China’s Daily Deals Market Sees Three Local Winners Emerge
Updated stats for China’s fierce group-buy market seem to suggest that we can now crown a triumvirate of winners – Lashou, Meituan, and 55Tuan. That’s because the trio has finally nailed the holy grail of leading in terms of market share, number of deals sold, below average discounts, and highest revenues. To make that even better, Lashou has a higher than average deal price (where the average deal sold is 137 RMB, which is US$22).
新たな統計データによれば、中国の激しい共同購入市場の最終的勝利者は、Lashou、 Meituan、55Tuanの3社による三頭政治ということになりそうである。3社がそれを成し得た原因は、トリオが最終的にマーケットシェア、売却案件数、平均より低い割引額、最高収益という点において、トップに立ち、至高ともいうべき地位を獲得したことにある。それをより高めているのは、Lashouは取引の平均売却価格が平均取引価格より高いことである(取引の平均売却価格は137元、米ドルで22ドル)。
As with the last time we looked at this sector in-depth, the stats are provided by Dataotuan. One major difference is that Tencent’s (HKG:0700) group buying portal, QQTuan, has been ignored as it’s now deemed to be more of a deals aggregator. Taobao’s Jua Hua Suan is similarly left out of these stats.
Here are a five key slides from the presentation which shows figures that go up to the end of October, which are the newest available. (Hit the source link below to see the full show):
Daily Deals Market Share
Lashou once again cements its lead as the top indie startup in this segment, with 12.7 percent of market share evaluated by revenue. Groupon’s (NASDAQ:GRPN) venture in China, Gaopeng, is still clinging on just outside of the top ten.
In fourth and fifth places are some hard-charging smaller rivals – 58Tuan, and 24Quan. The latter has been in the news for all the wrong reasons this month, so it’ll be interesting to see if that progress is sustainable:
4位と5位には、激戦をしている小規模企業の 55団と 24団がランクインしている。24団に関しては、今月多くの悪いニュースで話題となっており、この結果が今後も持続できるのか興味深いところだ。
Revenue and Deals Sold
This industry has been so painful – with lay-offs, protests, unpaid merchants, etc. – because the revenue from such deals is often so low, leaving the labour-intensive group buy sites struggling to survive on single-digit profit margins. The bad news (as seen in the final slide below) is that average revenue is still dropping, although the average deal price is trending upwards (despite a jolt downwards in October).
FTuan will be familiar to regular readers, but it seems to be sliding down in everything except the average price of its sold deals.
Getting back onto the subject of 24Quan, you’ll notice from the blue bars that its large discounts – way above average – are causing lower than average deal prices. It’s presumably a deliberate strategy to try break into the top three.
Hop on over to DaTaoTuan’s site for the full 30-slide presentation, which includes break-downs of the most popular kinds of services sold, and which parts of China have the best-quality deals.
話は24団に戻るが、青い線の棒グラフを見ると、同サイトが提供している高い値引率 —平均をはるかに超えている— によって、販売価格が平均取引価格よりも低くなっていることが分かる。これは、おそらく同社がトップ3企業になるための意図的な戦略であろう。
DaTaoTuan のサイトに行けば、30ページにおよぶ全プレゼンを見ることができ、その中には最も人気のある取引サービスや中国のどの地域で質の良い商品が提供されているのかなどの詳細も含まれている。