zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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Alipay Hits 30 Million Mobile Downloads, Gets Most Luvvin’ on Android

China’s biggest online payment platform, Alipay, has said that its cross-platform mobile apps have been downloaded just over 30 million times in total. The company also revealed that it has seen transactions in these apps go up six-fold, compared to the previous year, as more people use the Alipay apps to pay for things on-the-go or just to deal with their accounts.

Alibaba-owned Alipay also stated that it sees 60,000 new mobile app activations per day. But it’s not clear precisely how many new users it’s getting on mobile, or how many can be counted as regular users.


「Alipay」のモバイルダウンロード数が3000万を記録 ー Andoroidで一番人気のサービスに。



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Now, Netease Weibo is not the most popular Chinese microblogging site. Nor is Fang Binxing likely to be interested in microblogging anytime soon; in 2010 he opened a Sina Weibo account that was instantly inundated with so many angry comments that he was forced to abandon it. But the use of his information to register an account is an interesting sort of protest both against him and against the real-name restrictions themselves. It certainly undermines the idea that the real-name system will be free of fraud and fake accounts. After all, if a random netizen can make an account using the identity of one of the nation’s top cybersecurity experts, how secure can it possibly be?


ところで、Netease Weiboは中国で最も人気のあるマイクロブログサイトではない。そして、方濱興もマイクロブロギングにそうすぐに興味をもつこともないだろう。というのは、2010年、方濱興はSina Weibo(新浪微博)にアカウントを設けたが、すぐに多数の怒りのコメントで溢れたためにアカウントを手放さざるを得なかった。だが、アカウント登録のために方濱興の情報を使用するとは、方濱興や実名登録制度の両方に対する面白い抗議の仕方だ。実名登録制度によって不正アカウントや偽アカウントをなくすという計画を確実に損なわせる行為だ。つまるところ、誰か適当なネチズンが中国一流のサイバーセキュリティー専門家ひとりの身分を利用してアカウントを作れるとなると、安全性が疑われることになる。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Check-In to China’s Pinterest For Foodies

Amid the glut of Pinterest clones in China, there are some interesting such social pinboard sites that are highly specialist – such as MeiShiXing.

As its Chinese name implies, it focuses totally on food, allowing users to photograph, describe, check-in to restaurants and cafés, and share their culinary experiences. Curiously, the startup behind MeiShiXing launched it with apps for iOS and Android (pictured below) a few months ago, but the website that you see above launched only this past weekend. The new website gives a nice overview of the now considerable collection of entries, but most of the action at the users’ end is still going on in the mobile apps.





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SingTel Acquires Mobile Ad Company Amobee for $321 million

Last year we told you about California-based Amobee, an ad company which was making a strong push into Asia, opening a new headquarters in Singapore back in June, and partnering with companies like MCM in Indonesia, and Ambient Digital in Vietnam. But today there’s big news from SingTel (ASX:SGT) that it has signed an agreement to acquire Amobee for about $321 million [1].

According to the announcement, Amobee’s management team will “remain in active control” of the company. Trevor Healy, Amobee’s CEO commented on the deal:



カリフォルニアを拠点とする広告業のAmobeeがアジアでの事業を精力的に押し進め、昨年6月にはシンガポールに新たな本社を設立し、インドネシアのMCMやベトナムのAmbient Digitalなどの企業を提携したことは昨年お伝えした。だが、今日はシンガポールテレコム(オーストラリア証券所:SGT)からの大きなニュースがある。それは、シンガポールテレコムがAmobeeを3億2100万ドルで買収する契約を交わしたいうニュースだ[1]。

発表によると、Amobeeの経営チームが引続き経営管理を行なう予定だ。Amobeeの最高経営責任者Trevor Healy氏は、今回の買収について次のようにコメントした。

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” We are delighted to partner [with] SingTel to continue our leadership in mobile advertising. SingTel and Amobee have a shared a vision of the future of mobile marketing and by leveraging each other’s strengths, we will be able to advance the industry on a global scale at a faster pace.

For SingTel, which is expanding its mobile ad presence, Amobee will certainly be a big help. SingTel also announced a new organizational structure that reflects consumer segments. The three new units will be ‘Group Consumer,’ ‘Group Digital Life,’ and ‘Group ICT.’ It will take effect on April 1st.”




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But those fields are still verdant and green, and it looks like a new kind of clone may be rising to enjoy its time in the sun before its inevitable over-saturation and self-destruction: Pinterest clones. For those not in the know, Pinterest is a social pinboard site, where people can share and organize photos. In the past two months we’ve written about Chinese net giants like Renren, Qihoo, and Tencent launching Pinterest clones, but they’re not alone. In fact, there are already more than thirty Pinterest clones afoot. There’s Duitang and Zhimei and Mishang and MarkPic and Pinfun and Budou and iCaitu and…OK, I’ll stop. You get the picture. (See what I did there?)


しかし、クローンサイトの環境は未だに青々としていて、必然的に起こりうる過飽和状態そして自己破壊になる前に、心地よい時間を過ごそうとする新たなクローンサイトが出現しているようだ。今度はPinterestのクローンだ。Pinterestを知らない人のために説明すると、Pinterestはソーシャルピンボードサイトで、ユーザーはこのサイトでは写真を共有したり整理したりすることができる。この2か月の間に、Renren(人人網)、Qihoo(奇虎網)、Tencent(騰訊)がPinterestのクローンサイトをローンチしていることを伝えてきたが、クローンを作っているのは、これらの企業だけはない。実際には、既に20を超えるクローンサイトがローンチしているのだ。Duitang(推糖)、Zhimei(知美)、Mishang(迷尚)、MarkPic(碼図網)、Pinfun、 Budou(布驩) iCaitu(愛彩図)それから…、列挙するのはもう止めよう。どういう状況か想像つくだろう。(私が何をしたかお分かりだろうか?)

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A New Chapter For HomeShop18 As It Launches a Huge New Online Bookstore

Indian e-commerce site HomeShop18 is today launching a new online bookstore that’s incorporated into its site coming stocked with over 10 million titles across more than 100 genres.

Although HomeShop18 has sold books for some time, the company is describing its store as “all-new,” and that’s because it’s vastly larger than it was before, and makes book-selling a core part of the site’s product range. It was made possible by the company’s acquisition of CoinJoos.com last summer, expanding its line-up into what it now describes as a “world-class book shopping experience.”





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With so many users of these relatively simple phones being in Asia – especially in India and Indonesia where they’re the primary method of getting online – this expansion of InMobi’s SmartPay mobile payment platform seems especially significant for Asia. To get a sense of what it entails, we talked to Sally Wuu, the head of marketing in Southeast Asia for InMobi, who explained that the aim is for “Opera users to conduct mobile commerce seamlessly” without a need for a smartphone, credit card, or other platforms such as Paypal. Indeed, those are all things that many folks in emerging markets are lacking.


アジアにはこの比較的シンプルな携帯電話を利用している人が多い。特に、インドとインドネシアではネットに接続する主要な手段だ。このことを考えると、ImMobiのSmartPayモバイル決済プラットフォームの拡張はアジアにとって特に意義があるようだ。どういう展開をするのかを理解するために、InMobi東南アジアマーケティング責任者のSally Wuuに話を聞いてみた。Sallyは、今回の目的は「Operaユーザーがモバイル上の商取引をスムーズに行なえる」ようにし、 スマートフォン、クレジットカードやPaypalなどのその他のプラットフォームの必要性をなくすことだと説明してくれた。確かに、これらは新興国市場の人が持っていないものだ。