nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
ID Verified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Many companies believe that the best way to motivate employees is to pay them. If you pay them enough for the job and give them raises when they have earned them, management is doing everything possible to motivate employees. Nothing could be further from the truth, however.
In many studies of motivation-and specifically related to what employees say about it-money is well down the list. Money does have importance, but most employees place recognition at the top of the list. Recognition is a benefit that allows self-esteem to grow. Let's face it. All employees want to feel good about themselves.



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

A program
You can set up an employee of the week or employee of the month program. If someone has excelled for a specific period of time, grant a special parking place, a small prize, or some other special privilege for an allotted amount of time. Hold a special meeting of all employees to award employees who have excelled.

A public place
To make this recognition stick longer, find ways to post the names of those who have won the awards. If you have an employee of the month award, display the picture in a place of prominence. Buy a plaque that lists the names of other winners. You can purchase plaques that have places for twelve winners.




nobeldrsd Japanese → English
Original Text



I would like to propose the following idea. And, it is time to change the way of running the election campaign, to get rid of absurd practice and open the door to any patriotic candidate to become a politician, even if the candidate is not equipped with, “Local supporting groups, Name recognition, and Electoral funds”. In any case, my idea for the election campaign is to bring the candidate’s policy and vision to the voters. Show the uncut edition of the live candidates’ debate, using all media such as, TV, radio, internet, and cable broadcast. Keep on showing the program regarding “Economy and Employment policy” on Day 1, “Welfare” on Day 2, and “Education” on Day 3, during the campaign.

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

you have sent me repair bill for 650 for an item that was sold for 750 I have sent you a refund offer of 100 that you refused, so I sent you another one on the 23rd and again on the 28th with paypal for 300 and still have not recieved a responds for paypal for an agrement. You have left me a negative feedback and stated that if I pay for the repairs or pay for the return shipping you will remove the feedback. I can not pay 650 for repairs, the repair order is stupid to be that much and should not be over 100 The auctions states that the buyer pays the return shipping . Please return the cage Asap for a full refund or the 300 repair offer from paypal. It does not take 30 days to make this choice. Send it back



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Walsh uses the Twitter handle @PadsChicago. The 41-year-old tweets to her more than 4,800 followers about what it was like to be homeless and also advocates for homeless people. When she was homeless, Walsh would tweet from her cell phone or use computers at her local library.

She has slowly amassed more followers as her story of documenting her homelessness on Twitter has gained traction with the media.

She joined Twitter more than two years ago. Initially, she said, Twitter appealed to her because she thought it could help her deal with mental health issues by making her more comfortable talking to people, at least in a digital sense.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, the clip should be very tight against the cap but will wiggle side to side some if you try to wiggle it. It because it's hinged right at the top. Yes, the case is correct. Sometimes Delta does things that I think are stupid like the fact the pens don't clip into the case right. I'm sure it's because this is a standard case for them and they just change the label under the top platic for different pens. The Imperiale ended up not fitting well but they didn't want to design a whole new case. I have told them about the issue so at least they know that customers don't like it. Let me know if that clip is problem.

