Internet and democratization of the technologies allowed an individual or a small team to achieve wide range of activities that were not possibly imagined before. The empowerment by the technology is working towards win back the "integration of the individuals" rather than specialization and subdivision. With this point of view, we can rebuild what were separated until now.
The democratization of technology, most markedly in the form of the internet, has allowed the individual or a team with only a few members to partake in a wide range of activities previously unimaginable. The empowerment made possible by such technologies does not work to make us more specialized; instead it allows us to regain the individual's "power of synthesis". Eventually this ability will allow us to reknit the relationships between things that were previously thought to be separate.
But, I feel that something such as comprehensibility or ambiguity, which human basically had, will fall off.
About unprofessional matter, unless I have not done it, I feel I won’t understand the preciousness and difficulty.
As result of specialization, in the current world, the distance between “the producers” and “the users” became extremely wide. And they were divided.
Because of specialization, today we live in a world where the distance between "producers" and "users" have widened so much that they have become completely decoupled.
My personal opinion is that we may need rather midium size productions of between 100 and 1000, supported only by those who want the products by cooperatively purchasing the products. This way the producers would be also supported in the system. To implement such systems consisted of productions of size, not too big or small, might be necessary.
I am thinking of a system where production lot sizes are between 100 and 1000, and where buyers and sellers interactive purchase from each other. In other words, i am feeling the need for a layer between small and large scale production.
In any case, I think that twenty century is the era that we come and go between production and consumption.
I feel that capturing things with the two terms face limit.
Any way, when I think what the third term is, I found the creatures that role dissolvers in ecosystem of nature.
And it isn’t just to separate and dissolve.
Second design or I combine things which ended their service, and make it live again and link to recycle - it is not “repair” that restore them, but also “remix” that change different thing.
I think that the existence is shortage in the current world.
decompose things but reconstruct=> reconstruct but reconstruct things と、things の場所を変えてください。
used materials => used up materials
よく考えると、used up materials が新しいものに変わるので、そこは、こうしてください。
They just don't decompose things but reconstruct the used up materials
rather を need の前に入れてください。midium =>medium です。
rather の場所を変えるだけです。
「多品種少量生産のインフラ」が入ってなかったので、最初のセンテンスの whileからを、こうしてください。
while implementing a production infrastructure of small quantities of many varieties and repairing it here and there on the way, all the more because we already live in the system of mass production and consuming