nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Vision: Distance vision is blurry. However, the ability to distinguish light from dark and close vision is reasonably good. Babies at this age have trouble maintaining focus. Babies prefer organized, symmetrical faces, which provide them with a sense of calm. Often, new parents will notice that their babies' eyes look crossed. This is due to underdeveloped eye muscles. Babies at this age can only see reds, oranges and greens.

Hearing: All babies should have their hearing tested at birth. Science previously believed that 2 years of age was the optimum time for the first hearing test, but today we know that newborns can discriminate between volume, pitch, tone, and ascending and descending tones.


視力: 遠くはぼやけて見えますが、明暗を見分けることはでき、近くはある程度見えています。この頃の赤ちゃんにとって、焦点を維持することは難しいことです。赤ちゃんは、落ち着いた気持ちになるので、きちんとして、均整がとれた顔を好みます。よくある事ですが、初めて親になると、我が子が寄り目であることに気付く親がいます。これは、目の筋肉が十分発育してないことに起因しています。この頃の赤ちゃんは、赤とオレンジと緑しか見えません。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Newborns prefer human voice over mechanical voice and female over male voices. It is known that babies can hear while still in the womb and as such, soothing sounds reminiscent of the womb are calming to newborns.

Touch: A newborns tactile sense is very well developed, particularly in the mouth. They can distinguish between hard, soft, hot cold, rough and smooth. Newborns notice pressure, breezes, air temperature and contact with clothing.

Smell and Taste: A 2-week-old baby can identify its mother’s smell and can differentiate between sweet, sour and bitter tastes, with a noticeable preference for sweet. Babies of this age cannot, however, taste salt until at least about 4 months of age.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Product introduction
This machine has a beautiful new, easily adjustable,easy to use,the pressure balance and stability,quality,reliable,simple,lightweight footprint small,the pressure balance and stability, stamping corner clear. And compared to similar products on the market,more stable,more secure service.
This machine is major used for:Printing or hot stamping your own design,logo,pattern or texts on paper,leather,plastic,cloth,PVC cards,ect,with excellent hot foil stamping effect.
You can develop your creation by this machine, it can made your dream come true.

☆1.Install the foil paper.(For more detail,please refer to the diagram.Also.clients can cut.)
☆2.Then adjust the temperature into 100 degree





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

4. When the temperature control indicator light becomes green,use hands to move the handle to make the surface of the heat conductive rubber or electric aluminum template contacted fully with the surface of the bronzing substance.The required temperature varied from the different bronzing papers, if the temperature is too high,the boundary of the colored lines may be beyond the mark,even become indistinct, while if the temperature is not enough high, the coloring may not be uniform.For this arrangement,the temperature shall be adjusted according to the bronzing effect
☆2.Move around the lower end of the front location road and cross over the bronzing table.Then move round the lower end of the front location rod


4. 温度調整ライトがグリーン変わったら、熱伝導ラバーの表面もしくは電気アルミテンプレートの表面がブロンジングを施している対象の表面としっかり接触するよう、手でハンドルを動かします。ブロンジング紙の種類によって設定温度は違います。温度が高すぎると、色と色の境目がずれていたり、ぼやけたりすることさえあります。それに対し、もし温度が十分でなければ、色にばらつきが出ることもあります。この件に関しては、ブロンジングの結果に応じて温度の調整を行ってください。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The good news is we know that 90 percent of heart disease is preventable by reducing risk.
That means becoming or remaining a non-smoker, controlling or avoiding diabetes,...
...exercising 30 minutes most days, maintaining a healthy weight, eating the right foods,...
...and managing or reducing stress.
Heart disease increasingly affects women in developing countries.
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian places a lot of blame on the global obesity epidemic.
People are getting chronic diseases not from eating too much but eating poorly, and so in fact,...
...what they're not eating is actually, probably, mostly what's harming them.
Dr. Mozaffarian recommends increasing our intake of fish, whole grains, vegetables,...



心臓疾患は、発展途上国の女性の間で増えています。Dr. Dariush Mozaffarianは世界的な肥満の流行が大きく関わっていると述べています。麺性的な病気は、食べ過ぎからではなく、乱れた食生活からきていると述べてます。そして事実、ある食材が欠落していることで、実際、多分、殆ど、彼らは悪影響を受けているのです。
Dr. Mozaffarianは魚、全粒、野菜の摂取を増やす様にと薦めてます。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

...and deleted automatically after 30 days, meaning she never even has to look at it.
But even if Gmail didn't automatically protect Mary from spam, she probably wouldn't ever.. out of storage space because Google Apps Premier edition includes 25 gigabytes..
..of email storage per user, which is about 50 times larger than the standard corporate inbox.
So, Mary never has to delete an important message, and every message is accessible.
.through Gmail's fast and comprehensive message search, which helps Mary instantly find past emails.
Let's say Mary has a meeting tomorrow with her manager to discuss last year's sales figures,
and she remembers that David emailed her a relevant spreadsheet a few weeks back.


しかし、Gmail がスパムからの攻撃を自動的に防いでくれなかったとしても、Google Apps Premier editionにはユーザー毎に25 ギガバイトのemail保存域があるので、多分、Maryの保存スペースがなくなることはなかったでしょう。これは標準的な企業のインボックスの50倍のスペースになります。なので、今後Maryは、重要なメッセージを削除する必要はなく、Gmailの早くて効率的な検索によって、どのメッセージにもアクセス可能なので、過去のメールもすぐに見つけることができます。もし明日、Maryのマネージャーと彼女が昨年の売り上げに関する会議があるとして、Davidから何週間か前に関連するスプレッドシートが届いていたことを覚えていたら、

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Getting investment is tough if entrepreneurs limit themselves and only mingle among their friends. If you’re at a conference, go all-out to meet people whom you’ve never met before. That’s one of the key purposes of the conference.

I was pretty impressed by Benjamin Joffe (an entrepreneur, mentor at JFDI, 500 Startups, Chinaccelerator, and angel investor) during our investors/founders session. I understand he is running his own startup in Malaysia. At the session, he was perhaps the most active entrepreneur who was talking and showing investors his demo on his iPad. I’m sure he walked out with quite a number of investors contacts after our session. And that’s really cool.



私は、この投資家/起業家セッションにおいて、Benjamin Joffe(起業家、JFDIの、500 Startupsの、Chinacceleratorの相談役、そしてエンジェル・インベスター)に感銘を受けた。彼はマレーシアで自身の新規ビジネスを立ち上げており、セッションでは、iPadでデモをしたり話をしたりと、おそらく一番積極的な起業家だった。このセッションで、きっとかなり多くの投資家との接点が持てた事だろう。それは、本当にすごいことだ。