monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE vii-2
Others also merit a special mention. I would particularly like to thank Randall E. Stross, James Wallace and Jim Erickson for their outstanding books on Microsoft, which were an inspiration. I would also like to thank Mark Allin, Richard Burton and Catherine Meyrick at Capstone Publishing who enabled me to write this book the first time round - and Jenny Ng and the new team at Capstone who made it possible this time.

Finally, I would like to say a very special thank you to Steve Coomber for his superb work on the original book and again on this new edition. Steve, it couldn't have been written without you!

Des Dearlove, Forest Row, 2010


他の人も、特別の記載に値する。私は特に、Randall E. Stross、James Wallace、Jim EricksonにMicrosoftの彼らの素晴らしい本への感謝をしたい。それらに感銘を受けた。私はまた、最初のラウンドでこの本を書くことを可能にしてくれた、Capstone PublishingのMark Allin、Richard Burton、Catherin Meryck礼を言いたい-そしてJenny Ngとこの時を可能にしてくれたCapstoneでの新しいチームに。

最後にオリジナルの本と、この新しい版においてお再び素晴らしいし音をしてくれた、私はDteve Coomberにとても特別な例を言いた。Steve、あなたがいなければ私は書くことはできなかった!

Des Dearlobe、Forest Row,2010年

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE vii-1

I'd like to think this is a fair analysis of why Bill Gates has been so successful over so many years. In the end, though, whether you see him as the Antichrist of the IT revolution or its Messiah or, to a new generation, Bill Gates the philanthropist, battling against global hunger and disease, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that he is a remarkable individual.

For three decades he dominated the computer industry. More than just a computer whiz-kid, Gates also provided a model for business leadership in the 21st century. For this, he deserves acknowledgement. Now he is setting out to create a new chapter in his life,





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 158-2
(Asked by the American journalist Connie Chung if he regarded himself as a nerd, Gates replied: 'If nerd means you can enjoy understanding the insides of a computer and sit in front of it for hours and play with it and enjoy it.' What he didn't say, but could have, is that his nerdish hobbies made him the richest man in the world.)

How did Gates achieve so much in such a comparatively short space of time, and then against intense competition, maintain his company's dominance in its market over several decades? A careful analysis of the way Bill Gates ran Microsoft points to eleven secrets of his success. For those who want to follow in his footsteps, here they are.


(アメリカのジャーナリストConnie Chungに、彼が自分自身をオタクとみなしているかと尋ねられ、ゲイツは返答した:オタクの意味するところが、コンピューターの中身を理解する事を楽しむことができる、そして何時間もコンピューターの前に座って遊び、楽しむと言う意味なら」彼が言わなかったけれど、言う事が出来たのは、彼のオタク趣味が、彼を世界で一番の金持ちにしたということである。)


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

- Results like these, speak to the influence that girl groups are expected to hold throughout 2012. Eunjung, for example, is branching out as an actress (appearing in "Queen Insoo") and appearing in variety programs ("We Got Married") while also working as a singer. These appearances seem to have endeared her to the general public.

Eunjung's increased appearances in various TV programs has allowed viewers to become more familiar with her, and as a result, advertising companies are also starting to take notice. The hospital director of the survey commented that Eunjung has a slender, well-balanced face and thought that many advertising companies would be after her for spots. -


-このような結果から、2012年もガールズグループが人気を保つ事が予想されることの影響に言及する。例えば、Eunjungは、歌手として働く一方で、女優(「Queen Insoo」に出演)としても手を広げ、バラエティー番組(「We Got Married」)にも出演している。これらの露出で、彼女を一般大衆に愛されるようにみえる。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 156-2
Great CEOs know when it is time to move on to new challenges. The way Gates has managed his exit from Microsoft should be lesson to all leaders:

•Great timing. Be your own critic. If you feel that others can offer more value than you are able to, or you are no longer motivated by the challenge, it is time to move on.

•Exit gradually. First Gates worked alongside the new CEO, and then appointed people to cover the numerous roles he has acquired over the years.

•Exit graciously. Gates was both quick to praise the people who had contributed to his success, and good humored in making his transition. It generates a lot of goodwill.






monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 156-1
With luck, Gates will be as successful with the work of the Foundation as he was at Microsoft. For many of us however, Gates will always be the brilliant geek that founded Microsoft, that helped to popularize the PC, and that brought the Windows OS to billions of computer users across the world.

Judging by his farewell comments to Microsoft employees on his last day at work, Gates feels much the same way. As he left, he logged off with these words: 'There won't be a day of my life that I'm not thinking about Microsoft and the great things that it's doing, and wanting to help. So thank you for making it the center of my life, and so much fun.'


幸運と共に、ゲイツはMicrosoftでの時と同様に、Foundationの仕事でも成功を収めるであろう。しかしながら、我々の多くのために、ゲイツはいつもMicrosoftを創設し、PCの人気に火を付け、世界中での10億のコンピューターユーザーへWindows OSをもたらした、聡明なギークであるだろう。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 151-3
Belying his image as a hard nosed, no-holds-barred business leader, Gates showed an endearing ability to be wryly self-deprecating in the run up to his transition from Microsoft to his Foundation. At 6.40pm on a Sunday evening in January 2008, Gates stepped out in front of 5000 or so people at the Venetian Hotel's Palazzo Ballroom in Las Vegas to give his last keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show.

PAGE 152-3
And, while it was part of Gates' job, as he acknowledges, to send some tough talking emails critiquing Microsoft product development, a famous email sent in 2003 reveals Gates' deep seated frustration at the usability of a particular Microsoft product.


彼のイメージを強情で、禁じ手なしのビジネスリーダーとして誤って伝えること、ゲイツはMicrosoftから彼のFoundationへの変移への準備期間に、ひねくれた態度で自身の短所を自覚することによって、人の心を引き付ける能力を見せた。2008年1月の毎日曜日、午後6時40分、ゲイツはラスベガスのベネチアHotelのPlazzo Ballroomで、5000人ほどの人々の前に立ち、Consume Electronics Showにおいての最後の基準演説を行った。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 151-1
Once you have made the decision to go it is important to say good-bye on the right note. Gates made sure that he went graciously, in good humor, and with the right vision-affirming, employee-rallying, parting message. He had plenty of opportunities to reinforce his transition message, at a news conference at the Redmond HQ on 15 June, 2006, at his final Consumer Electronics Show keynote speech in January 2008 and, in particular, on his last day of work as full-time employee at Microsoft on Friday, 27 June 2008. Each time, Gates acquitted himself well, with assured, heartfelt, sometimes amusing, even touching performances.


一度行くと決めたら、適切な調子でさよならを言うのが重要である。ゲイツは、ユーモアにあふれ、適切なビジョンの確約と、従業員の集まった、お別れのメッセージと共に、優雅に去るようはからった。彼は、2006年6月15日Redmond本社にて、2008年1月のConsumer Electronics Showの基調演説で、とりわけ2008年6月27日金曜日、Microsoftのフルタイム従業員としての最後の日に、彼の退陣のメッセージを強めるためのたくさんの機会を持った。それぞれの時に、ゲイツは自信にあふれ、心底から、時々楽しく、おパフォーマンスを交えることさえし、彼の役割を上手く演じた。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 148-1
In their Harvard Business Review article 'Don't Hire the Wrong CEO' Bennis and James O'Toole, Professor of Business Ethics at the Daniels College of Business, Denver University, identify seven areas boards need to get right:

• Arrive at a shared definition of leadership.

• Resolve strategic and political conflicts.

• Look for and assess the soft qualities in CEO candidates.

•Don't be seduced by charisma; just because someone acts like a CEO doesn't mean that they would make a good CEO.

• The best leaders are not usually the safe choice.

• Assess internal candidates with the same rigor as external ones.

• Don't rush the decision.


ハーバードビジネスレビューの「間違ったCEOを雇うな」記事において、デンバー大学、ダニエルズカレッジオブビジネスの企業倫理の教授であるBennisとJames O'Toolは、正される必要のある7つのエリアボードを挙げた:






