ce70wn 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

Ad Served in the Bid
The exchange can choose to return that ad markup and call the win notice concurrently, thereby improving user experience.
A forfeit is the scenario in which a bidder wins, but forfeits due to technical failure serving the ad.
This can occur when serving on the win notice (e.g., win notice call failure), but is mitigated by including the ad in the bid.

Ad Served on the Win Notice
Serving ad markup only upon winning can save large amounts of bandwidth usage, the costs for which can mount up over high volumes.
Bidders may typically know the ad they will serve at the time of bid, but this provides an additional optional decision point after the settlement price has been established.




ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 161-2
10 Never, ever, take your eye off the ball
Gates was at the top of his profession for more than three decades. In that time he has become the richest man in the world. Yet, despite his enormous wealth and achievements, Gates continued to work very long hours at Microsoft.

And finally ... know when it's time to move on.
Great CEOs know when it is time to move on to new challenges. The way Gates managed his exit from Microsoft should be a lesson to all leaders. Gates transitioned out of his full time role at Microsoft gradually and graciously: shifting seamlessly to the fresh philanthropic challenge of helping to run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


10 絶対にボールから目を離すな

偉大なCEOは次の新しい挑戦に挑むタイミングを知っている。Gates氏がマイクロソフトから去っていった方法は、どのリーダーにも教訓となる。Gates氏はマイクロソフトの第一線から少しずつ、そして潔く去っていったのである:Bill & Melinda Gates財団の運営を支援するという新しい博愛的な挑戦に継ぎ目無く移っていった。

ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 151-3
Belying his image as a hard nosed, no-holds-barred business leader, Gates showed an endearing ability to be wryly self-deprecating in the run up to his transition from Microsoft to his Foundation. At 6.40pm on a Sunday evening in January 2008, Gates stepped out in front of 5000 or so people at the Venetian Hotel's Palazzo Ballroom in Las Vegas to give his last keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show.

PAGE 152-3
And, while it was part of Gates' job, as he acknowledges, to send some tough talking emails critiquing Microsoft product development, a famous email sent in 2003 reveals Gates' deep seated frustration at the usability of a particular Microsoft product.




ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 151-1
Once you have made the decision to go it is important to say good-bye on the right note. Gates made sure that he went graciously, in good humor, and with the right vision-affirming, employee-rallying, parting message. He had plenty of opportunities to reinforce his transition message, at a news conference at the Redmond HQ on 15 June, 2006, at his final Consumer Electronics Show keynote speech in January 2008 and, in particular, on his last day of work as full-time employee at Microsoft on Friday, 27 June 2008. Each time, Gates acquitted himself well, with assured, heartfelt, sometimes amusing, even touching performances.



ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 139-1
Regardless of the switch in job title, initially Gates remained Microsoft's natural leader. Towards the end of 2001, for example, at the launch of the new Microsoft operating system Windows XP, Gates was still very much to the fore amid the razzamatazz. The lavish marketing initiative was said to have cost in the region of $500 million worldwide.

PAGE 140-3
'Sometimes we do get taken by surprise. For example, when the Internet came along, we had it as a fifth or sixth priority. It wasn't like somebody told me about it and I said, "I don't know how to spell that." I said, "Yeah, I've got that on my list, so I'm okay."


仕事の肩書きが変わっても、当初のGates氏は引き続き自然とマイクロソフトのリーダーであった。例えば2001年の年末にかけて、マイクロソフトの新しいOS Windows XPを発表したが、そこでもGates氏は派手さの中の前線にいた。豊富なマーケティング戦略は全世界でおおよそ5億ドルかかったと言われている。


ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 127-3
Each time Microsoft grew too big, Gates split it into smaller units with a maximum of 200 people in each unit. The secret to the structure of Microsoft during Gates time at the helm was that it was geared to the way that its famous CEO works best.

'When we were only 80 people, I knew when everyone came and went. I knew the license plate number on their cars and their individual projects. I was personally involved with everyone and reviewed every piece of code. Now it's all pretty indirect. We have more than 3000 people in the product development groups alone. Naturally I don't know everyone's names, but I know the key people.'




ce70wn 英語 → 日本語

Gates managed to ingrain the urge to pare down the business into manageable and innovatively sized units into the very ethos of the business. By 2002, Gates was no longer (EO, yet in 2002 Microsoft reorganized into seven financially distinct core business groups. Then not long afterwards in 2005 the company once again reorganized, this time reducing its seven groups to just three divisions:

•Microsoft Platform Products and Services Division - the Windows Client, MSN and Server and Tool groups;

•the Microsoft Business Division -Information Worker and Micro-soft Business Solutions groups; and

•Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division - the Mobile and Embedded Devices and Home and Entertainment groups.




