
[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 今や日本を抜いてGDP世界第2位の経済大国に発展した中国を肌で感じることが出来ましたが一本、路地に入ると偽物のブランド品を売る中国人や浮浪者が多く見え、貧...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は mini373 さん [削除済みユーザ] さん chipange さん nobeldrsd さん yukiya さん penpen さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 17件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1808文字

kyongsooによる依頼 2012/03/05 07:32:46 閲覧 5282回
残り時間: 終了


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 17:54:21に投稿されました
I have experienced China with a country with economic power, which has passed Japan and now is world's second-largest GDP country.
Even so I saw many Chinese people selling knockoffs of well-known brands and homeless people in a back street. I thought there were wider gap between the rich and the poor than that in Japan or South Korea.

Convivial gathering with dealers in Shanghai
We were welcomed warmly, enjoyed meal and had a good time.
At first I was nervous and couldn't communicate with them but as time went by we relaxed and mingled them.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 14:18:13に投稿されました
I could feel directly the robust atmosphere of China, which has developed as the current world's second economic power after overtaking Japan, however, I also felt that the disparity between the rich and the poor was wider than in Japan or Korea when I found many Chinese people selling fake brand-name products and homeless people on off-streets.

About a friendly meeting with the people at the Shanghai agent.
Everyone at the agent gave us a warm welcome and we had really good time having our meal.
At first I was too nervous to talk with them well but after a while I could relax gradually to open up to them as we enjoyed games together.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 13:31:33に投稿されました
However, because I'm not good at English myself, I couldn't exchange my opinion well from time to time.
As the CEO, Mr. Shiota said in his speech, while the international affairs nowadays are growing fast everyday, I realized I'm left behind by not being able to speak English, the global common language and I strongly felt how much I'm lacking international sensibility.
To make the relationship between world shipping and agencies in Shanghai strong, each employee will have to gain competitive strength and international sensibility to compete in international society and we will be able to build up a good relationship and win their "trust".
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 15:06:59に投稿されました
However, I had many frustrating experiences in exchanging of opinions due to my poor English.
Mr Shiota, the president, said in his speech the other day that the world situation is changing rapidly day by day, meanwhile I became painfully aware that being unable to use English as a world common language leaves me behind and lacking an international sense.
In order to enhance the relationship between the World Shipping and the agent in Shanghai, I think it is important for each one of staff members to become competitive enough to compete in the global stage, and get the international sense. Then as a result, I believe our relationship will get even better and we can establish trust.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 18:11:57に投稿されました
For me to acquire sense of internationalism, I have to not only do my daily job and customs clearing but also get involved with the actual forwarding job and have a better understanding on the whole world shipping business and communicate with dealers. As a result, I can gain trust from customers, I think.
I realized how poor my English skill was. For an episode, after the convivial gathering, I went to a bar in Shanghai town with a couple of other people and we were ripped off.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 15:43:52に投稿されました
We can develop our international perspective through engaging in practical operations of forwarding to recognize the World Shipping's overall business and corresponding with agents, as well as doing the current regular works and customs procedures. I thought those experiences are necessary to establish trust with the clients.
Here is an episode in which I regretted my lack of English ability. I went to a bar in Shanghai with some others after the friendly party, then I was charged extortionate price there.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 13:48:19に投稿されました
I feel so ashamed to think that if I had more English ability I wouldn't have had to face such situation. I felt one again that I need to study not only Korean but also English and Chinese.
Also, I had a chance to play sports with people at the agencies on the last day and got to know them more. I used to play rugby until I was a university student so I was confident with my sports skills but I couldn't win them with badminton and ping pong once.
Even in sports I felt their spirits are beyond ours.
評価 61
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 12:31:22に投稿されました
I deeply regret that such thing wouldn't have happened if I'd had English skills more. It again made me think that I should study English and Chinese not only Korean.
In addition, I played sports with people from agency on the last day and it warmed our relationships. I was quite confident in my sports experiences as I was playing rugby until the college years, but I couldn't win once at badminton or table tennis against people from agency.
I felt that their mind is superior to us from Japan even in sports alone.


評価 61
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 12:02:45に投稿されました
I will give myself a special lesson not to be defeated next time people from agency come to Japan.
I enjoyed an excellent hospitality at lunch as well as at dinner the day before. I really liked Chinese steamed bun and fried noodle and they were more delicious than those in Japan.
About the direction of World Shipping from now
At the moment, I am mainly handling many exports and imports of sundries and apparel from East Asia.
Mostly because I use ferry ships at Osaka port.

このフェリー船をもっと多く利用し、各代理店と連携を取り、Door to Doorでのサービスを提供する事でお客様からもっと『信頼』を得ることが出来ると思います。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 16:24:17に投稿されました
We offer three-weekly freight from Posen and two-weekly freight from Shanghais.
We can deliver goods one day earlier than by a container boat.
We can offer customers Door-to-Door service by using this ferryboat more often and working together with dealers. I believe that we can gain more trust from customers by doing so.

After last year's Great East Japan Earthquake, steam-power generation and wind force power generation, which relying on natural resources, are getting more attention from people.
I once conducted a research on a company, ATS, in US per request from president Shioda.
評価 61
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 11:46:12に投稿されました
Ferry ships come from Busan port 3 times a week and from Shanghai port twice a week into our port, so we can deliver goods to our customers 1 day faster than container ships.
I believe that we can gain more "trust" from our customers by using these ferry ships more and by providing door-to-door service in cooperation with each agency.
Furthermore, attention is now focused on natural energy such as heat and wind-power generation due to the Great East Japan Earthquake that hit Japan last year.
Some time ago I did a research into an American company, "ATS", at the request of president Shioda.

「ATS」の様な得意分野を生かした代理店の発掘することで今後、我社も雑貨やアパレルだけでは無く、自然エネルギーをターゲットにしたプラント輸送等の案件を各代理店と協力しながらDoor to Doorのサービスで受注していく必要があるように思いました。私自信、以前にいた会社で大型重量物を担当していたのでその経験を生かして行きたいと思います。

評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 15:08:25に投稿されました
ATS was a company specialized in plant transport. We realized that we need to broaden the field of business and handle not only sundries and apparel products but also plant transport service targeting natural energy, cooperating with an agent with a door to door service by finding an agent like ATS who is an expert at their respected fields. I would like to bring may experience handling large size heavy loads at my previous company.
評価 61
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 11:19:32に投稿されました
ATS was the company that specializes in plant shipping.
Discovering an agency that takes advantage of its strong area, like ATS, made me think that our company should accept plant shipping project or the like targeted for natural energy not only for sundries or apparel. The projects should also be handled with our door-to-door service in cooperation with each agency. As for myself, I would like to make good use of the experience in handling large heavy goods at the previous company.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 08:33:50に投稿されました
Through this Shanghai workshop, I could interact with people from agencies and Tokyo office whom I can't usually meet.
Also, I really felt lack of my English skills and international sensibility. Next time I would like to visit Shanghai not for workshop but for work so when I go back to Japan I would like to work on my sales skills with local agencies. Furthermore, not only doing the jobs I get given but also I would like to widen my view and widen the range of my job.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 15:53:38に投稿されました
Through the training in Shanghai, I could get acquainted with a lot of people from dealers and Tokyo branches, who I usually could not meet.
I deeply realized that I lacked in skill of language (English) and sense of internationalism.
After I go back to Japan, I want to do the sale job with relation with local dealers and I want to visit shanghai on business not for training.
I am busy dealing with what I have to do everyday but I want to do more things in various fields with a broad view.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 16:34:48に投稿されました
At the training in Shanghai, I could have a good opportunity to talk with a lot of people in the agent and the Tokyo office whom I rarely see. Yet I keenly felt my lack of English ability and international sense. I hope I will visit Shanghai not for a training but for an actual business next time, so I am going to make efforts to develop sales with our local agents back in Japan. Moreover, I will expand my scope of job with wide vision, not only be occupied by the daily task.


評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 08:48:26に投稿されました
Further, I am not only studying for customs clearance, but am also seeking to improve personal skills because I want to learn English and Chinese.
Now, we thank all of you who have warmly welcomed us from Japan.
Thank you for these valuable experiences.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/03/05 08:57:25に投稿されました
I want to learn English or Chinese not only to study customs clearing but also to improve my skill.
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality for us from Japan very much and thank you for giving us a wonderful opportunity to experience a lot of things.



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