Chibbi (chibbi) Translations

4.9 25 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Female
United States
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

How much importance do you place upon your selection of the pick that you use on creating your style and sound and if it's as important to you as your choice of strings, and other gear?

Some players change strings after every gig, or quite often.
Do you put a lot of wear on a pick before switching to a new one, or do you reach for a new one after just a short period of use?

Please describe how you grip the pick and if you have more than one method of grip and how you change the grip to use different techniques if that's part of your repertoire.

At what point in your guitar playing career did you really start to focus on what type of pick you were using.





chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

You have unfulfillable inventory that has been in a fulfillment center for more than 30 days. We have created a disposal order for these items.
FBA requires that you remove unfulfillable items from fulfillment centers within 30 days of receiving a required removal notice from Amazon. Cancelling a required removal order is a violation of the FBA Required removals policy.
For more information, see Remove inventory from a fulfillment center
You can identify your unfulfillable inventory at any time by using the Inventory Health report
Total Unsellable Quantity column displays all of your unfulfillable items.
You can also see your unsellable and aged inventory on the Recommended Removal report


Inventory Health reportからいつでも発送不可能な在庫をご覧いただけます。
Total Unsellable Quantity欄に発送不可能な商品がご覧いただけます。
Recommended Removal reportでも販売できない古くなった商品がご覧いただけます。