monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

No excuses
However, with all of this talk about consistency, we need to recognize one not-so-insignificant fact. No one can always be consistent. When you have violated your conscience with a breach of principle, you must be able to admit your blunder to those who work for you. Only this kind of honesty will allow others to see you as a leader with integrity. Don't make excuses for your failure to live up to your standard. As soon as you make any violation understandable or acceptable under certain circumstances, you have opened the door to a multitude of excuses, one for everything that goes wrong.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The heart of the job
A fatal mistake is talking about principles once and then letting them fade into obscurity. To truly communicate these principles, you must go over them again and again and talk about their applications in specific situations to keep them at the heart of your job. .
As you emphasize these principles, they will soak into those who work for you. As you live them out, they will give strength to employees. And if you have adequately communicated these principles, they will go on long after you. They will become a part of the lives of those who work for you. When that has happened, you have succeeded as a leader in instilling values in others.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Impact of others
Before you can carefully and clearly articulate your principles to your staff, you have to find out what exactly is important to you. One way to do that is to list the characteristics of your previous bosses that made an impact on you for the better. What principles have you seen in others that you want to have exhibited in your workplace?

A specific list
List principles that you want to function in your area. Your list may include honesty, fairness, the customer IS always right, consistency, and 100 percent effort from employees. Are some of them similar? Try to condense the list to four or five principles.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Employee perceptions
From such meetings, you can gather quite a bit of significant information about how employees perceive themselves. You may have a few totally dissatisfied employees. Sometimes it is inevitable that they will leave your group. You may have people who work hard but are average, methodical workers. You may have highly talented people who lack experience or confidence in doing the kind of job that you want them to do. You may have people who need additional training before they can make substantial contributions.

Employee growth
Based on the information you gain, formulate a long-term plan to achieve your goals through the people you have to manage.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Employee support
Your job as a manager requires that you look at the people who are currently working for you, determine goals for the area you supervise, and decide if the people can get you where you need to go. Often what happens in this situation is that a manager will get goals from superiors and then begin to make immediate changes in the staff. Although there are occasions when you need to do a little housecleaning, the better course is to sit down with your group, collectively and individually, and share with them the direction you need to go. Enlist their support in meeting these goals.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

We live in an instant society. We see something, and we want it now! We do something, and we want to see the results right away. As with any point of view, it has strengths and weaknesses.
Wanting to get immediate results has helped our society create a huge industrial machine. We are always looking for ways to upgrade, update, and make everything more efficient. Unfortunately, the negative side of immediate results is that people are often sacrificed along the way. If they can't get a specific task completed rapidly enough, out the door they go.
This is not to say that every person has a right to a job forever-no matter how little effort is put into the work.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

KR: Does it become profitable because it becomes impersonal. I mean, nobody knows their banker any more, right?

Hyman: Exactly. I think part of the story is how do you go from a personal relation of debt -- whether it's from your older brother or your bartender -- to being something that is done through institutions. That debt, in turn, is resold. It becomes something that is not a personal connection, the way it had been.

Ryssdal: Yeah, which gets us to, writ very large, the banking industry. Right? Depending on who you talk to, banks are either directly responsible for the freeflow of capitalism, and thus the economic glory that is America. Or it is a vampire squid on the face of humanity.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

you have sent me repair bill for 650 for an item that was sold for 750 I have sent you a refund offer of 100 that you refused, so I sent you another one on the 23rd and again on the 28th with paypal for 300 and still have not recieved a responds for paypal for an agrement. You have left me a negative feedback and stated that if I pay for the repairs or pay for the return shipping you will remove the feedback. I can not pay 650 for repairs, the repair order is stupid to be that much and should not be over 100 The auctions states that the buyer pays the return shipping . Please return the cage Asap for a full refund or the 300 repair offer from paypal. It does not take 30 days to make this choice. Send it back


あなたは750(ドル?)のアイテム修理代を650(ドル)請求されました。私はあなたに100(ドル)の返金の申し出をしましたが、あなたは拒否されました。なので、私は23日に別の申し出をし、28日にPayPalで300(ドル)の申し出をしましたが、まだPayPalから合意の返答を受け取っていません。あなたは私にネガティブなフィードバックを残され、私が修理代を払うか、返品送料を払えばフィードバックを削除すると言われました。私は650(ドル)の修理代を払うことはできません。修理の代金がそれほどするとは馬鹿げています。100(ドル)以上するはずはありません。オークションは、バイヤーが返品送料を支払うと明言しています。どうかcage Asspを返品されて全額返金か、PayPalで300(ドル)の修理代を得受け取るかしてください。この選択に30日もかからないでしょう。送り返してください。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, the clip should be very tight against the cap but will wiggle side to side some if you try to wiggle it. It because it's hinged right at the top. Yes, the case is correct. Sometimes Delta does things that I think are stupid like the fact the pens don't clip into the case right. I'm sure it's because this is a standard case for them and they just change the label under the top platic for different pens. The Imperiale ended up not fitting well but they didn't want to design a whole new case. I have told them about the issue so at least they know that customers don't like it. Let me know if that clip is problem.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Title: K-Pop Idols Add Star Power to Korean International Style Show in Japan
K-Pop’s frontrunners grace the three-day, Hallyu-fueled Korean International Style Show (KISS) in Tokyo, Japan. SNSD, Kara, BEAST, CN Blue, Sistar, T-ara, 4Minute, FT Island, After School, Secret, Rainbow and Infinite add star power to the event that intends to showcase South Korea’s thriving fashion industry.
KISS features Korean brands and models alongside some of their Japanese counterparts during the festivities at Tokyo’s Yoyogi National Gymnasium, near the trendy district of Harajuku. While KISS is fashion-focused, idol groups are an integral art of the program as Hallyu and the attention on fashion stems from K-Pop’s influence.


K-Popの最有力スターが日本の東京で行われた3日間のHallyu主催の韓国インターナショナルスタイルショー(KISS)に光彩を与えている。SNDS、Kara、BEAST、CN Blue、Sister、T-ara、4Minute、FT Island、After School、Secret、Rainbow、Infiniteが、韓国の盛大なファッション産業を披露する為のイベントにスターパワーを添えている。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

title: Dal Shabet Releases “Hit U” Full MV

Dal Shabet has released the full music video for “Hit U,” the title track of their fourth mini album under the same name. Starring Dal Shabet’s Jiyul as the main female lead, the MV is about a woman rejecting her ex-lover, who once forced a break up.

By mixing hip hop and rock sounds, and strong beats in the back ground, “Hit U” creates a unique sound that we’re not used to hearing from Dal Shabet’s previous tracks. Unlike their past singles that stressed the cuter side of them, such as “Supa Dupa Diva,” “Pink Rocket,” and “Bling Bling,” this song gives Dal Shabet a drastically changed image of a more powerful female group.

Enjoy the MV!


タイトル:Dal Shabetは「Hit U」のMV全編を公開

Dal Shabetは、彼らの4枚目のミニアルバムの題名と同名のタイトル曲「Hit U」のミュージックビデオ全編を公開した。Dal ShabetのJiyulが女性メインリードを務め、MVではかつて別れる事を強いた元彼を拒否する女性を演じている。
ヒップホップとロックサウンドとバックグラウンドの強いビートのミックスによって、「Hit U」は今までのDal Shabetの曲では聞いた事がないようなユニークなサウンドを作りだした。彼らの可愛らしい側面を出した「Supa Dupa Diva」や「Bling Bling」のような過去にリリースされたシングル曲のようではなく、この曲はDal Shabetによりパワフルな女性グループへの劇的なイメージの変化を与えている。
