Mami S (mechamami) Written Reviews

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Over 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
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The review activity that this user made to other translators' works. This activity includes writing corrections and comments to those translations.
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 05:50
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 05:49
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 00:10
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 00:07
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 00:06
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 20:48
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 20:43
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 20:42
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
14 Apr 2014 at 11:52
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 20:52
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 21:20
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 21:17
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 21:13
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 21:11
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
15 Apr 2014 at 20:59
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:33
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:31
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:29
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:27
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:24
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:19
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:16
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:11
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 02:03
mechamami rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
16 Apr 2014 at 01:59