人気のSKYACTIV-Dではなく、SKYACTIV-G 2.5S AWD L-packageを選択しましたが、CX5は完成度の高い良い車だと思います。 SKYACTIV-G 2.5を選択した理由は、セダンを乗継で還暦越えの私が、SUV初挑戦でディーゼルへの挑戦を躊躇ったからです。
Instead of the popular SKYACTIV-D, I chose SKYACTIV-G 2.5S AWD L-package, but I think CX5 is a good car with high perfection.
I chose SKYACTIV-G 2.5 because I was hesitant to chance the diesel engine by challengin SUV for the first time, for being over the age 60 and having replaced sedans over time.
I chose SKYACTIV-G 2.5S AWD L-package, instead of popular SKYACTIV-D, and I think CX5 is a good car with high degree of perfection. I chose SKYACTIV-G 2.5 because I used to drive sedans, now I am over sixty and I hesitated to try a diesel car at my first challenge of SUV.
結果として、CX5 2.5Sは力強い走りでキャッチフレーズ「どこでも、気持ちよく、思いのままに運転したい」どおりですし、SKYACTIVE-Gの動力性能技術、ヒル・ローチン・アシスト+AWDの運転サポート技術、そしてRVM・SCBSを始めとする各種安全サポート技術は十分に満足のできる仕上がりで、私的には楽しいドライブを約束してくれる相棒に出会えたという感じです。
(Satisfactory Points)
○ Exterior
(I am satisfied with the following points)
CX5がデビューした時は、インパクトの強いフロントマスクだと思いましたが、今ではCX5全体としてバランスの取れた魅力あるデザインだと思います。 走っている姿は魂動感があり、停車している姿は安心感を漂わせている、いいですよ。
マイナーチェンジで改善されたこともあり、私的には十分な内容だと思います。 ただ、黒が基調の内装なので、埃などが目立ちますね。
○ Interior
I think this is sufficient because it was improved with a minor change. However, since the interior colur is mainly black, the dust stands out.
○ Engine/ Driving Performance
Since it has been improved with minor changes, it's enough for me. However, since its basic color is black, dust is easily seen.
[Engine and Driving performance]
SKYACTIV-G 2.5Sはパワー・トルクとも十分な動力性能を持っており、6速のトランスミッションとの相性も良く、街中走行ではマイルドでスムーズな走行性能を発揮する。 高速道路においても、最終6速がアクセルワークとリニアに反応し、スムーズに力強い加速を体現できる。 2.5L・直噴4気筒にしては、吹上り時以外は静粛性も高いと感じた。
The suspension has been improved with a minor change, I don't feel the clicking hardness.
The suspensions have been improved in the minor change, so I do not feel too much stiffness.
(I'm dissatisfied with the following points?)
Though it is CX5 with high cost performance as a whole, these are all I think of.
I want the rear seat a little more slanted.
The engine sounds crappy during high speed (blow-up).
The handle feels light during high-speed driving
The accessory case at the right side of the handle needs improving (What is it used for?)
[Things I don’t like?]
In total the cost performance is high, but there are some that could be improved.
-The rear seat could have more incline.
- The engine sound in the high revolution is kind of cheap.
- The steering feels light in the high speed.
- The right small pocket on the handle should be improved (what is the use?)