monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Jiepang, one of the leading LBS service which just launched its latest apps has been providing discounts and coupons for its users who check into local merchants, a move to not only facilitate check-in behavior among hardcore LBS early-adopters but also gain traction among regular smartphone users, they might not that interested in check-ins, but with coupon and discounts, why not. Shanda’s Qieke as well as Kaikai also give benefits to their users. Qieke CEO Liang Zhen said that “after a long-term effort of trial, we believed that the combination of LBS and ecommerce will be an ideal business model.” Liang expects RMB tens of millions revenue through what he called the LBS+O2O mix.


最新のアプリをローンチしたばかりの、大手LBSサービスの一つであるJiepangは、ローカル小売商にチェックインするユーザーに割引とクーポンを提供している。その手段は、筋金入りのLBSの初期受容者のチェックインを促進するためだけでなく、通常のスマートフォンユーザーのトラクションも獲得する。彼らhチェックインにはそれほど興味はないが、クーポンや割引には興味がある。ShandaのQiekeやKaikaiも、彼らのユーザーに利益を与える。QiekeのCEOのLiang Zhenは、「長い間のトライアルの努力の後、私達はLBSとEコマースのコンビネーションが理想的なビジネスモデルになりうると思った。」と述べた。LiangはRMB数千万の収益を、彼がLBS+020ミックスと呼ぶものから期待している。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

As of Q3 of this year, there’re 18.3 million LBS users in China, up from the 10.5 million in Q2. By the end of Q4, the number would be 30 million, AnalysysInternation estimated. And after the group buying heat, people are more or less familiar with the idea of buying online and consuming offline. The market is maturing.

Look out for the Big Guys

Even though, these LBS service – if they step into the ecommerce forefront- would be seeing ferocious competition from some of the local giants like Dianping. The Chinese Yelp has long claimed itself as an ideal combination of “Yelp + Groupon + Foursquare”.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Meituan to End 2011 as China’s No.1 Group Buying Site

Well it’s nearly the end of 2011 and this year has been a tumultuous year for group buying in China to say the least. This year, the number of group-buying sites reached a ridiculous 6,000+ sites but by the second half of this year, 1,800+ sites evaporated due to intense competition and low margins.

Gaopeng (Groupon China) has had a bumpy ride. First expanding at hyper speed and wildly hiring people and opening offices, burning through its treasure chest of venture capital and then eventually closed offices and laid off thousands of employees. They have even been accused of selling counterfeit watches, which damaged their credibility.




Gaopeng(Groupon China)は、苦戦した。最初の非常な速さの拡大と過剰な雇用とオフィスの開設は、ベンチャーキャピタルの宝箱を焼き尽くし、その後オフィスを閉鎖し、何千人もの従業員を解雇することになった。彼らは偽物の時計の販売で訴えらえさえし、信憑性を失くした。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

According to the latest report released by group-buying aggregator and analytics tool,, Meituan will end the year on top in terms of revenue and total number of deals sold. It was also number 1 back in October with sales over USD$27 million. Meituan was founded by serial entrepreneur Wang Xing, who also founded Facebook clone, and Twitter clone,

Dataotuan on their blog said “As one of the first Group-buying sites in China, Meituan has always been focused on local service deals. We used our Deal Website Analytics Tool to look deeper into what made Meituan get to their current position.


グループ購入アグリゲーターと分析ツールのDataotuan.comによって最近リリースされたレポートによると、Meituanは収益と販売取引合計においてトップになるであろうとのことである。10月においても、USD$2700万以上の販売でナンバーワンであった。MeituanはFacebookクローン、、Twitterクローン、Fanfou.comを創始した、事業家のWang Xingによって創設された。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Besides being the new number 1 in revenue, each month Meituan has been taken a bigger percentage of the top deals. It has the most top deals since Oct. 2011, which is sign of their deal quality. And it doesn’t stop there. Meituan’s average revenue per deal is much higher than the overall average revenue per deal. While in general the average revenue (per deal) keeps dropping, Meituan’s average revenue continues growing since August.

Looking into their pricing strategy, the interesting findings are that the average price of Meituan deals is significantly lower than the total level, meanwhile Meituan is lowering the average discount slowly but steadily.”




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Japan’s ARappli Aims to Bring Augmented Reality to Everyone

Augmented reality (AR) and quick response codes (QR) are pretty neat technologies. But they aren’t often used because it is tough to execute a seamless AR campaign/experience, at least from the layman’s point of view. I met up with the folks from Arara Inc. who run ARappli. Arara is a very cool company that specifically helps brands and regular people, like you and me, to solve problems using AR and QR technologies.

Now, this isn’t another marketing firm that is using AR and QR for gimmicky purposes. One of the founders of AR and developer of AR toolkit, professor Hirokazu Kato, is actually actively involved with the R&D at ARappli.



拡張現実(AR)とクイックレスポンスコード(QR)は、きちんと組織だったテクノロジーである。しかし、それらはしばしば利用されない。なぜなら、少なくとも素人の観点において、それはシームレスなARキャンペーン/エクスペリエンスを実行することが難しいからだ。私はArara IncでARappliを運営する人々と会った。Araraは、特にブランドと私やあなたのような普通の人々がARやQRテクノロジーの利用するにおいての問題を解決する事を助ける、とてもクールな会社である。


monagypsy English → Japanese
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Hatsune Miku Dominates Digital, Stars in New 3DS Game, Google Chrome Ad

About a month back we told you about how CyberAgent America was collaborating with Crypton Future Media to bring the famous virtual star Hatsune Miku into Pico World. And the iconic Vocaloid character hasn’t slowed down since.

During yesterday’s Nintendo Direct broadcast, a trailer for a new game Hatsune Miku and Future Stars Project Mirai was unveiled by Nintendo (TYO:7974) and Sega. Check it out below.

While I can’t claim to be a devoted fan of Hatsune Miku, I’m pretty amazed by how the character has managed to permeate so many aspects of digital culture in Japan and the world over.


初音ミクは、デジタルを制し、新しい3DS,Google Chrome Adにおいての主役である。

私達がCyberAgent Americaが有名なバーチャルスターの初音ミクをPico Worldにもたらすために、どのようにCrypton Future Mediaとコラボレートしたのかについて話したのは、一か月ほど前である。そして、アイコン的なボーカロイドキャラクターは、それ以来減速していない。

機能のNintendo Direct放送の間に、新ゲーム初音ミクと未来のスタープロジェクトミライのための予告編が、任天堂(TYO:7974)とセガによって明かされた。下記をチェックください。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese iPhone App Kamiwaza Multiplies Your Money

We’ve looked at number of different augmented reality apps over the past year, ranging from fun to practical to downright scary. And it seems fitting to end the year with this one from Asahi Broadcasting (iTunes link) which promises good fortune as you break in the new year. Or at least, a virtual fortune anyway…

The application is named Kamiwaza, and it uses your iPhone camera to detect 1000, 5000, and 10000 yen notes. Once they are found the app displays a much bigger pile of money on your screen. It looks pretty realistic too, with the exception of a ‘sample ’ stamp marked on the bills. You can get a closer look at how it works in the video below.



