I am writing about the item that I bought from you last month. I tried it when I got it and it didn't work. It didn't work even after it was charged. Hence, I would like to return it to you, but I'm not going to be able to get it back to you by the return deadline of February 18. The reason is that I don't have the item to hand. I would need to get it back from the owner and then it would have to be shipped from Japan and this would take time. I have already requested to make a return, but it will take about 2 weeks until it reaches your company. Would you accept the return in this case? And if you are happy to accept the return, would you reduce the repayment amount?
私はEbay大量購入者です。Item number:380370590516の支払料金が間違っていたので対処願います。”WEDGWOOD china ASCOT pattern Cup & Saucer Set - Peony Shape 2 1/4"はOriginal priceUS $39.99⇒販売価格US $29.99で私は5セット購入の為、39.99×5=199.95ドル⇒29.99×5=149.95ドルゆえに返金額50ドルとなります。証拠写真添付
I am a big buyer on eBay.The payment details for item number:380370590516 were wrong so could you please rectify it?The original price for the ”WEDGWOOD china ASCOT pattern Cup & Saucer Set - Peony Shape 2 1/4" was US $39.99⇒Sale Price US $29.99. I purchased 5 of them so this means:39.99×5=199.95 dollars⇒29.99×5=149.95 dollars.So I would need a $50 refund.
I run a retail business in Japan.I'm very interested in your products. I would very much like to purchase from you for a very long time, so I'd like to start by doing a test purchase of 1 item first.If there are no problems, then I would like to purchase more than 1 every month.And if you have other good items for sale then I will definitely consider buying them from you at the same time.So with this in mind, I'd like to propose purchasing 1 for $300.If this is not possible then please feel free to suggest your price.Thank you very much in advance.
I received the item yesterday. However, the item differs considerably from the product description shown on ebay.The listing said that it was a new unopened item, but when I received it, it was in a box that had been opened already and then closed again with brown scotch tape. Also, there was some damage on the outside of the box.The power cord is stained with some white paint. This is not a new item.I want you to give me a full refund. If you do not give me a refund within 3 days, I will report this case to paypal. This is likely to lead to you having bad feedback. I expect you to pay for all return costs as well.
住所をおしえてくれてありがとう!そのCDは2/22に私の手元に届くでしょう。それから 私は出来るだけ早くあなたにそれを送るようにしましょう。楽しみに待っていてくださいね!私は今日これからYuitoに会いに行くところです。もう出かけなければなりません。今ここは 午前6時半です。彼のママは 彼に離乳食を作り置きするために、私の助けがいるそうです。なんて 甘ったれなことでしょう!(笑) あとで、また メールしたいと思います。では、行ってきます!
Thank you very much for sending me your address!The CD should get to me by February 22. And then I will do my best to send it to you straight away. I hope you'll look forward to it! I am going out just now to go and meet with Yuito. I need to leave straight away. Right now, it's 6 o'clock in the morning over here. It looks like his mum needs my help to prepare his baby food. She's so spoiled! (LOL).I will write you an e-mail again later.Bye for now!
ディーラーである証明を送る必要があるとのことなのですが、どういったものを送ればいいですか?バイクディーラーである証明ということですか?現在、valkyrie floorboards kitに興味があります。卸売してもらえるのならすぐに1つ注文したいです。
I understand that I need to send proof that I am a dealer, but what sort of documentation do you require?Do you require proof that I am a bike dealer?I am currently interested in the valkyrie floorboards kit.If you are able to sell it to me at wholesale price then I would like to place an order for one of them straight away please.
I will be having the opportunity to place an additional order in a few days' time, so would you be able to hold off on delivery until I've made that order please?
Allows you to set its behavior during playback. It allows you to set continuous playback mode and the automatic jump to the playback page on or off.Allows you to choose the track you would like to play, or the track you would like to jump to.Displays immediately the page of that track.Displays the information of the track currently being played.
私は、今年の5月にワーキングホリデービザで渡英します。その際、もし現地での仕事が見つからなければ、日本の個人事業主等から仕事を請け、仕事ができれば…と思っています。業務内容はWeb関係のデザイン、プログラミング等になります。こちらの「What work and studies can you do?」の項目を見る限りは、大丈夫なのかと思ったのですが、心配になり問い合わせさせていただきました。
I will be coming to the UK on a working holiday visa "TIER 5 (YOUTH MOBILITY SCHEME)" in May.If I am unable to find a placement within a British company, then I would like to apply for jobs at private Japanese firms.I would be interested in working with the web, primarily design and programming.I have checked the "What work and studies can you do?" section and it looks like I might be suitable, but I am a little apprehensive so I thought I would make sure by contacting you.
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/working/tier5/youthmobilityscheme/workingandconditions/If I am eligible to apply, would I need to make an application in England?I am not planning to apply for jobs with firms in England.
Thank you for your reply.The frame size in 56cm is fine, so do you have it in stock?
8日に発送となっていますが、トラッキングで確認してもElectronic Shipping Info Receivedから進んでいません。発送は完了しているんですか?お客さんが待っているんで急いでいます。追加注文のwaterpumpcoverについても早めに発送してください。
The system says that the item would be shipped within 8 days, but when I checked the tracking number it still said "Electronic Shipping Info Received" and it hasn't progressed from that.Has it actually been dispatched?I am in a hurry as I have a customer waiting for it.I would also like you to ship as soon as possible the water pump cover which I ordered recently.
I should have been sent me an e-mail containing my password, but I have not received it yet.Will it arrive soon?I would appreciate it if you could send me a catalogue with my latest order.
Thank you for getting in touch. I understand, but I would like to take some time to think about it. I will be in touch soon. Thank you very much in advance.
Could you please send me details of my recent order?I am looking forward to receiving the item.sBy the way, how many should it take for them to reach Florida?How should I place my order next time?Via e-mail? Or should I go through your web site?
アイテムは今週の金曜にフロリダに到着するということですか?こちらでも確認したいので、トラッキングナンバーを教えてください。色はSatin blackでお願いします。もう少し早く到着する発送方法はありませんか?まだ完成していないんですね…日本できっと売れるアイテムだと思うので、完成を楽しみにしています。
So is the item going to arrive in Florida on Friday of this week?I want to verify this from my end, so please send me the tracking number.I would like it in Satin Black.Is there any way it could arrive sooner?Oh so it's not finished yet...I'm pretty sure that it would sell well in Japan, so I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Have you already shipped this item? I have looked on my purchases page and the item does not have the icon indicating that it has been shipped. If it has been shipped, could you please send me the tracking number? Please reply to me as soon as possible.
その後進行状況はどのような感じですか?現在すぐに注文したいパーツもあるので、出来れば早く処理を進めてもらいたいです昨日落札したEZ steerですが、お客さんが待っているので早く発送してくれると嬉しいです。現在GL1500のEZ steerも検討中なのですが、在庫はありますか?また、価格はいくらですか?
What's the status on progress so far?I currently have some parts that I would like to order straight away, so I would like things to progress quickly if at all possible.Also with regard to the EZ steer which I won the bid for yesterday, I have a customer waiting for it so I would appreciate it if you could send it to me as soon as possible.I am also considering purchasing the GL1500 EZ steer, so do you have in stock?And how much would it be?
My credit card number is ~.I will send you my other credit card details later on.I would like to cancel order 52-795.And instead I would like to order a few additional items.My final order, including the additions, is as follows:Item No ~.I apologize for making so many changes.Thank you very much in advance.
こんにちは商品は受け取りました、ありがとうまた追加オーダーしたいんですが少し問題があります〝LOWETTE w27〟のジッパーが壊れていましたまた、前回の商品でも〝ZATINY 008XR w30〟 のベルトループが付いて無かったZATINY は私も気づかなくて、出荷してクレームになりましたそちらでの出荷の際に何らかのミスかトラブルがあったと思いますがこの件に対処して頂けますか良い連絡待っています次回のオーダーも近日中に行いたいと思います敬具
Hello,I have received the item, thank you.I would like to make an additional order.I have a slight problem though:The zip of the "LOWETTE w27" is broken.Also, the belt loop was missing from the item I ordered last time "ZATINY 008XR w30"I hadn't noticed it on the ZATINY either so I have had to make a claim after shipment was completed.I imagine there was a problem or a mistake made at the time of shipping at your end, so would you be able to deal with this for me please?I await your positive response.I would very much like to place another order soon.Kind Regards,