Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

in which the forces of Pompeius had much the best of it; but Demochares, grieving over the death of Menecrates as the greatest possible defeat abandoned everything and sailed for Sicily immediately, as though he had lost not merely the body of Menecrates and one ship, but his whole fleet.Calvisius remained at his station, unable to fight in the open sea, for his best ships had been destroyed and the others were unfit for battle. When he learned that his antagonist had gone to Sicily, he repaired his ships and coasted along the shore exploring the bays. Octavian, in the meantime, proceeded from Tarentum to Rhegium, with a large fleet and army, and near Messana came up with Pompeius, who had forty ships only.


この海戦でPompeius軍の方が敵をはるかにしのいでいた。しかしDemocharesは最大の敗北が全てを見捨てたため、Menecratesの死を悔やみ、Menecratesの体や船のみならず彼の全ての艦隊を失ったかのように、直ちにSicilyに船出した。Calvisiusは自分の最高の船が破壊され他の船は戦争には向いていなかったため、公海で戦うことができず駐屯地に残っていた。彼は敵がSicilyに行ったと聞いた時、自分の船を修理し、入り江を探査しながら沿岸沿いを航行した。そうこうするうちにOctavianは大艦隊と大軍を率いてTarentumからRhegiumに進み、Messana 付近で40隻しかもっていなかったPompeiusに追いついた。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

if you need anything that's not on our website please let me know. We stock lots of ukuleles and accessories here at the store.

• A rechargeable lithium battery is built in the body of Swami 4000.
• Insert one end of the USB connection line into the connection port under the back
rubber cover and insert the other end of the line into the AC charger. Then plug the AC
charger into a power outlet.
• It needs 4-5 hours to charge the battery after its power has been drained.
• A Swami 4000 can be used for about 12 hours after charging fully. And it can be still
used for 8 hours when power reduces and the battery symbol shows two bars. When
the battery symbol shows one bar, it is still available for two-hour use.



•Swami 4000本体に内蔵の再充電可能なリチウム電池
• USB接続ケーブルの一方を背面ゴム製カバーの接続ポートに挿入し、もう一方のケーブルをAC充電器に挿入してください。それからAC充電器を電源出力に差し込んでください。
•Swami 4000はフル充電の後、約12時間ご使用になれます。その後電力が減り、バッテリーのマークが2本の棒を示した後、まだ8時間の利用が可能です。バッテリーのマークが1本の棒になっても4時間の使用が可能です。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

He wrote to the city and he told his soldiers that Pompeius had violated the treaty by encouraging piracy, that the pirates had confessed this, that Menodorus had revealed the whole design, and that Antony knew it, and for that reason had refused to give up the Peloponnesus.When all things were in readiness he set sail for Sicily, going himself from Tarentum, while Calvisius Sabinus, and Menodorus sailed from Etruria. The infantry was sent on the march to Rhegium and great haste was displayed in all quarters. Pompeius had scarcely heard of the desertion of Menodorus when Octavian was already moving against him.While the hostile fleets were advancing from both sides, he awaited the attack of Octavian at Messana,


彼は市に手紙を書き、兵士らに対してPompeiusは海賊行為を奨励して条約に違反した、海賊がそれを白状しMenodorusが全計画を暴露した。Antonyはそれを知っているためにPeloponnesusを譲ることを拒んだのだ、と語った。全ての準備が整うと、彼は自身でTarentumからSicilyに向けて出航し、一方Calvisius SabinusとMenodorusはEtruriaから出航した。歩兵隊がRhegiumに向けて進軍し、全ての兵舎で大急ぎで準備が進められた。PompeiusがやっとMenodorusの脱走を知ったのは、Octavianがすでに彼と戦うために移動していた時だった。敵の艦隊が両側から進んできている間、彼はMessanaでOctavianの攻撃を待ち構えた。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and ordered Menecrates, who of all his freedmen was the bitterest enemy of Menodorus, to advance against Calvisius and Menodorus with a large fleet.This Menecrates then was observed by his enemies near nightfall on the open sea.They retired into the bay near Cumae,where they passed the night, Menecrates proceeding to Aenaria.At day-break they drew up their fleet, in the form of a crescent,as close to the shore as possible,in order to prevent the enemy breaking through them.Menecrates again showed himself,and immediately came on with a rush.As his enemies would not advance to the open sea, and he could do nothing of importance there, he made a charge in order to drive them upon the land. They beached their ships



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and fought back against the attacking prows.Menecrates had the opportunity to draw off and renew the attack as he pleased,and to bring up fresh ships by turns,while the enemy were distressed by the rocks,on which they had grounded, and by the inability to move.They were like land forces contending against sea forces, unable either to pursue or retreat.In this situation Menodorus and Menecrates came in sight of each other; and, abandoning the rest of the fight, drove at once against each other with fury and shouting, as though they had staked the issue of the battle on this encounter, whichever should be the victor. Their ships came into violent collision, Menodorus losing his prow and Menecrates his oar-blades.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

he did not wait, either because he did not approve of the war, considering it a violation of the treaty, or because he observed Octavian's great preparations (for the desire to be the sole ruler did not permit their fears to slumber at any time), or because he was alarmed by a prodigy. It was found that one of the guards who slept around his tent had been devoured by wild beasts except his face only, as though this had been left for the purpose of recognition, and that he had uttered no cry, nor did any of those who were asleep with him know of it. The Brundusians said that a wolf had been seen just before daybreak running away from the tents. Nevertheless Antony wrote to Octavian not to violate the treaty, and



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

he threatened Menodorus with punishment as his own fugitive slave;for he had been the slave of Pompey the Great,whose property Antony had bought when it was sold under the law of war.Octavian sent officers to receive Sardinia and Corsica,which Menodorus turned over to them.He strengthened the Italian coast with numerous towers to prevent Pompeius from raiding it again.He ordered the building of new triremes at Rome and Ravenna,and he sent for a large army from Illyria.When Menodorus came he made the latter a free citizen instead of a freedman,and put him in command,under the admiral Calvisius,of the ships which he had brought with him. When Menodorus came he made the latter a free citizen instead of a freedman,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Antony sent Furnius to Africa to bring four legions, that were under the command of Sextius, for service against the Parthians. He did not know as yet that Lepidus had deprived Sextius of the command of these troops.There was straightway a crowd around Antony's doors composed of guards, and all things that inspire terror and awe.While Antony was thus occupied the treaty existing between Octavian and Pompeius was broken for other reasons, as was suspected, than those avowed by Octavian, which were the following: Antony had ceded the Peloponnesus to Pompeius on condition that the tribute then due from the Peloponnesians should either be given over at once, or that it should be guaranteed by Pompeius to Antony,or


AntonyはParthianとの戦争の軍務のためにSextiusの指揮下にある4レギオンを移動させるためFurniusを派遣した。 AntonyはまだLepidusがSextiusからこれらの師団の指揮権を奪ったかどうか知らなかった。Antonyの家の戸口の周りには群衆が群がっていたが、それは護衛兵や、恐怖と畏敬を刺激するあらゆるものから構成されていた。一方Antonyがこうして専念していたOctavianとPompeiusの間にあった条約は別の理由によって破られた。Octavianによって明言されたものよりも疑われるのは以下のような理由である。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

that Pompeius should wait till the collection had been made. But Pompeius had not accepted it on these conditions. He thought that it had been given him with the amount of tribute then due. Vexed, as Octavian said, whether at this state of things, or from his general faithlessness, or his jealousy because the others had large armies, or because Menodorus had prompted him to consider the agreement as a truce rather than a lasting peace, he began to build ships and recruit crews, and once harangued his soldiers, telling them they must be prepared for everything. Mysterious robbery again infested the sea; and there was little or no relief from the famine among the Romans.Octavian having caught certain pirates



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and put them to torture, they said that Pompeius had sent them out, and Octavian proclaimed this to the people and wrote it to Pompeius himself, who disavowed it and made a counter complaint respecting the Peloponnesus.Those of the nobility who were still with Pompeius, seeing him always under the influence of his freedmen, bribed some of them, either for their own purposes or to gratify Octavian, to incite their master against Menodorus, who was still governing Corsica and Sardinia. The freedmen, for their part, did this gladly, because they were envious of the power of Menodorus. In this way Pompeius was brought to an estrangement with Menodorus, and about the same time Philadelphus, a freedman of Octavian,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

made a voyage to Menodorus to procure corn, and Micylio visited Octavian to arrange for the desertion of Menodorus.The latter promised to hand over to him Sardinia, Corsica.Whether this was the work of Philadelphus, or was a consequence of the calumnies against Menodorus, which Pompeius had listened to, Octavian accepted the offer. He invited Antony to come from Athens and meet him at Brundusium on an appointed day. At the same time he brought war-ships from Ravenna and an army from Gaul, and the remainder of his apparatus, rapidly to Puteoli, intending to sail from both sides of Italy to Sicily if Antony should agree in opinion with him.Antony came at the appointed day, but not finding Octavian there



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The action and intonation are more than acceptable straight from the factory. I'm gigging with mine and didn't even bother with a setup. The instrument holds its tuning very well whether you strum, flatpick or play fingerstyle.

One of my favorite things about this guitar is the low action higher up the fretboard. If you spend a lot of time on the higher registers, you'll appreciate this attribute.

The guitar has a very bright, clean sound, which makes sense as it's a very light instrument. It projects well when it's not plugged in, and the difference in tone between plugged and unplugged is almost nil. My Martin is deeper and more "wooden" sounding; the Taylor really expands my acoustic tone options.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for your mail. Here are the answers:

- What's the largest size that your "Hammock Stand" is available in?: It’s our Barco: 400 cm (length) x 160 cm(Height) x 145 cm (base width)

- What's the largest size that your Stand for Hammock with Spreader Bars Océano is available in? Only one size: 475 cm x 110 cm x 118 cm

- Could you please advise shipping costs for hammock stands made from materials apart from wood (pipe hammock stand). An approximate figure would suffice.

For Mediterráneo MES12-1 (20kg): 85€
For Océano NSM20-1 (27 kg): 197€

The shipping price is for one piece. If you take more we would have to send it by carrier. In that case I would get a quotation from the carrier.

Kind regards,



- ハンモック・スタンドの利用可能な最大サイズを教えて頂けますか。
弊社のBarcoで: 400 cm (全長) x 160 cm(高さ) x 145 cm (底幅)です。

- Spreader Bars Océanoハンモックスタンドの利用可能な最大サイズを教えて頂けますか。
唯一のサイズで475 cm x 110 cm x 118 cmです。

- 木製以外の(パイプハンモックスタンド)素材のハンモックスタンドの送料を教えて頂けますか。

Mediterráneo MES12-1 (20kg): 85€
Océano NSM20-1 (27 kg): 197€



3_yumie7 Japanese → English
Original Text




On March 7th, Japan Tourism Agency(JTA) held "the second MICE Conference for the enhancement of international competitiveness" in the executive conference room of the Central Government Building No.3. Twelve members of the committee selected from MICE-related associations,private companies and local governments as well as the staffs of JTA including the director general Mr.Ida of JTA attended the conference. The officials of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan also attended the conference as observers.

Opening the conference, the result of the interview conduted by organizers of international conference was introduced.
They requested:
・the support from the government seeing the attraction of international conferences as an investiment
・to young people to recognize the invitation of Interentional conferences as a career development opportunity