nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

What are Gumi’s future plans?

" To beat Zynga! And to become a [top] mobile social gaming company in the world. In particular, we are aiming to release HTML5-based applications on Facebook’s mobile platform. We do not plan to develop PC games or native applications for iOS/Android. We will be strategically focusing on HTML5 based mobile games, which we believe are the future of social games."

How big is the team right now? Are you planning to hire more?

" There are currently 120 in Tokyo, and 20 in Fukuoka (in western Japan). By the end of next April we will be [more] global with 250 employees."


“Zyngaに勝って世界一の携帯用のソシャールゲーム会社になる事です。具体的には、我々はFacebookの携帯プラットフォーム向けにHTML5ベースのアプリケーションをリリースする予定です。PC向けのゲームや iOS/Android向けののネイティブアプリケーションを開発する予定はありません。我々の戦略としては、将来的にソーシャルゲームのベースとなる、HTML5ベースの携帯用ゲームの開発に注力します。”

“今、従業員はどれだけいますか? 今後、増やしていきますか?”


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Both start-ups have great dreams, but we’re not covering them at length yet since their products aren’t ready. But we will soon if all goes well.

Anyways, both start-ups are from Singapore Management University (SMU), and as some might know that’s where I recently graduated from too. The school actually sent out emails to invite start-ups from SMU — with all expenses paid — to participate in the event. Unfortunately, there were only two slots available.

Some of my friends asked me why would I want to spend a weekend in Fukuoka for work (I haven’t been back in Singapore for three consecutive weekends). Well for me, meeting entrepreneurs and investors across the world is always a worthwhile experience.



とにかく、両社の起業家は、ご存じの方もいるかもしれないが、私が最近卒業したSingapore Management University (SMU)の出身である。実際、SMUは同校出身の起業家に、全ての費用持ちでイベント参加の招待状をメールで送っている。残念ながら、空きは2枠しかなかった。
