zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The board inspired new Chevrolet colors, like "techno pink," "lemonade" and "denim," aimed at "a 23-year-old who shops at H&M and Target and listens to Wale with Beats headphones," said Rebecca Waldmeir, a color and trim designer for Chevrolet. This rainbow of youthful hues will be available on the Spark this summer.

Despite the gross generational stereotypes at play -- Wale, seriously? -- the experimentation seems to be producing some early results. At the Detroit Auto show, GM debuted two interesting concept cars, styled attractively to look like sports cars, but also fuel efficient and relatively inexpensive.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Actively catering to the Millennials has proved tricky in the past, as Toyota learned with its Scion brand. The Scions were inexpensive, edgy-looking, and easily customizable. They promoted them at indie-rock concerts and with artist tie-ins. And their sales fell to 49,000 in 2011, from 173,000 five years earlier. Moreover, many owners were actually cost-conscious baby boomers who liked the cars' youthful halo.

Perhaps GM will have more luck. But if city living and the economy persuade Millennials to embrace a car-free lifestyle long-term, chances are that a lemonade- or denim-colored paint job won't change their mind.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Australian incubator Innovyz seeking Asia Pacific tech entrepreneurs

If you’re a tech entrepreneur from the Asia Pacific, Innovyz wants you. The incubator is starting a 12-week startup accelerator course called Innovyz START that will offer mentoring, cash, credits from Microsoft and PayPal, and more.

The program is based on the TechStars Global Accelarator Program (similar to JFDI.Asia), providing mentorship, interactive learning, networking, and a chance to pitch to investors and venture capitalists.

Ten participants from Asia Pacific will be picked. They must be doing business in ICT or web 2.0.


オーストラリアのインキュベーター Innovyz がアジア太平洋地区のテック起業家を募集中

Innovyzがアジア太平洋地区のテック起業家を求めている。インキュベーターのInnovyzは「Innovyz START」という12週間のスタートアップ・アクセレレーター・プログラムを始め、アドバイス、資金、MicrosoftやPaypalなどからのクレジットを提供する。

このプログラムは「TechStars Global Accelarator Program(JFDI.Aisaと同様)」が基になっており、アドバイス、双方向の学習、ネットワークづくり、投資家やベンチャーキャピタリストを相手にプレゼンを行なうチャンスを提供する。

参加できるのはアジア太平洋地区からの10企業だ。また、ICTあるいはweb 2.0関連の事業に従事していることが参加条件だ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

"I believe being a foreigner and starting a new company in Hong Kong has been an advantage. I am American and I started my career in Silicon Valley. It made a very strong impression on me and molded my attitude towards challenging convention and taking risks. The US rewards risk-taking where in Hong Kong it is avoided at all cost. For all of its strengths, Hong Kong cannot emerge as a hub for innovation until people can come to terms with the simple fact that risk is a necessity to drive change. We have applied US principals such as simplicity of design, an engaging user experience and a customer centric business model as cornerstones of our product and service."



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Fengche comes with apps for Android and iPhone, where you can create your travel journal whilst still on the move – as indicated by the prominence of the central, green ‘camera’ button (pictured below). A look at the Fengche.com website reveals that individual trips created by users are then presented as sets – appearing like a cross between Flickr and Pinterest – and that its main purpose is for browsing. It seems that most of the creation happens in the apps.

Renren’s COO, Liu Jian, told Chinese media that Fengche was a natural expansion of its social media ecosystem, and that the content created by its users would have a far-reaching influence in the travel and tourism market.



RenrenのCOO 劉健(Liu Jian)氏は中国メディアに対し、Fengcheを導入したのはソーシャルメディア生態系を拡大する自然な成行きで、ユーザーが作るコンテンツは旅行、観光業界に多大な影響を及ぼすだろうと述べた。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

By the Numbers: Indonesia’s Mobile and Internet Potential

The world is looking at Indonesia largely because of its huge market size. It has a whopping population of over 200 million, a figure that many entrepreneurs in smaller countries envy. I recently stumbled upon an interesting report that has some interesting data about the digital media landscape in Indonesia. It was prepared by Andi Boediman of Ideosource, who is coincidentally also one of our speakers at our upcoming Startup Asia Jakarta conference. It’s a recent report updated with fresh data. To be frank, the numbers look great. And it’s only getting better.



世界はインドネシアに注目している。同国の市場規模が巨大というのが大きな理由だ。インドネシアの人口は巨大で2億人を超える。小国に住む多くの起業家が羨む数字だ。最近、インドネシアのデジタルメディア業界に関する興味深いデータを紹介したおもしろいレポートを偶然見た。このレポートは Ideosource 社の Andi Boediman 氏が作成したのもので、同氏は偶然にも、まもなく開催される「Startup Asia Jakarta」カンフェランスの講演者の1人でもある。このレポートは新しいデータを取り込んだ最新版だ。率直な感想を言うと、素晴らしい数字だ。そして、その数字は良くなるばかりだ…

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

So all these favorable statistics have attracted investors and overseas companies to set up offices in Indonesia, including Tencent, Cyberagent Ventures, Batavia Ventures, and GREE Ventures. But potential is still just potential. It isn’t yet realized and I understand that some companies, though taking a close interest on Indonesia, aren’t quite convinced to enter the market yet.

The tech entrepreneurship ecosystem is also fairly young. Though Andi believes that there will be a snowballing effect of success in tech entrepreneurship (profitability or exit) which will encourage more entrepreneurs in Indonesia. He added:


それで、投資家や外国企業がこれらの期待できる統計に魅力を感じ、インドネシアに事務所を開設しているのだ。Tencent(騰訊)、サイバーエージェント・ベンチャーズ、Batavia Ventures(バタビア・ベンチャーズ)、そしてグリーベンチャーズなどがそうだ。それでも、可能性は可能性にすぎない。まだ予測が現実になっていないし、インドネシアに非常に関心を寄せているものの、市場に参入することに充分確信が持てないでいる企業もあることは分かっている。

そして、テック企業の生態系もかなり未熟だ。だが、テック起業(収益性もしくは事業売却)には成功という雪だるま効果があり、それによってインドネシアのより多くの起業家が元気づくと Andi は信じており、次のように付け加えた。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

" Startups now are led by a new breed of entrepreneurs that mostly do not have previous experience as successful entrepreneurs. So the quality of understanding of consumers, market insight, business cycle, financial knowledge, sales channels and distribution, etc, is not yet there. They will reach full cycle within at least 3 to 5 years when they experience from setting up a company, operation, and exit. They will become more mature entrepreneurs after experiencing the full cycle."

It will be interesting to watch Indonesia grow and develop over the next few years. We hope that we can help bring you some of the stories that emerge from there along the way.


