Hawaii. Are you in good shape? I'm exhausted with my work as I said. haha I need a long refreshing break.

It rains a lot these days. It's cold in some days, warm in other days. Cherry blossoms started to come out. It's 6 days earlier than an average year. I remember talking with you about cherry blossoms last year. Time flies. It's been a year since then. I love cherry blossoms. They makes me feel warm season has come. Cherry blossoms last only about a week and their petals fall of in the wind. The way they are in full bloom is magnificent and moving. If I have a chance to go and see cherry blossoms, I'll take some photos and send you some. I'll try to work hard imagining the day when we can go to cherry blossoms viewing together will come sometime in the future. haha

I'll keep in touch. Take care!