BEST~third universe~ & 8th AL “UNIVERSE”rhythm zone200万枚を突破したBEST1、2に続く、ベスト3と、オリジナルアルバムが合体した前代未聞の2枚組アルバムが遂に発売!CD・配信を通じて述べ4,000万人が聴いた、4年振りとなるベストでは、2006年以降の『恋のつぼみ』、『夢のうた』、『愛のうた』『Moon Crying』等の大ヒットシングル、全16曲収録!
BEST~third universe~ & 8th AL"UNIVERSE"rhythm zoneThe unprecedented 2 CDs Album was released that are the original album and Best 3 CD followed by Best 1 and 2 sold over 2 million! This best album released for the first time in 4 years was delivered to about 40 million people with CD! This best album includes 16 songs in all after 2006, which made a big hit, such as "Koinotsubomi", "Yumenouta", "Ainouta", and "Moon Crying".
その名の通り、ライブ・オーニングから随所に渡って驚愕の演出が盛り込まれた見応え抜群のライブDVD!! ライヴ本編DVDに加え、ツアーリハーサルから全公演を完全密着したメイキング映像、豪華アーティストを迎えた特典映像など、約60分収録のボーナスディスクが付いた強力な2枚組ライブDVD!
As its name suggests, this spectacular live DVD is filled with surprising performances in every parts. With this great 2 DVDs, about 60 minutes bonus disc including making movies of all the performances from the tour rehearsal and special movies staring great artists is attached in addition to live DVD!
Alive/Physical thingrhythm zone前作から約2ヶ月という早さで届けられる今作は、若手No.1俳優として注目を集める 松山ケンイチ主演の話題映画「カムイ外伝」の主題歌に決定した壮大なクラシカル・バラード「Alive」、倖田來未の真骨頂とも言えるエッジのきいたダンスナンバー「Physical thing」を収録した両A面シングル。
Both A side single is released only about 2 months from previous one. This new single includes the epic classical ballad"Alive" that is adopted as the theme song of much-talked-about "Kamui gaiden" staring Kenichi Matsuyama, who comes under spotlight as No.1 young actor, and danceable, edgy song "Physical thing", which Kumi Koda shows its true worth.
3 SPLASHrhythm zone夏を彩る豪華3曲入りシングルがいよいよ登場!倖田來未通算44枚目となるニューシングルは、SANKYO「KODA KUMI FEVER LIVE IN HALL?」CMソングとして話題必至!ポップでキャッチーなアップ・ナンバー「Lick me ♥」、疾走感のあるダンスチューン「ECSTASY」、力強いロック・ナンバー「走れ!」を含む全3曲6VER収録。
3 SPLASHrhythm zoneHere came 3 gorgeous songs by which you can feel summer! The 44th Kumi Koda's new single includes 3 songs in all with 6 versions such as popular, catchy and up tempo " KODA KUMI FEVER LIVE IN HALL "jingle by SANKYO, "Lick me♥︎", fast and danceable song "ECSTASY", and strong rock song"HASHIRE!"
KODA KUMI DRIVING HIT'Srhythm zoneHOUSE NATIONのリミキサー陣による極上のDRIVING MIXが登場!デビューから現在に至までにリリースした「TAKE BACK」「real Emotion」「キューティーハニー」「Butterfly」「愛のうた」等の大ヒットシングルを全17曲を収録した究極のMIX CD!¥2,000(tax in)のスペシャル・プライス!
KODA KUMI DRIVING HIT'Srhythm zoneExtra special DRIVING MIX by HOUSE NATION's remixers has come out! This Ultimate MIX CD includes well-sold songs such as "TAKE BACK", "real Emotion", "Cutie Honey", "Butterfly", "Ainouta"!Now it's special price- ¥2,000!
KODA KUMI DRIVING HIT'Srhythm zoneExtra special DRIVING MIX mixed by HOUSE NATION's remixers has come out!This ultimate MIX CD includes 17 well-sold songs such as "TAKE BACK", "real Emotion", " Cutie Honey", "Butterfly", and "Ainouta". Now, it's on special price- ¥2,000!
TABOOrhythm zone20万枚突破でロングセールスを記録している前作『MOON』から約4ヶ月ぶりとなるNEW SINGLEは、これぞ倖田來未の真骨頂といえるダンサブルなR&Bチューンの決定盤!通算41枚目となるNEW SINGLEは、ファン待望のダンサンブルなナンバー。
TABOOrhythm zoneKumi Koda's NEW SINGLE is the definitive edition of R&B that motivates you to dance after 4 months since the previous work "MOON" recorded the long sales with two hundred thousand.NEW SINGLE, which is the 41st single, is the song desired to come and to motivate listeners to dance.
An animation character"S" on this guitar is not application but a seal.Previous owner of this guitar cut out the special seal and paste it on the body part of this guitar in a careful manner.This seal is so special and tough that it is not taken off by guitar play in an ordinary way.Of course, this is the only one guitar in the world that has the seal on it.If someone bought this guitar, there is nothing to replace it.This guitar is a recommendation for admirer of SONICO. This is highly popular in Japan so don't miss it!
東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ 6/19(木)京セラドーム大阪公演 当日券販売決定!機材席開放に伴い、若干枚数となりますが、6/19(木)京セラドーム大阪公演の当日券販売決定!【販売時間】6/19(木)16:00~ ※予定枚数に達し次第、終了致します。【販売場所】京セラドーム大阪 チケット売場3「当日券売場」【対象公演】6/19(木) 京セラドーム大阪 開場16:00/開演18:00【当日券料金】ステージサイド体感席 ¥9,000(税込)
TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ 6/19(Thursday) Performance in Kyocera Dome Osaka the release of a day-of-performance ticket was decidedThe release of 6/19(Thursday) day-of-performance ticket of Kyocera Dome Osaka performance was decided with the opening of the equipment seat. Only a few tickets are released so don't miss it!【Time of the sale】: 6/19(Thusrday) 16:00~ Please be advised that the sale of the tickets will be over as soon as they reached the scheduled amount.【Place of the sale】: Kyocera Dome Osaka ticket selling space 3 "A selling space of a day-of-performance ticket"【Performance for which this ticket is applied】6/19 (Thursday) Kyocera Dome Osaka open at 16:00/ closed at 18:00【The price of a day-of-performance ticket】Stage side Taikan seat ¥9,000 (Tax included)
I write for the reason that I own a lot of lenses, and I wonder if maybe you might be interested in them, and if they are we could negotiate although not where you are, I'm in California.
「J-MELO」NHK BSプレミアム「J-MELO」J-Music Creators Special■日程:6/15(日)■時間:日曜2:40(土曜深夜26:40)
"J-MELO"NHK BS Premium "J-MELO"J-Music Crreators SpecialDate: 6/15(Sunday)Time: Sunday 2:40(the midnight of Saturday 26:40)
The household energy consumption for hot water supply increased with the development of indoor Furo in urban houses from the latter part of the 1960s. After that, it has dramatically increased because of the changes of the increase in hot water consumption and the way Furo and shower is used. The energy consumption for cooling has increased with the rise of ownership ratio of air-conditioner. The ratio of the overall energy consumption for house cooling accounted only for a few percentages but the spread of cooling instruments is the major cause of the peak of the electricity used so this affects the demand for electricity. The energy consumption for kitchen has not grown so much from the middle of the 1970s.
7/2発売 浜崎あゆみNEW ALBUM「Colours」発売記念! 浜崎あゆみ×タワーレコード渋谷店 スペシャルコラボ決定!■浜崎あゆみ初の衣装展開催!タワーレコード渋谷店1F店内にて、浜崎あゆみNEW ALBUM「Colours」で本人が着用している衣装を展示致します!展示中に限り撮影OK!撮影した画像をTwitterでつぶやくと良い事あるかも?!Twitter #ayu_new_album衣装展示期間:7/1(火)開店時~7/7(月)閉店時まで
Special collaboration with AYUMI HAMASAKI and Tower Records Shibuya store celebrating AYUMI HAMASAKI's NEW ALBUM " Colours" on sale 7/2The first time costume exhibition of AYUMI HAMASAKI!Costumes AYUMI HAMASAKI wears in AYUMI HAMASAKI's NEW ALBUM" Colours" will be exhibited at the first floor in Tower Records Shibuya store! You can take photos only during the exhibition! Please tweet photos that you took and something happy may happen?!Twitter #ayu_new_albumThe costume exhibition is held from 7/1(Tuesday)~7/7(Monday) .
抽選期間:7/3(木)~7/6(日) 10:00~20:00まで※賞品はなくなり次第終了となりますので、予めご了承下さい。渋谷にお越しの際は、是非タワーレコード渋谷店へお立ち寄り下さい!
The drawing lot is held from 7/3 (Thursday) to 7/6(Sunday) from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m..Please be advised that you get prizes until the stock of prizes run out.If you come to Shibuya, don't miss to drop by Tower Records Shibuya store!
Thank you for your message.The sales price will include the shipping cost in addition to the price of the item since the settings of the shipping cost is fixed on Amazon.Thank you for your message.I didn't know the sale of this item in Britain was banned. I just put the item on the website and no item is not sold at all.I deleted the item as soon as I knew the sale of it was banned.I'm very sorry for putting the item on the website with my little knowledge.I take great care not to do such a thing again.If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me.
I wonder if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions about your shoot with Madonna for publication? (In 1995, I published a book on Madonna; I may do an update, at which time I would cherish getting more input from you.)In general: What do you recall about shooting Madonna? Was it a long shoot, or something done very quickly? I am wondering the circumstances. What was she like to shoot? Do you have many or any unpublished images from the shoot? Why did your images only appear in that one magazine and nowhere else?
東京女子流 初のアメリカ上陸! みんなでサンフランシスコに“女子流ひまわり”を咲かせようプロジェクト2014年7月19日・20日。米国サンフランシスコで開催されるJ-POPサミットフェスティバルで、私達がパフォーマンスさせて頂くことになり、アジア以外の新しい海外進出の扉を開くことが出来ました。そんな特別な夢に、みなさんと実現させたい事があります。それは、LIVEを行うサンフランシスコのユニオン・スクエアを“女子流ひまわり”でいっぱいに埋めつくすことです。
TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE landed on America! Everybody, let's make "GIRLS' STYLE Sun Flower" bloom in San Francisco!In 2014, 7,19 and 20, we could get a chance to do a performance in J-pop Summit Festival at San Francisco in America.This performance opened a new door to expand our business overseas other than Asia.We have what we'd like to realize with everybody in this special dreaming performance.That is we make the Union Square in San Francisco where we do a performance full with " GIRLS' STYLE Sun Flower".
この商品については説明文と写真を送付いたしますので下記の文章ご確認ください。刻々と変化する自然の情報を感知するトリプルセンサー搭載「PRO TREK(プロトレック)」のアナログ/デジタルモデルPRW-6000から、計器を彷彿させるモノトーンで統一した「BLACK TITAN LIMITED(ブラックチタンリミテッド)」が登場。フェイスは余計なカラーを排除し、モノトーンでデザイン。バンドにはブラックIP処理を施したチタンバンドを採用し、軽量かつ上質に仕上げました。
Please read the text below. We'll send you the explanation text and photo, too.The new " BLACK TITAN LIMITED" model has come out. This new model is included in one of the analog/digital PRW-6000 models and mount the triple sensor that is sensitive to the changing nature. Its color is monotone only that reminds us of the measuring gauge.The display is designed to be monotone only without a unnecessary color. The band part of this model is black IP processed Titan and is made to be light and elegant at the same time.
4. Create alternatives to sitting at the desk Science has shown that sitting too long can cause all kinds of chaos in our body. In fact, the Washington Post recently gathered a list of problems that could happen to us if we continue to lounge on our seats for long periods of time. Here’s a sampling: heart disease, strained neck, muscle degeneration, and poor circulation in legs. Specifically, the aches that are caused through prolonged sitting can cause our work productivity to spiral downwards.
4. 机で座って仕事ばかりせずに他の選択肢を持とう科学により、長く座り続けると体にいろいろな異変が起こりうることが証明されているのである。実際に、Washington Post紙は、最近、長い時間椅子に座り続けると私達に起こりうる一連の問題をまとめた。例えば、次のようなものである。心臓病、肩こり、筋肉の衰退、足の冷え性などである。具体的には、長い間座り続けることで起こる痛みは、私達の仕事の生産性を悪い方への悪循環に追い込むのである。
It makes sense, then, to provide your workers with other alternatives to sitting at the desk. One popular option is the standing desk. Companies such as Twitter, AOL, and Facebook have been offering standing workstations to their employees, and the ReadWrite team’s research into them has shown positive results – higher energy levels, higher concentration on tasks, and fewer headaches. China-based Wandoujia has also created an office that encourages employees to move around and work wherever suits them best. Tyler Cotton, International PR Specialist at Wandoujia, says that many employees choose to invest in standing arrangements enabled by various adjustable desktop platforms.
座って仕事をする以外の選択肢を従業員に提供すると意義があるのだ。よく一般的に利用される選択肢としては、立って仕事をするということがあげられるのである。Twitter、AOLやFacebookなどの会社は、従業員に立ってコンピュータに向かって仕事をする場所を提供しており、立って仕事をするということに対するReadWriteの研究によると、良い結果ー例えば、仕事に対する高い活力や集中力が見られ、頭痛が少なくなったという結果もあるのである。中国を本拠地としているWandoujiaも、また、従業員に動き回ったり、どこであってもいいので自分自身に最も合う場所で仕事をすることを奨励するようなオフィスを作った。国際的にPRの専門家であるTyler Cottonは、多くの従業員が様々に調整可能なデスクトップ環境の提供により可能となった立って仕事をするスタイルに投資することを選んでいるというのである。