zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Once you’ve inserted the Javascript code, all mobile traffic will be automatically redirected to your mobile website. The service is simple and is targeted at small business owners who require a quick and simple solution to activate their mobile sites. I can imagine such services getting popular in mobile-centric countries like China and Indonesia.

For folks who prefer to have a really customized solution, do it yourself. But the service looks neat after giving it a quick test, and it’s pretty simple to use. Roveb is available for free but there are a number of different paid plans depending on your requirements, with the lowest paid service starting at $29 per month.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

China’s Social Media and Web Landscape in 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

Here’s a very handy cheat-sheet – created by CIC, the Chinese social business analysts – showing you the leading Chinese web services in each category alongside their western counterparts.

The CIC ‘social media landscape’ for 2012 infographic has all bases covered, from local dating networks like Jiayuan (NASDAQ:DATE), social review sites like Dianping, and the most popular aggregator reading apps such as Zaker. Those are the popular equivalents to Match, Yelp, and Flipboard respectively.






zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, the Chinese web is not a total parallel universe – there are still some much-loved foreign social media services here such as MSN, Skype, and, er… well, that’s it really.

For CIC’s future reference, it’d be good to add in some other popular categories next time, such as hugely popular photo-sharing apps (eg: Tuding as a local usurper of Instagram) or up-and-coming social video apps as well. But those are missing for now. Perhaps a task for Ogilvy, which does a very similar – not sure who conceived of this first! – ‘digital influence’ circle every year. (Here’s Ogilvy’s for 2011).


もちろん、中国のウェブ業界が全くの別世界というわけではない。中国にも、人気の高い海外からのソーシャルメディアサービスがある。MSN、Skype、それに… いやホントのところ、そのくらいだ。

CICの今後の調査の参考として、次回はその他の人気カテゴリーを付け加えるといいと思う。たとえば、かなり人気の高い写真共有アプリ(例:InstagramのクローンサイトTuding(図釘))や将来有望なソーシャルビデオアプリなどだ。だが、これらのカテゴリーは今は含まれていない。おそらく、Ogilvy への課題となるだろう。Ogilvyも毎年、「ダジタル・インフルエンス」という同じような円グラフを発表している —どちらが最初にこのようなサービスをはじめたかは分からない!(Ogilvyが発表した2011年度版データはこちら。)

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Japan-based Studio Ousia Finally Launches Phroni

Fresh of its recent 70 million yen (about $864,000) funding round, Japan-based Studio Ousia Inc. – the developer of a ‘smarter’ smartphones/tablet browsing experience – has released its product to the public [1]. For those who haven’t heard Phroni’s pitch yet, the service underlines key words or phrases in your mobile browser and allows you to click through and find further information about them (via Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter, Google, etc).

Currently Android smartphone users can install Phroni as an add-on for Firefox, but the company intends to provide an API soon that will allow other app vendors to integrate Phroni phunctionality into their apps.


日本のStudio Ousia、ついに「Phoroni」をローンチ

7000万円(約864,000万ドル)の第三者割当増資を実施したばかりの日本のStudio Ousia(スマートフォン/タブレット用の「より賢い」ブラウジング技術のデベロッパー)が、同社の商品を一般にリリースした[1]。「Phroni(フローニ)」のプレゼンを聞いたことのない人のために説明すると、同サービスはモバイルブラウザーでキーワードやフレーズにアンダーラインを引いてくれ、それをクリックすると(ウィキペディア、YouTubeやGoogleなどを通じて)更なる情報が得ることができるというもの。