zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

"GEPI and LGT Venture Philanthropy together will be able to further catalyse Indonesia’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and link aspiring social entrepreneurs to global investments, expertise, and support networks.

Access to financing and investment, particularly at the early stage, has been one of the key challenges for entrepreneurs in Indonesia; hence with LGT Venture Philanthropy we will provide investment up to US$50,000 and up to one year of consulting support to visionary entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the access to a global network will benefit the entrepreneurs for long term growth."


「GEPIとLGT Venture Philanthropyが協力することによって、インドネシアの起業家精神の生態系をさらに発展させ、野心のあるソーシャル起業家と世界の投資家、専門家を引き合わせ、ネットワークをサポートしていくことができるだろう。

インドネシアの起業家にとって、特にスタートアップが初期段階にある場合、資金や投資へのアクセスは大きな課題の1つとなっている。それゆえに、LGT Venture Philanthropyの協力があることで、最高5万米ドルの資金、および最大1年間のコンサルタント支援をビジョンある起業家に提供することができる。さらに、グローバルなネットワークへアクセスすることで、起業家は長期的な発展をする恩恵を受けるであろう。」

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The Gongyi homepage divides deserving charities into five categories: education, child assistance, medical care, animal protection, and environmental protection. Each charity gets a separate page, which looks less like a normal Weibo page – with tweets stuffed down the bottom, unusually out of sight – and the emphasis is instead put on the group’s fundraising campaign. Picking the example of a Beijing-based non-profit for disabled children (see it here), its Weibo Gongyi page shows that it’s aiming to raise 30,000 RMB (US$4,760) by April 2nd, and a progress meter shows that it’s currently at five percent after a total of 335 donations in the past few days:



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The green button is the start of the donation process, and an optional message can be attached to your funds as well. To encourage benevolence and giving, special goodwill points (shown next to a heart logo) will be given to donaters, and the main Gongyi site is home to a top eight list of charitable givers.

At the moment, Sina has told the media that the charitable platform is currently in beta, and is only featuring a range of specially-invited charities. Later it will be opened up, and a strict vetting procedure will be put in place to ensure that only genuine non-profit groups can join and receive donations from users.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

It was launched just a couple of weeks back on February 17, and is Ben and Melly’s third project together. They are also running a web design business at Hex and web application for project management at SUBERNOVA. The idea didn’t just fall from the sky just like that — rather it struck them after numerous rounds of iterative efforts on their presentation interface to build a backend administrative platform to upload, arrange and annotate mockups. They wanted to share this application with other designers and to help them improve their workflow.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

This startup reminds me a little of Mocku.ps which participated in our recent Startup Arena, but offers more features needed to manage and present designs. Users can look at how their designs have evolved over time and keep track of their version history, which allows them to have a little self-discovery as they become more experienced with designing.

In Ben’s words,

" Extra care is taken on the presentation interface so that it is easy for clients to view, make comments and ultimately, approve the design."

Designers, take a tour of MockVault below and let us know what you think.


「MockVault」を見ると、我々が最近開催した「Startup Arena」に参加していた「Mocku.ps」を少し思い出すが、「MockVault」はデザインを管理しプレゼンするために必要な機能をより多く提供している。ユーザーは、自身のデザインが時が経つにつれてどのように進化し、またそのバージョン履歴を追うことができる。それによって、デザインの経験が増すにつれ、ちょっとした自己発見をすることもできる。




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Almost a quarter of a century later, I am happy to see that Singapore has been one of the developmental success stories of our region. Singaporeans have shown the world what a small multi-ethnic island without any natural resources or military prowess can achieve through just human endeavor and visionary leadership.

I believe that the country now stands at an important juncture in its story. It could, like parts of the west, walk into the sunset with its aging population, or it could leverage the physical, social and economic infrastructure it has built, and become a symbol of economic hope for a new, confident and resurgent Asia.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Although the site is still in beta and will officially launch in August this year, Founder and CEO Kenneth Chan has big hopes for G2A. Self-funded with a team of 5, Chan wants to help the little SME guy be as competitive as their larger competitors that have sophisticated supply chains and relationships to low cost Asian suppliers. You could argue that this is what Jack Ma did with Alibaba, but businesses like G2A have mixed in cooperative buying to make purchasing even cheaper. Chan says the biggest problems for international SMEs when buying from China is that they are uncomfortable with the process including language, customs, shipping, how to pay, taxes etc.


現在ベータ版のこのサイトは今年8月に正式にローンチする予定だが、創業者兼CEOのKenneth Chan氏はG2Aに大きな期待を抱いている。G2Aには自らが出資し、5人が働いている。Chan氏が望んでいるのは中小企業をサポートすること。大企業は、低価格商品を扱うアジアの供給業者と立派なサプライチェーンや関係を確立している。Chan氏は、そんな大企業と中小企業が互角に戦えるような手助けをしたいのだ。Jack Ma氏がAlibabaで行なったことと同じじゃないかと思うかもしれないが、G2Aのような企業は企業購買力を合わせ、価格を更に引き下げることができる。世界の中小企業にとって、中国から商品を買う時の一番大きな問題は、言葉、慣習、出荷、支払方法や税金などの手続きに不安があることだと Chan氏は述べている。