Daichi (o63odt) Translations

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About 11 years ago
United States
English (Native) Japanese French Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
o63odt Japanese → Spanish ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text



Hay hendiduras en el disco 4.

o63odt English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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“Technology is a great enabler for startups and small business – having access to technology in the early days of business develops credibility against the bigger players out there who have more capital,” says Romero, adding, “It (technology) gives the ability to reach more people, do more research, gain more knowledge, profile expertise and scale businesses in a way that was not possible before.”

Romero is “excited” about the partnership with Starhub and Microsoft, which she felt was a good “opportunity to not only show how technology adoption can grow businesses, but also to show entrepreneurship is more accessible than ever before and a realistic option for women.”



Romeroは StarhubとMicrosoftの協力について「気持ちが高ぶっている」、それは彼女にとって良いと感じ「技術の採用が事業を拡大させることを見せる機会だけではなく、起業は従来より女性にとって到達可能で現実になれる選択であるということ見せられる」。

o63odt English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Hey: Korean matchmaking app makes US$500K a month

Korean matchmaking app, IUM, makes US$500K a month. Sister app, Hey, was rolled out for the global market, but targets singles in Singapore, Hong Kong & Taiwan

Some might say that love only knocks but once on your door. But for users of Hey, an iOS and Android app launched globally three weeks ago, opportunity knocks three times a day.

Users would receive a push notification on their smartphones and see blurred out avatars. They can then check out their matches and profiles for free. However, should they wish to chat with other users, they will have to use in-app currency to make contact.






o63odt English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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o63odt English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
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I just want to double check on this points to avoid any misunderstanding, its mentioned in the auction as well.- The baby has very fine needles holes under the hair from the previous rooting. picture is attached- clothing choices may vary, all of them worn only by her or with tags- The price does not include shipping, I will send you the shipping quote
Also a picture indicates that she is number 08 out of 500 is attached :)if you are aware of all of this and willing to precede the baby will be shipped once I get the shipping fees. for security reasons each package should not exceed 2 kg so the baby and her stuff will be send individually. I am willing to pay half of the price which is about 90 us dollar.


オークションにも記載されていますが、食い違いがないようにこの点について再確認したいだけです。赤ちゃんは髪の取り付けからいくつか小さい針の穴が髪の下にあります。写真は 添付してあります。服のセットは異なります。全て彼女に着られているか、または、付け札つきになります。値段は送料を含んでいませんので送料の見積書を送ります。