monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The word “hacker” has an unfairly negative connotation from being portrayed in the media as people who break into computers. In reality, hacking just means building something quickly or testing the boundaries of what can be done. Like most things, it can be used for good or bad, but the vast majority of hackers I’ve met tend to be idealistic people who want to have a positive impact on the world.

The Hacker Way is an approach to building that involves continuous improvement and iteration. Hackers believe that something can always be better, and that nothing is ever complete. They just have to go fix it — often in the face of people who say it’s impossible or are content with the status quo.



Hacker Wayは、継続的な改善と反復を伴う結果を構築する為のアプローチである。ハッカーは、何かは常によりよく出来、何も完全形になりえないと信じている。彼らはただ、それを調整するのみである—しばしばそれは不可能であると言う人々や、現状に甘んじる人々をものともせずに。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

In addition to building better products, a more open world will also encourage businesses to engage with their customers directly and authentically. More than four million businesses have Pages on Facebook that they use to have a dialogue with their customers. We expect this trend to grow as well.

We hope to change how people relate to their governments and social institutions.

We believe building tools to help people share can bring a more honest and transparent dialogue around government that could lead to more direct empowerment of people, more accountability for officials and better solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The scale of the technology and infrastructure that must be built is unprecedented, and we believe this is the most important problem we can focus on.

We hope to strengthen how people relate to each other.

Even if our mission sounds big, it starts small — with the relationship between two people.

Personal relationships are the fundamental unit of our society. Relationships are how we discover new ideas, understand our world and ultimately derive long-term happiness.

At Facebook, we build tools to help people connect with the people they want and share what they want, and by doing this we are extending people’s capacity to build and maintain relationships.







monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

People sharing more — even if just with their close friends or families — creates a more open culture and leads to a better understanding of the lives and perspectives of others. We believe that this creates a greater number of stronger relationships between people, and that it helps people get exposed to a greater number of diverse perspectives.

By helping people form these connections, we hope to rewire the way people spread and consume information. We think the world’s information infrastructure should resemble the social graph — a network built from the bottom up or peer-to-peer, rather than the monolithic, top-down structure that has existed to date.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Ensure training
As you begin to push authority down to the people who have the responsibility to get the job done, you must make sure that they have had the training they need to make the right decisions. It would not be right to urge new employees to make decisions before they are fully trained in the job and they have had enough time to know how the job should be done.
Some employees will never be able to rise above their insecurities. You will need to build their confidence.

Choose the right ones
Then it is important to find the right people to be in the decision-making positions. Employees will have expectations of what they want from their jobs and what they are capable of doing.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

All too often in companies, there is a clear division between management and labor, bosses and workers. In many cases it is an unhealthy, adversarial relationship that needs to be changed. Employees with this attitude often have a deeply held belief, whether realized or not, that management is out to get them.

Be supportive
One way that you as a boss can begin to show leadership is to champion your employees. That means voicing your support of them whenever you can. Let everyone in ~our company know how valuable they are, what great contributions they make, and how deeply you believe in their talents and abilities and in them as people.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Stopping abuse
Some employees may take advantage of this policy. The first thing to do is to make your interruptions short and to the point. An impromptu meeting doesn't have to last fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, or an hour. You might be able to deal with the issue in a few minutes. You already have other times for personal chitchat, so get to the issue. The second thing to do is to exert leadership and point out that the employees themselves need to be making decisions. That is, in fact, why you have them in their positions. As they interrupt you for advice or counsel, point out to them the issues that you would rather they handle on their own.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Planning ahead
To have this open-door policy, you must plan for interruptions. As you make out your daily or weekly schedule, build in enough flexibility so that you can deal with interruptions gracefully, without cutting into the time set aside for matters that definitely need your attention.
How do you plan for the unplanned interruption? When you schedule your time, don't book yourself minute to minute with meetings and activities. Set aside an hour or so every day (the amount is really based upon your feeling of how much of your time is taken by interruptions), then go ahead and fill in your daily activities.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Honor can be a guiding principle for you as a manager of people. If you treat those who work for you with respect first, honors will come your way. Why? To know what you believe in your heart to be right or wrong - and to adhere to the principles in every case - is to build a reputation as an honorable person.
Being honorable isn't always easy, and it doesn't always get you awards or recognition. But in consistently being an honorable person, you will be rewarded with the peace of mind of doing right and knowing that you have treated others as they deserved to be treated. Peace of mind is a far more valuable commodity than a plaque, a trophy, or a commendation.

