zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The market size is evidently big. In 2009, SME’s imported US$124 billion in goods from China alone and 80% of SME imports were from wholesalers and non-manufacturing companies. Such a big opportunity was not neglected when Japanese based Infinity Ventures and SOS Ventures, invested US$3M into OrderWithMe.com and the winner of TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing in 2011.

The process is fairly simple. SMEs can join G2A, state what they want to buy and the quantities they want. After sourcing and negotiating with suppliers they post the details on a board. Other SME buyers can join the co-operative and when there is enough, the purchase order is made. Of course everyone saves money because the total order is large.


市場規模は明らかに大きい。2009年、中小企業による中国からの商品輸入は1240億米ドルで、中小企業の輸入全体の80%は卸業者や非製造業からである。日本に拠点をおくインフィニティー・ベンチャーズそしてSOS venturesが、2011年の「TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing」で優勝した「OrderWithMe.com」に投資した時、このように大きなチャンスが見過ごされることはなかった。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The latest Doing Business report ranks Singapore at the top of its ‘ease of doing business’ rankings for the sixth straight year. The nation is also rated high in trading across borders, protecting investors, and resolving insolvency. You can see more details in our infographic [1] below and in our interactive map.

As for other Asian regions, Hong Kong was ranked second just behind Singapore, the report citing its new online system for company registration. Malaysia rose five spots to number 18 on the list thanks to numerous reforms “including a new one-stop shop for start-ups, computerization of commercial courts, and improved insolvency proceedings.”




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Paul, also an entrepreneur himself, has had a long working relationship with Vinnie. Both of them started Meetro.com and have gone through the scrappy entrepreneurship lifestyle (pictured above). Paul is also the founding partner of i/o Ventures.

The Asian experience and connection will come from Jeffrey Paine who runs Founders Institute Singapore and a startup called Pyrks. Jeffrey has overseen new Founders Institute launches in Jakarta, Hanoi, Hong Kong. A new Sydney-based Founders Institute is also in the pipeline.

Besides money, Golden Gate Ventures will also be providing mentorship and will serve as a bridge between Silicon Valley and the Southeast Asian network/market. Vinnie elaborates:


Paul自身も起業家で、Vinnieとの付き合いは長い。2人ともMeetro.comを始め、雑然とした起業家生活を送った(写真上)。Paulはi/o Venturesの設立パートナーでもある。

アジアでの経験と繋がりは、Founders Institue SingaporeおよびスタートアップのPyrksを運営するJeffrey Paineが担当する。Jeffreyは、ジャカルタ、ハノイ、香港にFounders Instituteを新設する責任者を務めている。シドニーを拠点とするFounders Instituteの設立も進行中だ。

Golden Gate Venturesは、資金以外にもアドバイスを提供し、シリコンバレーと東南アジアのネットワーク/市場の架け橋となる予定だ。Vinnieは次のように説明している。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Wang Tao, Changyou’s chief exec commented on the acquisition saying that the deal gives Changyou a powerful base to jumpstart the company’s services and platform initiative. 17173 has strong media presence in the online gaming sector and a vast user base that Changyou could leverage to build a leading platform and one-stop-service-provider for games on top of 17173.com. Wang thinks that Changyou’s leading position in Web-based games and their mobile game initiatives will also give them advanced market knowledge that 17173 can take advantage of to further grow its news service more effective.


Changyou(暢游)の最高経営責任者 Wang Tao(王滔)氏は買収に関し、今回 17173.com を買収したことで、当社のサービスおよびプラットフォーム戦略を活性化させる強力な基盤を得るとコメントした。17173 には、オンラインゲーム部門において大きなメディア影響力、および Changyou が主要なプラットフォームや 17173.comを基にゲーム向けのワンストップサービスプロバイダーを築くために活用できる膨大なユーザーベースがある。王氏は、ウェブゲームにおけるChangyouの主導的な地位や同社のモバイルゲーム戦略からも高度な市場知識を得ることができ、17173 はそれを活用してニュースサービスをより効果的にさらに発展させることができると考えている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

No Choice But to Mine: One World of Warcraft Ore Miner’s Story

Among Western World of Warcraft players, “gold farming” and other kinds of mining — grinding out in-game resources in MMORPGs and selling those resources to gamers for real money — are often looked on unkindly. Often, and not without good reason, “gold farming” is associated with China, and Youtube is full of videos like “Chinese Gold Farmers Must Die” (warning: contains music by Beck), which showcases vigilante gamers hunting down and killing off gold farmers.



欧米の「ワールド・オブ・ウォークラフト」プレーヤーの間では、「ゴールドファーミング」やほかの採掘ゲーム —MMORPG (多人数同時参加型ゲーム)でゲーム内の仮想資源を掘り出し、それらを他のプレーヤーに現実のお金で販売するというもの— は、不適切なゲームだと見られることが多い。大抵の場合、しかもこれといった理由もなく、「ゴールドファーミング」と言えば中国を連想し、Youtubeも「中国のゴールドファーマーは死ぬべきだ」というようなビデオがたくさん投稿されている(警告:ビデオにBeckの曲が流れている)。そして、それらのビデオはゴールドファーマーを捕まえて殺す自警団プレーヤーを披露している。