かくれている動物は何かな? お子さまの知能を伸ばす楽しい知育絵本のかくれんぼシリーズを1つのパッケージにしました!どれにしようかなと迷う事も、一つずつダウンロードする手間も入りません、金額もお得になっています。プレゼントにも最適です。
Wonder what that hiding animal could be? Now in one package, the hide-and-go-seek series educational picture books for expanding children's minds!Can't decide, no need to download them one by one, it's a great deal.Also makes an excellent gift.
I am excited, that I was the winning bid for your SBA. I will complete the PayPal transaction right away.On the customs form, can I write $1800? The shipping address is written below. Be sure to wrap it up tight.
It has been well used, it needs a service,
I have something I would like to discuss with you today.I highly value the speed and attitude of you work.Being is the reason for this talk, do you think you could take on board a management role?I am prepared to pay you 1.3x your $5.20 (fee excluded) for every 50 items. I would like to outsource business to you and am aiming at dramatically speeding up operations. The goal is 5000 items.There would also be no problem in just maintaining the current contract. I would like you to think this over and I await your reply.
First movement.It will be sent to Munich University of Music's professor ○○ and their disciple.
Still the stiffness in the back-left of my neck continues on today. Is it eyestrain? Or a curse? Ahhh
I am sorry for the late response despite the many mails you sent me.There was a different opinion from within the company, so please wait just a little longer.I will contact you either today or tomorrow.
Will you send this product to Japan for $700 including shipping?Also, if you have a few of them I will buy 3.
(3) 乙が銀行取引を停止された時。(4) 乙の財務内容が悪化し、又はその恐れがあると甲が判断した時。
(3) When the bank transactions of party B are halted.(4) When party A concludes that the financial affairs of party B have worsened or there is a risk so.
Thank you for your offer. For $5500 including shipping, I would defiantly like to buy it. However, I am temporarily out of purchasing capital. Around the end of this month I should be able to pay. Will you wait a little bit for me?
Since I am ordering 10, do you think you could give them to me for $150 a piece totaling $1500?
I understand. Shall we go ahead with this?I will analyze five categories for the best sellers.Not the TOP100 but gather information for more. Until how many can you get information on?$200 for five categories. Please think it over.
Like you mentioned, I am very busy and I cannot find the item you are looking for.Later on if a I receive another shipment I will contact you immediately, but if I am too late then feel free to buy it from someone else.I am sorry I could not be of greater help.
Thank you Jonah for being brave enough to share your story + showing us strength. You matter to millions.
Please everyone, take a moment to watch this. This is why I work so hard, this is why its wrong to hate.
Last time I asked you said the shipping would be €29, so why now is it €42?If it is €42, I would like to cancel the order.
I am going to return the item I have, so please refund the item and shipping cost.I do not need another.The shipping is $XX.
Conspicuous junk is mixing in the center of the plate.
I contacted you the other day. I was able to bid on the item. I would like to pay as soon as possible, so could you please let me know the total including shipping and handling.
What has happened to the costume production? Almost a month and a half has passed, when is it going to arrive?