nobeldrsd Translations

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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Still, Seshu Kiran said XAir has been talking to companies in the mining industry about using its fixed-wing drones for what he called “conductivity mapping,” and that he expected that work to begin by this May. He did not say if it would be inside or outside the U.S.

Seshu Kiran said that the impetus for XAir’s wind-powered drone is applications that require longer flights than can be made using traditional battery-powered systems. “For long-haul aerial missions, batteries add significant weight,” he said, “and reduce the mission payload. Harvesting wind energy for lift and thrust in the desired direction, or to stay in the air, add significant improvements to safety.”


それでもSeshu Kiran氏は、XAirが鉱業企業に対して、いわゆる「伝導率マッピング」用に固定翼のドローンを使用しないかと提案していると述べており、また5月までに開始できそうだと思っている。それが、米国内外かは明らかにしなかった。

Seshu Kiran氏によると、XAirの風力ドローンの推進力は、従来のバッテリーシステムが生み出す飛行時間よりも長い飛行時間を必要とするアプリケーションだそうだ。「空中を長距離輸送する際に必要なバッテリーは、かなりの重さになり、有効荷重が減ってしまいます。風力エネルギーで上昇したり行きたい方向に進んだり、またホバリングすることで、安全面でかなりの改善ができるようになります。」と彼は語った。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Fixed-wing drones are the way to go to achieve the company’s goals, Seshu Kiran said. “With fixed-wing, you can trade lift for thrust, which adds motion in the mission’s path. In case of moderate-to-gusty winds, [the drones] can even harvest energy by solar and/or stress torsion on the wings.”

The company’s 24-ounce prototype — which was considered the right size because it wouldn’t be an expensive loss if it crashed during testing — features electronic controls, wind-speed sensors, a dedicated micro-computer, and software that together analyze and leverage the direction and dynamic components of wind during flight, he said.

XAir is six months old. The company is not disclosing any of its financials.


会社の目標を達成するためには、固定翼のドローンでいくしかないとSeshu Kiran氏は語っている。「固定翼なら、上昇せずに前進させることで、飛行ルートを変更することができます。風が中程度から強風の際は、(ドローンの)ソーラーでエネルギーを集めたり、翼をねじらせることもできます。」と彼は語った。



nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

Connected car device aims to help drivers avoid becoming a statistic

Buy an expensive ride these days, and it’s no doubt packed with an array of sensors, screens, cameras, and other built-in technology. But if you’re still driving an old beater or you’ve recently bought something basic, a new gadget may help you join the world of connected cars.

Known as CarVi, the round, black device mounts on a vehicle’s windshield, communicating with the driver’s smart phone. As he or she speeds down the road or highway, the CarVi app constantly analyzes video captured by the device, looking for signs of danger.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Chiang says that the team considered creating a touchless product along the lines of Leap Motion or Kinect, but opted for attachable hardware because they believed it was faster and more accurate. The team claims that response latency has been reduced to 0.1 seconds. Tech in Asia has demoed the product and can confirm that lag is barely noticeable.

Three years is a long time to go from concept to prototype, and Damo’s progression hasn’t been without roadbumps. One year ago, Damo launched a Kickstarter campaign under a different name, which failed to pick up traction. Since then, they’ve switched hardware partners, decreased lag time, and revamped the brand and marketing strategy.


Chiang氏によると、チーム内では、Leap MotionやKinectと同じ方向性の非接触型の製品の開発を検討していたそうだ。しかし彼らは、取り付け型のハードウェアの方が反応が速くより正確だと思い、そちらの開発を選んだ。同社によると、反応時間は0.1秒短縮したそうだ。Tech in Asiaもデモで試したが、反応の遅れは、殆ど感じられなかった。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

“We thought that crowdfunding would go well because we had good product, and thought we just needed to put it on Kickstarter and the whole world will approve. But actually, the reverse is true,” says Chiang. “We need to tell the world that there’s a crowdfunding campaign out there, and we need to attract people to our website ourselves.”

Damo is priced at US$169 for its official release, and is selling on Indiegogo at early bird prices of US$99 and US$119. But Chiang says that the company’s business model will only partially rely on hardware sales. In the future, he aims to license out Damo’s technology to other hardware makers and earn money from each unit sale.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

So far, Xiaomi has had a dream run in India. Thousands of fans registered in advance for its flash sales on Indian ecommerce site Flipkart. The first batch of Mi 3 phones in India sold out in 38 minutes, the second batch lasted merely 5 seconds, and that cycle has repeated in subsequent Xiaomi flash sales.

It sold 1 million smartphones in five months in India.

The enviable demand for its phones – Mi 3, Redmi 1S, and Redmi Note – was much higher than the makers expected, and that put Xiaomi in an unusual predicament in India. Many of the Xiaomi fans, who returned empty-handed after the flash sales, quickly became disgruntled as batches after batches sold out in seconds.


今のところ、インドでのXiaomiの勢いは留まるところをしらず順調だ。期間限定のフラッシュセールに先立ち、多くのファンがインドのeコマースサイトFlipkartに登録を行った。Mi 3フォンの最初のバッチは38分で完売し、二つ目のバッチはわずか5秒しかもたず、その後もXiaomiのフラッシュセールでは、バッチを投入してもすぐに完売するという状態が繰り返された。


Mi 3、Redmi 1SやRedmi Note等のスマートフォン需要は、同社の予想をはるかに超え人もうらやむほどだったため、いつもと違いインドでは、Xiaomiは窮地に陥ってしまった。フラッシュセール後、手ぶらで戻った多くのXiaomiファンは、次から次へとバッチが投入されてもすぐに完売してしまう事態にたちまち不機嫌になってしまった。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

6. Tokopedia

No list about Indonesian funding would be complete without mentioning Tokopedia, one of the archipelago’s most popular consumer-to-consumer marketplaces, and the company that set the record for the largest funding round in Indonesian tech startup history.

It’s been a long journey for Tokopedia, though. After starting the company in 2007, founder William Tanuwijaya bootstrapped the venture for two years before raising seed funding from PT Indonusa Dwitama in 2009. In March of 2010, Tokopedia grabbed a series A round from East Ventures, followed by a US$700,000 series B investment from CyberAgent Ventures in April 2011 for 10 percent equity. This brought the company’s valuation to US$7 million.


6. Tokopedia


しかし、Tokopediaにとっては長い道のりだった。2007年の設立後、創設者のWilliam Tanuwijaya氏は2009年にPT Indonusa Dwitamaからシード資金を調達するまでの2年間は自力で運営していた。2010年3月、同社はシリーズAの投資ラウンドでEast Venturesから資金を調達し、その後2011年4月、シリーズBの投資ラウンドでCyberAgent Venturesから出資比率10%に当たる70万米ドルの資金を調達した。これにより、同社の企業価値は700万米ドルまで上がった。