monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 96-2
•Use media attention to market your products. Microsoft benefits from the publicity surrounding its famous founder. When Gates went to countries outside of the US as CEO of Microsoft, he was often afforded the same sort of attention as a visiting head of state. It gave Gates unrivalled access to the corridors of power.

•Don't suffer fools. Gates has spent his whole life among very smart people. He has a low tolerance for 'stupid' questions. As a counterpoint, critics argued that his social skills would benefit from some polish. But if he was brusque or reticent, it doesn't seem to have done him any harm.




monagypsy English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

PAGE 91-3
You could argue that if he behaves like a spoilt child then he really doesn't deserve to be liked. But there is another side to Gates. He can be charming - if not quite charismatic. He has also demonstrated on numerous occasions while at Microsoft that he can be extremely patient when an important deal is at stake. The poker-playing days at Harvard stood him in good stead. His cool, analytical mind made him a better strategist than most of his rivals. And, as his more recent activities with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have shown, he has been able to use the resourcefulness he acquired during his days at Microsoft to good effect.


彼が甘やかされた子供のように行動し、好かれるに値しないかどうか議論することができる。しかし、ゲイツには別の側面がある。彼は、チャーミングになることができる-そうでないとしても、カリスマ的存在に。彼はMicrosoftにいる間、おびただしい数のデモンストレーションを行い、取引が危うい時、彼は非常に忍耐強くなる事が出来る。ハーバードでポーカーをプレイした日々は、多いに彼の役に立った。彼のクールで、分析的な精神は、ほとんどのライバルよりも、彼をよりよい戦略家にした。そして、Bill & Melinda Gates Foundationでの彼のより最近のアクティビティを見ると、好影響のために彼のMicrosoftでの日々に取得した知謀を利用している。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 76-1

In Microsoft, Bill Gates created probably one of the few genuine learning organizations in the world. Externally the importance of learning was clearly signalled: the company headquarters in Redmond, Washington, organized along the lines of a university and even called the Microsoft Campus. But the commitment to continuous learning went much further than the physical environment.

In terms of establishing systems for retaining intellectual capital, Microsoft was a pioneer, often way ahead of the game. Many of the world's best known companies have followed suit by introducing systems for managing knowledge. But Gates always emphasized the importance of fostering a culture





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 71-1
•Work harder than anyone else. Gates' famous stamina for work translated into a Microsoft culture that can best be described as 'work hard, then work even harder'. For many years, Gates regarded taking holidays as a sign of weakness. The Microsoft campus at Redmond was set up to allow employees to work very long hours, with a selection of cafeterias providing subsidized meals and soft drinks.

•Reward employees through stock options. In the past Microsoft has paid its employees salaries that are lower than its rivals. This was made possible by the company's long-term commitment to stock options - offering almost all staff an 'option' to buy Microsoft shares at a fixed price in the future.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 70-2
•Nurture creativity. At Microsoft's specially designed head-quarters at Redmond, Washington, Gates set out to create an environment which suited the bright young people the company wanted to attract. With its simple aesthetics, open communal areas and green spaces it resembled the college atmosphere familiar to many of those joining the company straight from university. Appropriately enough, it was called the Microsoft Campus.

•Don't drop your standards. Despite long periods of exponential growth, Gates always stoutly resisted the temptation to dilute the quality of Microsoft staff, especially in the product development teams.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 70-1
Gates consistently sought out and hired the smartest individuals in the computer industry. It was a deliberate strategy that ensured the company attracted the highest calibre staff. Some people accused Gates of being elitist, but he is one of the first entrepreneurs to truly understand what intellectual capital is all about.

•Hire only the very best. From the start, Gates always insisted that the company required the very best minds. Microsoft calls them 'high IQ people', and has gone out of its way to attract the very brightest recruits. When required Gates would intervene personally in the recruitment process.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 68-1
But, as Gates liked to remind people about his own fortune, there was always an element of risk involved. The sums were tied to the price of Microsoft shares. Sure, when the company's stock was on a seemingly endless upward spiral, then knowing when to exercise their stock options was the problem for Microsoft employees. A joke inside the company was 'there are a lot of $1 00,000 snowmobiles around here' - purchased for $2000 with money from selling stock options early before their value increased 50-fold. Indeed, since the turn of the century the stock price has been on a downward trend, although the share options are still an attractive benefit for potential hires.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 67-2
Through stock options, Bill Gates made more people millionaires than any other entrepreneur in history. As one commentator observed: 'Microsoft is singular in that its campus is a place unlike any other workplace in the world, at any other time in history, where several thousand millionaires, multimillionaires, and multibillionaires continue to clomp to work each day.'

One Wall Street firm calculated that no fewer than 2200 developers in Microsoft's Class of 1989 became millionaires in just two years. The gamble continued to payoff for successive waves of new recruits, although the halcyon years when Microsoft shares seemed to continually double in price eventually came to an end.



あるWall Streetの会社は、Microsoftの1989年のクラスにおいての2200人ほどの開発者が、2年で100万長者になったと計算した。ギャンブルは新しいリクルートの成功の並によって支払い続けられたが、Microsoftのシェアーが継続的に2倍の価格になるように見えた穏やかな時代は、ついに終わりを迎えた。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 66-3
•'They must be very good at planning the sometimes tedious process of figuring out the details of how to get there.
•'They give continual feedback.’

PAGE 67-1

For some time Microsoft always paid its employees salaries that were lower than its rivals. That included Gates who, for many years, took an annual salary ofjust£175,000. What made this possible was the company's long-term commitment to stock options - offering almost all staff an 'option' to buy Microsoft shares at a fixed price in the future - a major factor in the company's ability to recruit the best programmers.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 66-2
What the company should do is give its people very clear goals, tell them what is expected of them, and let them get on with it.


Microsoft put more effort than most into defining the role of managers.

'Anyone who has people reporting to them has the word "manager" in their title', says Mike Murray, former vice president of Human Resources and the man responsible for the 'shrimp and weenie' memo. 'We expect them to get more out of their people. We have found that there are three key drivers of a successful manager at Microsoft:

•'They make sure the group and every member in it has clear goals and objectives and performance measures.





「報告者を持つ人はだれであれ、彼らの型が気において「マネージャー」という言葉がつく」、とHuman Resourcesの前副社長で、「shrimp and weenie」メモの責任者のMike Murrayは述べている。「私達は、彼らが彼らの人々から得る事を期待する。私達はMicrosoftには成功を収めたマネージャーの3つのキードライバーがある事を発見した:


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 66-1
'The art of management is to promote people without making them managers', he said once. He subsequently modified that statement by saying it was more relevant to technical environments. But views on management remained consistent.

'I really don't know the difference between a professional manager and anyone else', he said. 'We're all professional, we work during the day and we get paid. Where are these non-professionals? I don't seem to see any around. We're not here to say "I'm a professional manager, give me something to manage," we're here to get the job done. So we don't actively distinguish between professional and non-professional managers.’


