石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

iPhone 5S' components to ship in May ahead of 3Q launch

The sometimes reliable DigiTimes citied upstream supply chain sources as saying the May timeline could yield a next-generation Apple handset by the third quarter, largely in line with analyst expectations and the company's usual annual refresh cycle.

It was reported earlier in March that Apple would debut an "S series" update to its iPhone lineup alongside a low-cost handset in August. Other estimates peg the release a bit earlier in the June to July period, while one rumor claims Foxconn has already started production of the "5S" on the same assembly lines as the current iPhone 5.


iPhone 5Sのコンポーネンツ、第3四半期の発表を控え5月に出荷予定


他の予想は、発表は6月から7月の間ともう少し早めに設定していますが、一方あるうわさでは、フォックスコンが現在のiPhone 5と同じ組立てラインで「5S」の生産をすでに始めたと主張しています。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

It is never our intention to send the wrong item to our customers.You may return the incorrect item, using our Online Return Service with DHL. You can use this service by going to your Shopbop account, select Order History and click the Return Items button. You can follow the instructions provided. Once we get your returned merchandise, we'll waive your return charge. This means that we will not charge you for return shipping. We will refund your credit card for this purchase. You may go online and place a new order if you wish to repurchase this item. After we refund to you, please email us attach the customs clearance receipt of this item to us, we will reimburse you then.


お客様に間違ったアイテムをお送りすることは、決して我々の意図するところでありません。当社のDHLとの「オンライン返品サービス」を使って、間違いアイテムをお返しいただけます。このサービスをご利用になるには、サイトのShopbopアカウントに行き、「注文履歴」を選択して、「アイテムを返品する((Return Items)」ボタンをクリックしていただけばよいのです。与えられる指示に従っていただければ結構です。当社が返品された商品を受け取り次第、返品に関する料金を撤回します。これは、当社が返品送付費用を請求しないという意味です。当社は、ご購入に対してお客様のクレジットカードに返金します。このアイテムを再びお買いになりたい場合は、インターネット接続をして新規にご注文いただけます。当社からの返金後、アイテムの通関手続き受領書を付けて電子メールをお送りください。その後、当社から払い戻しいたします。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

if you need anything that's not on our website please let me know. We stock lots of ukuleles and accessories here at the store.

• A rechargeable lithium battery is built in the body of Swami 4000.
• Insert one end of the USB connection line into the connection port under the back
rubber cover and insert the other end of the line into the AC charger. Then plug the AC
charger into a power outlet.
• It needs 4-5 hours to charge the battery after its power has been drained.
• A Swami 4000 can be used for about 12 hours after charging fully. And it can be still
used for 8 hours when power reduces and the battery symbol shows two bars. When
the battery symbol shows one bar, it is still available for two-hour use.



• 充電式リチウム電池が、Swami4000本体に内蔵。
• USB接続線の一端を後部ゴム・カバーの下の接続ポートに差し込み、線の反対の一端をACチャージャに差し込んでください。
• 電力消耗の後、バッテリーの充電には4-5時間が必要です。
• Swami4000は、完全充電後、およそ12時間使えます。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The 814ce's sound is extremely versatile, due to a combination of the tonewoods, body shape and craftsmanship. The dynamic range of the solid Sitka spruce top meets the full bass and clear treble of the Indian rosewood. The Grand Auditorium body shape allows for a tonal balance that's full in the lower register, present in the midrange, and sparkling on the treble strings. The versatility of this guitar appeals to a broad range of players, but more specifically bluegrassers and fingerpickers. Lastly, the craftsmanship of Taylor Guitars is evident in this American-made beauty, in everything from the details of the inlays to the curves of the body.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I have been a fan of Taylor guitars for a number of years. In taking the 814ce for a test drive, my love for Taylor is now not just in its amazing playability. It is now shared with the tonal balance and amazing electronics, known as the Taylor Expression System.
The 814ce has a well-pronounced low end, sweet mids, and a clear, responsive upper frequency range. I was so amazed by this guitar's ability to fill the room in such a powerful and beautiful way. The beauty this instrument displays externally is well matched in its audible quality. Putting this instrument down grew more difficult the longer I played.


814ceを試しに弾いてみて、私がテイラーを愛するのはただその驚くべき演奏性に対してばかりではありません。今では音のバランスと、Taylor Expression Systemとして知られている驚くべきエレクトロニクスも愛しています。814ceは、はっきりしたローエンド、甘いミッド、そしてクリアーで、敏感な高周波数レンジとなっています。こうして強力に美しく部屋を充たすこのギターの能力に、私はとても驚きました。この楽器が外部的に示す美しさは、その可聴品質にもよく調和しています。長く弾けば弾くほど、この楽器を置くことはさらに難しくなっています。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I have owned the cedar topped, non-cutaway version of this guitar for about 4 years now, and it still sounds great. The acoustic sound is warm, but still has some sparkle, and I think the neck is great. There is good separation between notes, and can ring out when pick strummed, or mellow out when fingered. A versatile, not to mention beautiful but not gaudy guitar. I have heard some guitars with a little more sound depth in this class of guitar though, but I still recommend this guitar if you are looking for something that can do everything pretty well.
This guitar has a beautiful, deep rich tone and plays like a dream. There's no going back once you play it.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Export laws require that products containing encryption be properly authorized for export.
Failure to comply could result in severe penalties.
For further information, click here.
Is your product designed to use cryptography or does it contain or incorporate cryptography?

Does your product qualify for any of the exemptions provided in Category 5 part 2?

You are responsible for the proper classification of your product; make certain that it meets the criteria of the exemption (listed here). Otherwise you may be in violation of the US export laws and could be subjected to penalties including delisting of your app from App Store. Please go through the FAQ page thoroughly before attempting to answer the question.




さもなければ、米国輸出法に違反する可能性があり、App Storeからのアプリのリストアップの廃止などの処罰の対象となることがあります。どうか、完全にFAQページを十分に検討してから、質問への回答を試みてください。

tatsuoishimura Japanese → English
Original Text






"The second popular weak mascot character (yuru-kyara in Japanese) of Chiba joined following Cheever-kun"

The Chiba International Convention Bureau held its "2013 New Year Member Exchange Meeting" in the Chiba Cycle Hall on January 29. Participants were approximately 160 people including those related to MICE.

Managing Director Ishii talked about its policy to continue aggressive promotion activity, "not to wait, but to make bid into the world," this year in his opening greetings.

The booth displays of member companies and groups, catalogue distribution and business talks were made in the venue.
Among others, Chiba Kodomo-no-kuni's mascot character "Tipper-kun" and "Unari (growl)-kun," Narita-city sightseeing character, gained popularity.

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Samsung challenges Apple's iPhone with new Galaxy S4

With the newest Galaxy S4 debut,Samsung spared no expense as it introduced the device on stage at Radio City Music Hall in New York,complete with live orchestra and an incredibly polished scripted presentation.

One of the few major hardware features Samsung introduced was the S4's cameras. A dual-camera mode can capture images from both the 13MP rear-facing and 2MP front-facing cameras,allowing the photographer to be in the video or photograph. Users can also add audio to still photos,along with other advanced software functions.



