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Chris Dixon: Hunch, Skype, MiloDixon is the co-founder of Hunch and also invests through his founder collective fund. He has made investments in companies like Skype and Milo, and in 2010 was named by Businessweek as the number-one investor in tech. Dixon almost exclusively invests in seed stage deals and looks for high-tech startups, but also invests in industries outside high tech to diversify the risk. When he looks at a company he is not only looking at the technology, but also at the team involved. He will ask people who know the founders what they think of them to get “Social Proof” before making an investment.
クリス:ディクソン:Hunch, Skype , Miloディクソンは、Hunchの共同設立者で、共同ファンドを通して投資しています。彼は、SkyapeやMiloのような企業に投資し、2010年には、ビジネスウィーク誌にテクノロジー部門のNO1投資家として名が載りました。ディクソンは専ら、タネの段階の取引に投資して、ハイテク産業の事業立ち上げを探します。しかし、リスク分散の為にハイテク以外の産業にも投資します。彼が企業を見るとき、技術だけでなく、テームに目を向けます。彼は、投資をする前に、創立者を知る人々を社会的証明として、尋ねます。
“That is the most important aspect to the investment,” says Dixon, “The environment changes, you discover flaws in your original concept, and good entrepreneurs adapt and change. The only way you would’ve seen it is if you’d understood the passion and guts of the people involved.” Peter Thiel: Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendster, YelpThiel is one of the co-founders of Paypal and was the CEO of the company before it was acquired by eBay. His most famous and successful investment to date was a $500,000 investment in Facebook for 10% of the company. He has also made investments in LinkedIn, Friendster and Yelp.
「これが投資の最も重要な側面だよ。」、とディクソンは言いました。「環境は変わる、元々のコンセプトに欠陥を見つけ、良い起業家は変化を受け入れる。それを見る唯一の方法は、あなたが関係者の情熱とガッツを理解できるかどうかだ。」ピーター・ティール:Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendster,Yelpティールは、PayPalの共同設立者で、eBayによって吸収される前はCEOでした。彼のもっとも有名で成功した投資は、Facebookへの会社の10%にもなる500,000ドルの投資です。彼はまた、LinkedInやFriendsterとYelpにも投資しました。
Peter believes that the best predictor of a startup’s success is how much the CEO is paid. The larger his salary, the more likely everyone else is paid high, and therefore, the faster you’ll burn through money. If the CEO is paid less than average, it more likely his interest will line up with the equity shareholders. Additionally, Thiel has also recently given 20 kids under age 20 $100,000 to pursue innovative scientific and technical projects. It is clear that Thiel believes the millennial generation encompasses the visionaries of the future.
Mike Maples: Odeo, TwitterBefore becoming an angel investor turned VC, Maples was an entrepreneur and co-founder of Motive Inc. After he left his corporate gig, Maples decided to make angel investments with his own money. He was very successful, and soon created his own fund to invest other people’s money. Maples prefers to invest in startups that have low capital requirements, meaning that a company won’t need tens of millions to succeed and prove its model. To Maples, one of the most important qualities for a startup company is a solid team.
マイク・メープルズ:Odeo, Twitterエンジェル投資家になる前はベンチャーキャピタルだったメープルズは起業家で、Motive Inc.の共同設立者でした。会社を退職した後、メープルズは自分のお金で、エンジェル投資を行うことを決めた。彼は成功し、まもなく他人のお金を投資するための自身のファンドを作りました。メープルズは、資本がそれほどいらない新規事業の立ち上げを好みました。つまり、成功し、ビジネスモデルを証明するのに何千万ドルも必要としない企業を好みました。メープルズにとって、新規事業の立ち上げに最も重要な質は、信頼できるチームです。
His first investment was in Odeo, founded by Evan Williams. When Odeo was failing, Williams tried to give Maples his money back, but Maples believed in him and asked Williams to invest that money in his next venture. That venture was Twitter, and you all know that story.Ashton Kutcher: Flipboard, AirBnB, SkypeWhile Kutcher hasn’t been investing for that long (approximately four years), he has made several high profile investments already, including Flipboard, AirBnB, Skype, Zaarly and about 40 others. He now makes most of his ventures through his partnership fund, A Grade Investments.
彼の最初の投資はエヴァン・ウィリアムズによって設立されたOdeoでした。オデオが失敗している時、ウィリアムズはメープルズにお金を返そうとしました、でもメープルズは彼を信じ、ウィリアムズに彼の次のベンチャービジネスに投資するように頼みました。そのベンチャーはTwitterで、あなたもその話はご存じだと思います。アシュトン・カッチャー:Flipboard, AirBnB, Skypeカッチャーが長い間(約四年間)投資しなかった間、彼はFlipboard, AirBnB, Skype, Zaarly などを含め他に40ほどの投資をプロファイリングしていました。彼は、今、共同ファンドであるA Grade Investmentsを通してほどんどの投資を行っています。
Kutcher can add a lot of value when he invests; his social reach includes 7.5 million Twitter followers. When he looks at a startup he tries to understand what problem it is solving, and how many people are in the market for that particular solution. He also believes that you are investing in the founders more than anything, so having confidence and trust in them is a big factor when taking an investment leap.If you are interested in investing in startups and want to mimic the pros, examine the factors that, according to them, foresee a successful business.
・Look at the founders. Good investors make sure a company’s founder really understands the industry he’s entered and the problem he is solving. The founder can make quick, tough decisions to take the startup to the next level. Most startups fail, but a great founder can even transform an unlikely idea into a successful business. ・Look for early investment opportunities. Angels are also interested in investing in the seed stage, potentially just an idea and some founders. Many investors believe this approach is how you can make a big return on an investment that is somewhat smaller than a later round investment.
・ They look at the idea itself. These angel investors are looking for something cutting edge that no one else is doing, or a problem that no one else is solving. When they find it, they jump at the chance to get involved and see the idea through to success.
Startup Success: How 7 Top Angel Investors Do BusinessBill Clark is the CEO of Microventures, a startup fundraising platform that uses crowdfunding to allow investors to invest between $1,000 to $10,000 in startups. He also manages the venture capital firm MicroAngel Capital Partners. You can follow him on Twitter @austinbillc.
新規事業の成功ートップ7のエンジェル投資家がどうビジネスをするかビル・クラークはクラウドファイナンスを使い、多くの投資家が新規事業立ち上げに1000ドルから10000ドルを投資することを可能にする、資金集めのプラットフォームを手掛けるMicroventuresのCEOです。彼はまた、ベンチャーキャピタル会社のMicroAngel Capital Partnersを運営しています。@austinbillcで彼のツイッターをフォローできます。
If you think you have what it takes to invest in startups, but are unsure of where to target your first seed investment, it may be worth your time to profile some other successful angel investors. By studying their strategy, the types of investments in their portfolio and the trajectory of their investments over time, you will start to develop your own strategy that works with your pace and desired investment outcome. Don’t be discouraged if you’re unable to quickly and exactly mirror successful investors. Their strategies have most likely been developed over time; and they have learned from their own mistakes.
Below I summarize the strategies of some of the most successful angel investors, which should help as you start to build your own investment strategy and begin looking for the next big opportunities.Ron Conway: Google, Twitter, Square and PaypalRon Conway is probably the best known and most successful angel investor in recent time. He has invested in some of the most successful companies in the past 10 years. Conway has focused his investing strategy on early stage, high-tech companies, and continues to examine current social, social commerce and mobile markets.
The most important factor for Conway is the team. “We start with the people first. We think the ideas that entrepreneurs start with evolve and change dramatically from the beginning and sometimes end up unrecognizable, so we believe in investing in the people,” he says. Conway makes a lot of small investments too, a tactic commonly known in the industry as the “spray and pray” strategy. He is then able to make additional investments in the companies that perform the best. Since he invests in most of the best early stage startups, and is able to spread his money around, only a portion of his portfolio needs to succeed for him to continue earning.
コンウェイにとって最も大事な要因は、チームです。「最初に、私たちは人と始めます。起業家が進化とスタートして、最初の頃から劇的に変わり、時に最後は見分けがつかなくなってしまうという考えを持っているので、人に投資することを信じているのです。」と彼は言いました。コンウェイは、数多くの小さな投資も行います。Spray and pray戦略として一般的にも知られます。彼は、一番よいパフォーマンスの会社に、追加で投資をすることができます。彼は、ほとんどの黎明期の有望な新規事業立ち上げに投資するので、より広く投資できます。しかも、儲かり続ける成功には必要なのは、ポートフォリオの一部だけです。
When Conway makes an investment, he doesn’t worry as much as the typical investor about the valuation he is getting. He has publicly offered startups convertible debt with no cap, which is very favorable to the startup. When he is investing at a seed level, it doesn’t matter if the company is valued at $3 million or $5 million — when you are looking for the big exit, the end result doesn’t change that much.An investment from Conway doesn’t guarantee your startup will have a successful exit, but because his network is extensive, his investments certainly catch attention of a wide group of potential investors interested in getting on board.
Reid Hoffman: LinkedIn, Facebook, Zynga, FlickrAs far as angel investors go, Reid Hoffman ranks right up there with Ron Conway in terms of number of deals and successful exits. He is the CEO and founder of LinkedIn and has invested in Facebook, Zynga, Flickr and others.Hoffman is very interested in web 2.0 companies whose innovative ideas can reach millions of users and scale efficiently, and looks for three things when he is investing in a startup:
リード・ホフマン:LinkedIn, Facebook, Zynga, Flickrエンジェル投資家が知る限り、リード・ホフマンは数多くの取引を成功に導いた点で、ロン・コンウェイと並びます。彼はLinkedInの創設者でCEOです、そしてFacebook,Zynga,Flickerなどに投資します。ホフマンは、革新的な考えで何百万のユーザーを虜にし、効率的に成功しているweb2.0の会社に大変興味を持ちました。そして、新規事業の立ち上げに3つのことを探しました。
・ How will you reach a massive audience? He targets products and services that have the potential to reach millions of users and keep them engaged. ・ What is your unique value proposition? He doesn’t like to invest in companies that can’t distinguish themselves from their competition. ・Will your business be capital efficient? Meaning, will your idea continue to get funding in later stages of growth?Chris Sacca: Photobucket, Twitter, Instagram, Turntable.fmSacca started angel investing in Photobucket when he was first at Google. Since then he has gone on to create his own fund and invest in companies like Twitter and Instagram.
・大人数の聴衆にどう、辿りつくか。彼は、何百万のユーザーを獲得して、虜にする可能性のあるモノとサービスをターゲットにします。・独自性の価値のある提案か。彼は他と見分けのつかない企業への投資は好みません。・資本効率はよいか。成長過程において、資金を集め続けれるアイデアか。クリス・サッカ: Photobucket, Twitter, Instagram, Turntable.fmサッカは、グーグルにいた時に、Photobucketのエンジェル投資家でした。その時から、自分のファンドを作り、TwitterやInstagramに投資しています。
Sacca will invest in seed and early stage technology companies, as well as secondary transactions from founders who are looking to sell shares for liquidity. As simple as it sounds, he looks for products that consumers want. This can be demonstrated by his investment in Turntable.fm. He recognized early that users would become engaged and spend a lot of time on the site.He plays an active role in the companies in which he invests by becoming an advisor, further ensuring the brands continue their successful trajectories.
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